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()1. --- When you your old friend? (成都2004)

--- The day before yesterday.

A. will; visit

B. did; visit

C. have; visited

()2.We will stay at home if my aunt to visit us tomorrow. (成都2004)

A. comes

B. will come

C. is coming

()3. --- you China for a long time? (成都2005)

--- Yes, I came here three years ago.

A. Have; come to

B. Did; come to

C. Have; been in

()4. --- Where you Elsa? (成都2005)

--- At the supermarket. But she almost forgot my name.

A. have; seen

B. did; see

C. will; see

()5. --Scott has already returned to our town. (成都2006)

--Really? Where you him?

A. do; see

B. have; seen

C. did; see

()6. Jane .I’m waiting for her.(成都2007)

A.came back B.has come back C.hasn’t come back

()7. ---I’m sorry that John is out.(成都2007)

---Please ask him to call me as soon as he .

A.returned B.returns C.will return

()8. ---Where is Mike? He asked me to go out for a walk this evening. (成都2008)

---Maybe he TV in the living room now.

A. watched

B. will watch

C. is watching

()9. ---Please give this note to John. (成都2008)

---OK, I’ll give it to him as soon as he. .

A. is coming back

B. will come back

C. comes back

()10. Jim, how nice your car is! How long you it? (成都2008)

A. did; buy

B. did; have

C. have; had

()11. --- Is this the place that you ? (成都2009)

--- No. I’ve never been there before.

A. have visited

B. will visit

C. are visiting

()12. Although this village isn’t big, all the other villages I so far are smaller. (成都2010)

A. visited

B. have visited

C. would visit

()13. ---How long in Chengdu? (成都2010)

---For just the weekend to come. I’ll be back next Monday morning.

A. are you staying

B. did you stay

C. have you stayed

()14. ---I have to be off right now. (成都2011)

---What a pity! I you could stay a little longer with us.

A. think

B. am thinking

C. thought

()15. A student in my class said to me, " If I our math teacher, I make math learning easier and more interesting instead of giving the kids much homework to do every day. "

A. were; would

B. am; will

C. was; could (成都2011)

()16. Look! Peter TV happily, but his parents are busy in the kitchen. (成都2012)

A. is watching

B. watches

C. watched

()17.---Jack, let's go to see the movie Harry Potter. (成都2012)

--- Oh, I it many times. So I don' t want to see it.

A. have seen

B. see

C. will see

()18. ---I want to know when Mr. Brown will arrive. (成都2012)

---When he , I will tell you.

A. will arrive

B. arrived

C. arrives

()19. --- What are you doing this weekend? (成都2013)

--- We are going hiking if it .

A. will rain

B. doesn’t rain

C. rains

()20. --- Have you ever been to Beijing? (成都2013)

--- Yes. Last month I there.

A. have been

B. went

C. will go

()21. Students in Class One the museum next Friday. (成都2014)

A. visited

B. visit

C. will visit

()22. I the book Little Woman, but I’ll let you read it first.(成都2015)

A. haven’t read

B. don’t read

C. won’t read

()23.--- Lily, where is your father now? Go and get him for lunch.

---Just a moment, please. Father a phone call in his room. (成都2016)

A. makes

B. is making

C. was making

()24.--- Did you hear someone knock at the door just now?

---Sorry. I to my friend on the phone.(成都2017)

A. was talking

B. talked

C. am talking
