My Favourite Food-课件

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6. like I hamburgers too (.)
C. on
Ⅱ.连词成句。 1. favourite What’s lunch your food for (?)
2. are Hamburgers favourite my (.)
7. noodles food is My favourite (.)
3. rice like I chicken for and lunch (.)
I like hamburgers, too.
What's your favourite food for lunch ,Danny?
I like milk,hamburgers,hot dogs,noodles, soup,fruit,vegetables,chicken,dumplings...
A. in
B. for
C. to
( C ) 3. I’m _________ . I want to eat noodles.
A. thirsty
B. tired
C. hungry
( A ) 4.I have lunch _______ 12:30 in the afternoon.
A. at
B. in
Lesson 21 My Favourite Food
1 What's your favourite food ? Look,Danny!It's twelve o'clock. Lunch time .
Great ! I'm hungry!
What's your favourite food for lunch ,Jenny ? Hamburgers are my favourite .
4. has in breakfast the She at 7:00 morning (.)
__S__h__e__h__a__s___b_r__e_a__k__f_a__s_t__a__t__7__:_0_0___i_n___t_h__e__m___i_o__r_n__i_n__g_ .
5. time lunch It for is (.)
Practice (练习)
( B )1. _________ is your favourite food ? I like hot dogs.
A. What’s
B. What
C. How
( B )2. What's your favourite food _________ lunch ?
2 Let's do it ! 1. Look and say . Then write.
What's your favourite food ? My favourite food is noodles . My favourite food is milk.
2. Write and draw your meals . I have_b_r_e_a_k_fa_s_t_ at 7:00 in the morning .
I like__m__il_k__ and _b_r_e_a_d__ .
I have l_u_n_c_h_ at 12:30 . I like n_o_o_d_l_e_s and _s_o_u_p__.
I have _d_in_n__e_r at 6:30 in the evening . I like _c_h__ic_k_e_n_ and _r_ic_e___.