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1.The millionaire possesses great wealth.这位百万富翁拥有大量的财富。

不能说:Great wealth is possessed by the millionaire.

2.The newly-constructed reservoir holds a lot of water.新水库蓄水量很大。

不能说:A lot of water is held by the newly-constructed reser-voir.

3.The house comprises five rooms.这幢房子有五个房间。

不能说:Five rooms are comprised by the house.

4,John Smith always lacks confidence.约翰·史密斯总是缺乏自信心。

不能说:Confidence is always lacked by John Smith.


1.The blue skirt becomes Mary very well.这条蓝裙子玛丽穿上去很合适。

不能说:Mary is become very well by the blue skirt.

2.Will the date suit you?这个日子对你合适吗?

不能说:Will you be suited by the date?

3.We should fit our deeds to our words.我们应该言行一致。

不能说:Our deeds should be fitted to our words by us.

三、当句子的谓语是表示“相互作用”的及物动词,如:equal,mean,resemble等时。1.No one equals him in intelligence.他的智力是无与伦比的。

不能说:He is equaled by no one in intelligence.

2.Revolution means liberating productive force.革命就是解放生产力。

不能说:Liberating productive force is meant by revolution.

3.The two boys resemble each other in appearance.这两个男孩长得相似。

不能说:Each other is resembled by the two boys in appearance.


1.The boy said,“I didn’t catch the last two words.”这个男孩说:“我没听清楚最后两个词。”

不能说:The boy said,“The last two words weren’t caught by me.”

2.I don’t take you at all.你说的我一点也不懂。

不能说:You aren’t taken by me at all.


1.I have five good dictionaries.我有五本好词典。

不能说:Five good dictionaries are had by me.

2.I had three letters from Mr.Green.我收到过格林先生三封信。

不能说:Three letters were had by me from Mr.Green.

3.We shall have a good Spring Festival.我们将过一个愉快的春节。不能说:A good Spring Festival will be had by us.
