









A.设置一个与课文或者题目相关的问题,在问问题之前肯定有几句开场白,也需要和题目或者课文内容相关。提问以后,就要可以组织学生讨论几分钟,然后抽问,如果没有学生,就自己假装请一个学生回答问题,然后说:“good, thank you"之类的话,然后自己再把自己准备好的见解说出来,引出文章的标题,主题或者内容。





















4.也可以整体讲解,分段,喊学生找主题,讲解main idea ,复述之类的都可以。



最新英语学科(小学)资格证练习篇目--14篇(含各个课型的试讲真题及对应教案和试讲稿解析) 一、 1.题目:语音教学试讲 2.内容: Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papa’s going to buy you a looking-glass. If that looking-glass gets broke, Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat runs away, Papa's going to buy you another today. 3.基本要求 (1)朗读所给语篇; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对划线部分所给的形式,设计相应的语音呈现与操练的教学活动; (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间10分钟。 二、 1.题目:听力教学试讲 2.内容 Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around 6:15. I do my homework at 6:30 and then, I eat breakfast at around 7:30. At around 8 o’clock. I go to school. School starts at 9 o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给段落; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对选取段落内容,设计相应的听力理解教学活动; (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间10分钟。 三、 1.题目:Traffic light 2.内容: Red light, red light stop, stop, stop; Yellow light, yellow light wait wait wait;


一,准备说课稿 我面试的是英语老师,所以准备的是全英说课稿,但我觉得各学科应该有相通的地方。正式准备前,看面试说明,有没有指定教材。比如我们小学英语是以本县所用小学五年级教材为面试材料。最好先找个当地的老师请教下,面试时可以怎么准备或者他会给你些建议或者注意事项。准备面试时,可以去网上搜索几篇相关科目的说课稿,英语全英的比较少,但还是找到几篇我认为可以有借鉴的。(不一定必须是和教材课文对应的,主要是参考它的语言和形式)。建议不要用现成的稿子,一定要有自己的思考在里面。我当时的腹稿就是研究了几篇打印稿后自己综合写出来的。还有一点,建议不要每篇课文都准备说课稿。以我们这次面试为例,五年级上下册,每册10个单元,每单元两课,如果每篇都准备,得背40篇说课稿,这在几天的面试准备时间下是不可行的。实际上,每单元的第一课都是新课,教学目标和教学方法之类的差不多大同小异。包括说课稿必说的几大部分里,也是有一样的地方。我的做法是,准备一到两篇说课稿,把相似部分的语言组织好,背过。这样,无论到时候抽到那一课,这些原样抄上就可以了(其实面试那天,几乎每个人手里拿着的都是一份稿子,而不是几十份,说课前有备课时间,可以利用那段时间根据抽到的课完善腹稿)。背的滚瓜烂熟后,对着镜子练手势和表情(我觉得这点很重要,开始看着镜子练时,一走神就容易忘词,后来就习惯看着人说了),纠正细节。觉得差不多了后,可以设置模拟课堂,找几个家人当评委,该怎么说怎么说,让他们纠错。我觉得实战演练也很重要,当时我自己准备的腹稿已经背的差不多了,但是第一次自己试着站在讲台上说时,尽管下边没人,一走上那个讲台,心还是禁不住乱跳起来,说了没两句,就开始忘词重复了。还有一点,不知道是不是因人而异,坐着背稿和站着说稿的感觉很不一样,站着时更容易感受紧张。如果同学们也有类似感觉,建议站着练稿。 二,注意事项 1、英语老师的面试,都说全英的说课稿比汉语说课稿加分。但我们这次面试我知道的得91点多的那位面试第三名用的是汉语。无论什么说课稿,一定要注意语调,要有变化;语速,一定不要全快或者全慢。 2,、面试着装很重要,女孩子可以使那种白黑搭配的连衣裙(建议),要穿个比较正式的高跟鞋。男孩子可以穿西装。我这次选择了件比较素的裙子,但面试那天,还是有好多考生穿的很正式的职业装,给人形象很好。 3、面试时要抽签决定面试顺序。可能会有人给你说前几名和最后几名不沾光。但你一定要记住,其实沾光和不沾光不是顺序决定的。像我们面试那天一个工作人员老师给我们说的,


宾语从句教学设计 一、导入 1.复习什么是宾语。动词/介词后面的名词就是宾语。 I play basketball. We are talking about our homework.. 2.宾语从句就是在宾语的位置上放一个完整的句子。 3.I love that I can earn some coupons. $ 板书:He knows me. He knows what’s wrong with his wife. 说出2个句子的宾语。 说出2个句子的宾语是词(词组)还是句子。 第一个句子的宾语是一个词构成的,第二个句子的宾语是一个句子,我们称这种做宾语的句子叫宾语从句。在句子中充当宾语的从句叫宾语从句。其中he knows 叫主句,what’s wrong with him是从句。 说出下面4个句子的主句和从句。 A.He said that he had a very good journey home. ^ B.He asked if /whether they had come. C.He told me that the earth goes around the sun. D.He asked me how he could get to the nearest post office. 总结:。。是主句,剩下的是由that,if,how引导的宾语从句。 初步认识了宾语从句,下面我们开始了解宾语从句的三要素 引导词(连接词) 语序 [ 时态 1)从属连词that引导陈述句宾语从句,在口语或者非正式语中可以被省略 比如上面四句话中的A,C就是that引导的陈述句的宾语从句。如果省略掉that,该如何修改。(让学生口头修改) A.He said that he had a very good journey home. C.He told me that the earth goes around the sun. 2)由从属连词whether, if 引导一般疑问句的宾语从句,表示“是否”,比如上面的B就是由if引导的宾语从句, B.He asked if /whether they had come. 3)由连接代词who,whom,whose,which,what, whoever, whichever, whatever 和连接副词where, how, why,when引导的宾语从句


Present the teaching plan Hello, Ladies and Gentleman, I am glad to be here to give us a teaching practice. First, I will briefly introduce my teaching process. It can be divided into two periods. In the first period, I will mainly focus on the warming up, background information, new words, and general structure of the text respectively. Warming up aims to introduce the topic through several questions/stories / news/ video/audio which most of the students are quite familiar with; background information provides students with certain information about the topic or the author so that students can have a better understanding of the topic; new words are analyzed through introducing some methods: such as word formation and word syllables so that students can have effective ways of memorizing new words; the explanation of the general structure of the text can help students master the development of the text and some skills of writing similar composition. During the second period, I will mainly cope with the writing patterns, language point, summary and homework. Through analyzing the genre of the text, students can master the similar writing patterns and also help students have a better understanding of this writing mode; the analysis of certain language points can help students master the usage of certain grammatical units which can contribute to their solid language foundation; while summary helps students review what they have learnt during class. Finally, homework can enhance students’ability of self learning. Next, I will show the concrete presentation of my teaching process.


初中英语试讲技巧 Teaching Plan TITLE: Unit 12(Lesson45) TEACHING AIDS: Multiple media and tape recorder TEACHING PURPOSE: 1. Count numbers from 1to 50 2. Learn some plural forms of nouns(重点) 3. Practise drills like this:(重点、难点) How many......are there......? There is only one./There are...... TEACHING STEPS: STEP 1:Count numbers from 1to 50 STEP 2: Play a game: T: What’s in the bag?(Let students guess) S: There is a/an......in it./There are.....in it. (引出本节课的重点、难点:名词的复数及There be句型) STEP 3:Revision: Revise the singular and plural forms of nouns(show pictures) e.g. bird-birds bus-buses baby-babies goose-geese ect. STEP 4:Presentations: Show the pictures of men, women and children. Teach the plural forms of men, women and children. STEP 5: Listen to the tape(Part 1)and then ask and answer like this:(Show pictures)


you please make a brief introduction about yourself did you take the MBA examination Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in China do you choose XXXXX University to study MBA Tell me a little about XXXXX University form your understanding. do the people around you review MBA 's the difference between MBA program at home and abroad you failed this time what will you do in the near future do you want to be a part of MBA students do you think you are qualified for MBA program you have a career plan in 5 years you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student 's your opinion about the requirement that a MBA student must have working experience do you define marketing or management you think English is quite important in MBA study Why you think MBA training courses will help you a lot in your future life Why do you want to do after your MBA study is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have a little about teamwork.


第一节听说课教学过程 一、听说课教学流程 Leading in Presentation Practice Production Summary Homework 二、导入方法 图片导入 视频导入 歌曲导入 情境导入 复习导入 谈话导入 例1:The life of William Shakespeare(阅读课) Show Ss a photo of young Shakespeare and ask them to guess who he is. Then show them more photos about Shakespeare, for example, at school, in the family and at the performance. (These interesting pictures can arouse ss’ interests easily and lead them to get a first impression about Shakespeare.) 例2:What’s the matter? (听说课) 老师请几位同学上台表演小纸条上的关于健康问题的动作(如牙疼和感冒),请同学们猜他们怎么了,并试着用英语表达。 例3:How often do you exercise?(听说课) 提问同学们马上就要到周末了,他们的心情如何,为什么,引出大家都在周末做什么的讨论。同学们可能会说watch TV, do exercise, go to the movies, 老师把这些写在黑板上进行复习。例4:The Million Pond Bank Note(阅读课) At the beginning of the class, the teacher asks students to imagine what they are going to do if


语法试讲教案 Grade level: First grade of High school Lesson type: Reading Duration: 45min Teaching objectives 1) Help students to learn the usage of …. 2) Help students to grasp the sentence pattern of….. Teaching aids Multimedia devices, blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) the sentence pattern of… 2) some special cases 3) enable students to use … in real life Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in (5min) Show some pictures to the students and ask them to describe the picture. 引导学生运用语法项目 Step 2 Explanation (18min) Explain the usage of …. Present several examples of the grammar item. Step 4 Practice (15min) Ask the students to do the exercises. Step 3 Summary(4min) Invite students to summarize the usage of … Make some supplements and stress the important points. Step 5 Homework (3min) Ask students to finish related exercise on the textbook. Ask the students to write a passage about …. (You have all done a really good job today. I believe you already have a good knowledge of /master the knowledge of….. For homework, you are required to complete exercises on page 201 and to write a passage about ….[I’d rather you search more information about… and some of you will be invited to share your findings with us in the next class.] Clear? Ok. See you next class.) 写作试讲教案 Grade level: First grade of High school Lesson type: Reading Duration: 45min Teaching objectives 1) enable students master the procedure of writing this kind of composition 2) improve students’ writing skills 3) help students to get more knowledge of … Teaching aids Multimedia devices, blackboard Teaching important &difficult points 1) Help students to express their ideas in proper English


一、 1.题目:语音教学试讲2018年1月6日 2.内容 Here are, in front of Peking University, the most famous university in China. The campus is also known as “Yan Yuan”, the garden of Yan. It’s close to the Yuanming Garden and the Summer Palace. The university opened in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty and it was the most important educational institution in the whole of China then. 3.基本要求 (1)朗读所给段落; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对所给材料的内容,设计训练连读的语音教学活动。 (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间,10分钟。 语音教学试讲教案 1. Teaching aims 1) Knowledge aim Students will be able to master the rules of liking. 2) Ability aim Students can train their listening and speaking skills. 3) Emotional aim Students can be more confident in learning English.. 2. Important and difficult points 1) Important point Students will be speaking the linked words correctly. 2) Difficult point Students can use the rules of linking in a real situation. 3. Teaching and learning methods Communicate teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method 4. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming up I will present a English song “Valder Fields”  Step 2: Presentation 1)Students will listen to the tape to get the main idea of the passage 2)Students will listen again and understand the whole passage sentence by sentence. 3)Students will listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the passage 4) Students will find out the rules of linking: Like a bridge, joining the words together is called linking. We can join the final consonant of one word with the initial vowel of the following word. Step 3: Practice


篇一:小学英语教师面试技巧 小学英语教师面试技巧是什么呢?以下提出几点,希望能给大家提供帮助。 做好充足的准备,把要讲的内容的相关背景等知识了解到位,并把课的内容和这些背景结合起来,主要是注意如何让背景知识在吸引人的同时把人引导到课本的内容上来。出发前的准备很重要,一定要着装合体,不要穿着台前卫,毕竟教师这个职位还是要讲究矜持的。在谈到面试,其实说起来,小学英语并不需要多高英语水平,更多的需要你的亲和力,所以不需要掌握太多英语面试技巧。你如果能做好孩子王,相信你就一定能胜任这一职务。如果你有幼教的基础,中标的可能性就会大大增加。如果没有,可以提前看一些少儿心理学的文章。做好充足的准备,把要讲的内容的相关背景等知识了解到位,并把课的内容和这些背景结合起来,主要是注意如何让背景知识在吸引人的同时把人引导到课本的内容上来。 出发前的准备很重要,一定要着装合体,不要穿着台前卫,毕竟教师这个职位还是要讲究矜持的。 在见到面试官时要表现的大方,不要太拘禁,也不要太嚣张,给人留下稳重的印象。试讲时要首先把自己的试讲材料分发给各位考官。 讲课时的音量特别重要,而且要有板书,然后就是注意设计的跟学生互动的环节。麻雀虽小但五脏俱全,所以板书就是你的教课大纲,是有始有终的,最后别忘了布置作业。 试讲完成以后还会有提问基本上都是涉及到如何安排你所教的课程的,教学侧重点应该在哪里,如果学生出现了这样或那样的问题你该如何等等。 资料来源:中国教育在线 / 篇二:小学英语面试技巧 外语学校面试四大题型备考支招 自我介绍:“特色,简短”四字诀 自我介绍是几乎所有外国语学校面试的首选题型和必答题目,它可以让面试官了解孩子的基本情况,也能通过自我介绍看出孩子的英语功底以及沟通表达能力。广州某外国语学校有一年的面试题目是“自我介绍,简要说明一下自己对‘英语角’等英语课外活动的看法。你可能用上的词汇有:english corner,helpful,useful,interesting。” 怎样做好自我介绍呢?新东方梁老师认为,比如结合上面这个题目,重点是介绍英语类的课外活动,考生如何将个人特色融入这个老生常谈的话题中去?应该思考自己一些不同寻常的经历,或是这些活动给自己带来的深刻、特殊的体会,切记结合自己的性格特点,这样才能给考官留下深刻印象。其次,尽量使用短句,如果句子太长,也可以拆分成短句控制在5句话左右,或者准备十句话,分成两部分。如果老师给的时间长,就十句话都说了,给的时间短,就只说重要的5句。记住四个字:特色,简短。 回答问题:七个主题有备无患


M,2015下半年教师资格面试备考已经拉开序幕,试讲在教师资格面试考试中是不可或缺的重要部分,国家教师资格考试网特为考生准备了英语教师资格面试“试 ;讲”必备亮点,希望考生能够全面掌握,突破面试! 面试试讲作为教师资格考试的最后一个环节至关重要,它决定着我们是否能够顺利拿到步入教师行列的敲门砖——教师资格证,所以如何在面试中取得高分突出亮点尤为重要。英语学科10分钟试讲主要包括四个部分:新课导入、新课的讲授与呈现、巩固拓展和小结作业。这四个部分环环相扣,只有安排合理得当,做到“凤头—猪肚—豹尾”,试讲才可脱颖而出。我们可以从以下几个方面来讲。 一、新颖生动的开场 所谓“凤头”即新颖靓丽、直击主题的导入,它能从一开始就吸引住考官的眼球,取得良好的印象。考生们需要开动脑筋,尽量避免比较通俗的导入方法,比如复习式,应多利用先进的教学设施展开设置情境式热门方法,例如用音乐、儿歌等方法引入新课,同时也可模仿利用多媒体展示出多彩的内容进行新课的导入。 二、充实丰富的内容 “猪肚”则是面试当中占用时间最长的部分—新课的讲授与巩固拓展,要做到充实丰富。首先,考生需要明确考题要求,在试讲过程中不可遗漏任何知识点。其次,注意联系生活,将枯燥乏味的知识内容生动的呈现在学生面前,比如在讲解高中有关于英语语言的阅读课,可以讲一讲世界上的其他语言,或者听一听优美的英文诗歌,让同学们真实的感受英语等等。最后,在巩固拓展部分考生一定要利用自己的优势,选择适合自己的方法,带学生跳出课本,真正的运用本节课所学的知识内容进行巩固与拓展,例如小学词汇课授之后,可以将词汇编成chant带学生们练习,既巩固了新知,又活跃了气氛,更给考官展示出自己的才能。 三、有意义性的结尾 在所有知识内容讲解完毕后,考生要记住总结本课的内容并留作业,虽然此环节只占一分钟左右,但要注意作业切不可老套繁冗,尽量联系下节课的知识内容或多让学生动手动脑应用新知,比如上网搜集的任务、画图等作业,要让试讲的最后变成“豹尾”,而不是狗尾续貂,这样一堂课才能够前后呼应,达到余音绕梁的效果。 四、精心明确的设计 做到了“凤头—猪肚—豹尾”,我们还要在细节上注意,让考官更加注意到我们的用心,这就是板书设计。板书设计一定要注意针对性、高度的概括性以及逻辑性,小学生的课堂则更加注意趣味性,所以考生要把握课题内容,在备课时有个整体的构思。 五、流利清晰地表达


语法课课型 试讲教案 Teaching Plan for Module 4 (SEFC Book 1) The Third Period, grammar:“Present perfect tense”. I. Teaching Objectives https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf6684553.html,nguage Objectives Important words and phrases: Present perfect tense, the simple past tense, recently so far, up to now,for,since… 2. Ability Objectives (1)Study how to use the Present Perfect Tense. (2)Learn to know the differences between the Present Perfect Tense from the Past tense II. Important Points 1. Help the students to learn the Grammar: the Present Perfect Tense. III. Difficult Points 1. Help the students to know how to use "the Present Perfect Tense." correctly. IV. Teaching Methods 1.Review the past tense first(give some examples) 2.Teach the students what is "the Present Perfect Tense." 3.Make comparisons between the "Present Perfect Tense" from "the simple past tense" 4.Do some exercise 5.Pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: chalks ,a projector and some slides,a computer V. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in (5min) T: Good morning/afternoon, everyone. S: Good morning/afternoon, teacher. T: Sit down, please. Boys and girls, we all learned "the simple past tense" when we were in our junior school, so do you remember it? S: Yes T: So we are going to review it simply, I will give you some examples about "the simple past tense" Eg:She watered the flowers yesterday I washed my car a moment ago I reviewed two lessons this morning He joined the army in 2000 I lost my keys last night Basic structure:s+v-ed+o+adverb of time(时间副词) More adverbs of time :one night ,the other day, long long time ago,just now Some other words and phrases :yesterday ,a long time ago,one night ,during the day and so on T: So you got it? S: Yes


应聘英语教师面试得几点建议 现在英语专业毕业生不那么吃香了,到大、中学校就业也需要认真准备面试、以下就是根据实际经验提出得几点建议,希望对明年毕业得学生有些帮助。 1、别拿着书本或教案。每人20分钟左右,有Self-introduction,有课文讲解,有主题发挥,有回答问题、所以,课文讲解也就10分钟,难道背不过?有得试讲人每个老师都给一份教案,刚开始有个好印象,但随后就没新意了。 2.写板书时不要完全把后背转向评委、师范生可能注意这一点,但非师范毕业得就要注意了。写板书时后转最大限度就是身体与黑板成90度,要随时与评委或学生保持目光接触、3、板书要适中。一般而言,试讲人得板书易于偏多,最后完全就是写板书,很少说话了、板书占得比例只就是10%左右。 4 .语音语调不要起伏太大。相信大家得发音没问题,但语调就有差别了。有一些人,yeah, ok, hmm, right, am Iright 等用得很多,影响了表达得流利度。 5 、不要选择偏僻得主题。让评委感到自己得词汇量有限不就是好事,同时也因此没有了衡量您水平高低得标准。 6.不要说汉语,哪怕一点点。 7 .板书一遍成,不擦后再写,更不能出现拼写错误。如果要更正,要用板擦,不要用手擦,瞧起来很乱,很脏。 8 。口语要流利,表达要与逻辑。不要中间停顿,不要经常重复。 9、不耍小聪明。具体例子就不举了。如果耍了小聪明,被发现了(一般都会被发现),后果就就是评委们一致认为您不诚实,而没有任何人愿意与不诚实得人相处得。 10 .年龄大一些得人,要注意:可能有教学经验了,这就是优势,但就是表达流利度、反应能力不如刚毕业得年轻人,同时也不太注意衣着了、 11.注意衣着,注意风度。衣着要简洁,冬季试讲时也不要穿羽绒服;风度要优雅,至少作到大方。不要太张狂,即使您得水平很高,否则会让人想到您不会安心一直待在这个单位得。 12.长相虽就是天定,但就是在水平相当情况下,长相好得机会肯定要多一些、这没办法,爱美之心,人皆有之。 大胆自信,衣着简洁,举止大方,口语流利,板书规范,您肯定会得高分。 目前,一些教师招聘单位要求应聘者在试讲之前有面试环节,面试时,学校会根据考生得履历提出一些即兴得问题,主要考查考生得应变能力。考生在写履历表时就要有被提问得意识,可以根据自己得特点与“强项”多做点准备,这样不至于强项变弱项。 据专家得调查研究显示,在教师面试环节,“为什么要选择教师这个行业”、“您就是怎么瞧教师这


英语试讲教案模板 模板: Teaching aims (教学目标) 1 Knowledge objects: Make students read the important words and sentences 2 Ability objects: Make students master the grammar in the text________ 3 Moral objects:Improve the interests in studying English and_________ Teaching important points(教学重点) Words:___________ ___________ ___________ Sentences:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ Teaching difficult points(教学难点) Master the grammar Use the words in their lives ____________________ Teaching aids(教具) Cards、projectors _________ __________ ________ Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step1 leading-in Step 2 __________ ........ Step n homework Blackboard design (板书设计) (一)形式 教案是教学设计的文字体现,有相对的格式与要求。教案的格式主要包括文字叙述式、表格式两种。 1.文字叙述式


小学英语教师资格证 试讲稿全英范例 先进教室,然后回答两个问题,老师会说开始你的试讲就可以开始了。 这是整个的试讲流程 开场: good morning,ladies and gentleman! i am no.6, i am glad that i can h ave a chance to stand here ,and hope you can like my lesson. shall we start it ,ok! 讲课: hello,boys and girls,how are you doing today? yes ,i am great ,thank y ou! i hope all of you can be happy in our english class,and hope you can e sing a song which we have learned last w njoy the english trip! ok,let’s eek,little star,are you ready? ok , ready go! twinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are. up above the w orld so high,like a diamond in the sky. oh,wonderful ,you did a good job!

now let’s have a short review. last class ,we learned a new topic ,do y ou still remember ? yes,we talked about weather last class,so what is the weather like tod ay? who can answer my question? any volunteer? wow ,jack ,please. good,yes,it is sunny today,but a little cold.because it is winter now ,we should put on more clothes because it is so cold outside .sit down,ple ase ,jack. ok , now please look at the blackboard , today we will learn unit 4 whe re is my schoolbag? please look at me ,there is a big picture in my hands,can you guess w hat is this? yes,it is a classroom,it is a big nice classroom. what can yo u see from this picture? ruler,yes, desk,good,football ,wonderful,schoo lbag,great,pencil box,fantastic! keys,very good! yes,we can see many things from this picture and we also can find that they are in the differ ent places. how to say it in english? learn a new lesson. firstly,please look at some word c now ,let’s ards in my hands,there are 3 word cards,they are on ,in ,under, so ca n you guess what is the meaning ? i think you got it ,right? ok, cindy,o look at the classroom n, linda,in, angela ,under. very good ! now,let’s


教师招聘面试技巧之英语教师面试题一 Here are good answers to some of the tougher questions asked in job interviews. If you can smoothly supply answers like these during the interview, you need to make a good impression. 1. What is important to you in a job? Mention specific rewards other than a paycheck for example, challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution. 2. Why do you want to work for this organization? Cite its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions. Stress that you want to work for this organization, not just any organization. 3. Why should we employ you? Point to your academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm of working for the firm. Mention your performance in school or previous employment as evidence of your ability to learn and to become productive quickly. If the job involves management responsibilities, refer to past activities as proof of your ability to get along with others and to work as part of a team. 4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us? Answer by saying along these lines: "As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities." 5. Can we offer you a career path? Reply: "I believe you could, once I know the normal progression within the organization. Can you tell me?" The answer may be revealing. 6. What are your greatest strengths? Give a response like one of the following: "I can see what needs to be done and do it", "I''m wiling to make decisions", "I work well with others," "I can organize my time efficiently." 7. What are you greatest weakness? Identify one or two, such as the following:" I tend to drive myself toohard", " I expect others to perform beyond their capacities", " I like to see a job done quickly, and I''m critical if it isn''t." Note these weaknesses could also be regarded as desirable qualities. The trick with this question is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considered a virtue. 8. What didn''t you like of previous jobs you''ve held? Discuss the things you didn''t like, but avoid making slighting reference to any of your former employers. 8. What didn''t you like of previous jobs you''ve held?
