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从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. Our English teacher told us ______ interesting story yesterday and ______ story was about To the Youth.

A. the; a

B. the; the

C. a; the

D. an; the

2. --- Are you feeling ______?

--- Yes, I ’m fine now.

A. any well

B. any better

C. very good

D. quite better

3. --- _______ is “I'm a singer” shown on TV?

--- Every week.

A. How long

B. How often

C. How soon

D. How many times

4. I’m sorry I didn’t phone you, but I’ve been very busy_____ the past couple of weeks.

A. beyond

B. with

C. among

D. over

5. Miss Lin parked her car outside the window ______, but the next morning she found it missing.

A. as usual

B. at least

C. so far

D. at all

6. When_______ what his hobby was, he got very excited.

A. asking

B. being asked

C. was asked

D. asked

7. --- Have you heard of the good fireman, Quan Zhanrong?

--- Yes, he thought of others ______ than himself.

A. less

B. fewer

C. best

D. more

8. The clothes need_______ but you_______ do that by yourself.

A. to wash; needn't

B. washing; needn't to

C. washing; needn't

D. to wash; don't need to

9. The boy_______ in the teachers' office was found_______ at the school gate yesterday.

A. standing; smoking

B. standing; to smoke

C. stood; smoking

D. stood; to smoke 10. Mr Wang used on the right in China, but he soon got used on the left in England.

A. to drive; to drive

B. to drive; driving

C. to driving; to drive

D. to drive; to driving

11. Something that is up-to-date ______.

A. is made today

B. shows signs of future success

C. includes the latest information

D. tells a decision, plans, etc. to the public

12. Look at the signs please. Sign _____ means that this way is for a disabled person to go through.

13. --- Could you tell me _______?

--- Sorry. I don ’t know. I was not at the meeting.

A. what does he say at the meeting

B. what did he say at the meeting

C. what he says at the meeting

D. what he said at the meeting

14. To get a better grade, you should ______ the notes again before the test.

A. go over

B. get over

C. turn over

D. take over

15. --- You look rather tired. ______ stop to have a rest?

--- All right. But I’ll have to work for ______ minutes.

A. Don’t you; much more

B. Why not; a few more

C. Why not to; a little more

D. What about; a few many

二.完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Many people believe that sugar is not healthy for us. Others say that sugar is the 16 source of energy. Some people eat meat 17 others are vegetarians. Who is right and what is your opinion?

It is clear that we need to have a variety of foods in our diet. A 18 diet includes food from each of the five food groups: grains, vegetables, fruit, milk products and meat. Scientists warn us that a lack of certain kinds of 19 is dangerous, especially for children. Children have to receive a balanced diet 20 grow properly. On the other hand, it is equally dangerous to have too much of anything, 21 one’s favorite food. They say, for example, children who eat lots of cheeseburgers and milkshakes will increase 22 risk of heart attack.

23 , we cannot decide what to eat without learning about the human body and food. Scientific

information about the 24 needs for fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins can help us decide on the right choice and the right amount. And it can 25 help us separate facts from mistaken opinions.

16. A. best B. worst C. latest D. newest

17. A. than B. then C. while D. when

18. A. chosen B. balanced C. simple D. special

19. A. meat B. milk C. fruit D. food

20. A. in order to B. so that C. such as D. for example

21. A. besides B. including C. except for D. as well

22. A. my B. your C. our D. their

23. A. Therefore B. Though C. However D. Although

24. A. old people’s B. young people’s C. friend’s D. body’s

25. A. also B. so C. yet D. already

三.阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Last week was Road Safety Week at Jason’s school. All the students had to take part in a talk on road safety which was given by a police officer. The following is what the police officer said.

“Most traffic accidents shouldn’t happen. They happen because people are careless. A frequent cause of traffic accidents is speed. Some people drive too quickly. This means that if they have to stop suddenly, they cannot stop quickly enough to avoid (避免) hitting other vehicles (车辆) or people. You need to remember this when you are crossing the street or walking along the sidewalk.

“It’s not only drivers who cause accidents, however, people on foot --- pedestrians, and bicycle riders often cause accidents, too. Pedestrians sometimes walk out into the street without looking. You should always look on both sides before stepping into the street.

“Do any of you ride a bike? Bicycle riders can cause accidents by changing directions suddenly or without warning other road users. Before you turn left, for example, you should check behind you to make sure there aren’t any cars, trucks or buses coming. You should show with your left hand to tell that you want to turn left. You should not turn until the street is clear.

“The rules of the road are very simple. If we learn them and obey them, we should not have accidents
