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1、My mother is food for the 。(我妈妈正为客人准备食物)

2、Remember to your mother.(向某人道谢)

3、He feels because he can’t get The Sound of Music.


to 表“的”,常见的搭配如下:

a ticket to The Sound of Music 一张《音乐之声》的票

the answer to the question 问题的答案

the key to the door 门的钥匙the way to…去…..的路

4、以…自豪We are our long history.

5、你最近好吗?are you ?

6、He work out the problem. 他能算出这道难题.

7、Everything 一切顺利

8、I’ll Michael . 稍后我打电话给迈克.

9、I went to buy a ticket , but there was .(没有剩下)

10、The father often became angry the children.


11、Maria them to sing songs。玛丽亚教他们唱轻快的歌曲。

12、did Maria go to the V on Trapp family ?

= Why did Maria go to the V on Trapp? 玛丽亚为了什么目的去冯特拉普家庭?

13、He a .(他发烧了)

14 Beijing Opera more than 200 years ago.(形成)

15、The glass is water.= The glass is water.(装满)

16、The Beijing Opera people from home and abroad. 受到…欢迎

17、The mother 3 years ago .(变疯)

He (他看起来很兴奋)

18、Is there 有什么麻烦吗?

19、What to be the ? 似乎有什么问题?

20、you are sad. 你似乎很伤心.

21、对…要求严格Our teachers always us.

22、担心…He is sick, so I am his health.

23、使…振作Ann is ill ,his class hold a party to her 。

24、The story usually .(以喜剧结局)

25、When will the movie ?(上映)

26、The (残忍的老板)made the workers work day and night.

= The cruel(残忍的)boss get the workers to work day and night.

27、,he became a doctor.在他三十多岁时,他成为了一名医生。

28、If you want more 信息,please call me 888.

29、太多I have homework to do.

非常This box is heavy,I can’t move it.

30、It is important to talk to . 跟其它人交流很重要.

31、It is said that…据说……

32、when something bad us. …当不好的事情发生在我们身上时.

33、time ! “光阴似箭!”

34、She has no friends to (她没有朋友交谈)

37、How does Jeff his ? 杰夫怎样处理他的忧伤的?

38、He doesn’t want to sing . 他再也不想唱歌了。

39、We should do something to make him happy again.

40、I’m feeling . 我甚至觉得更糟了.

41、I’m SARS. 我害怕患上非典.

42、I am up early .(我习惯于早起)

43、We will to help with your English. 轮流

44、learn…by oneself 自学He learned to dance by himself when he was young.

45 、We should each other. 和…(友好)相处

46、Everyone these feelings your age. (每个人在你这个年龄都有这些感受)

46、I’ll help you I don’t sleep for a night . (即使)

47、You should the advice . (你应该遵从牙医的建议)

48、He is always .(心情差)

49、仔细考虑before an important 做决定

50、We ‘ll a short play . (表演)

51、We’ll (决定) the best way to go there .

52、arrive 到达(at /in + 地点)= get to = reach

53、At last, we a good idea. ( 想出)

54、I look to you. 我盼望这收到你的信

55、you , you can’t leave in China 在中国你不能一吃完就离开

56、They were soon .看不见了

57 、They are the wonders . 对。。。惊叹

58、Japan is the east of China =Japan the east of China.日本位于中国东部

59、The became and . 人群变得越来越大

60、(确保) most rooms (面朝) the south.

61、Tang costume Chinese fashion culture. (代表)

62、Don’t others. (对…大喊)

62、China china and silk. (因为。。。出名)

63、After having a rest,he 继续做某事

64 、Do you Daniel Igali ? 你了解丹尼尔·艾格雷吗?

65 、First , you should . (把他们切碎)

66、Let’s our to make it 让我们尽力成功举办这次美食节活动。

67、, I’m sure that selling rice and dumpling dishes can


68、May I you to our food ?我可以邀请你参加我们的美食节吗?


70、It has very school 学校设施简陋。

supply作为动词用,意为“提供”、“供应”。supply sth.to/for sb.或supply sb. with sth.

71、You should the food on your .你应该吃光盘子里的食物

73、He stoopped to the truck. 避免撞上

74、You can have tea coffe. 你不喝茶就喝咖啡

75、It’s very you. 你真是太好了。

76、the . ,“Practice makes ”俗言道:“孰能生巧”

77、It’s to smoke during a in France. 在法国,吃饭时吸烟不是不礼貌的。

78、what does the dinner ? 晚餐先吃什么?

79、In parts of India, they use their and bread to the food .


80、I’ll come to . 我会开车去接你。

81、? 还要别的吗?
