“情态动词+have done”表推测一览表

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“情态动词+have done”表推测一览表

“情态动词+be doing”表推测一览表

口诀:“情动”加上have done,推测事情已经干;

“情动”加上be doing,推测事情在进行;

情态动词+have done表推测

一、must have done一定已经做了。

They must have finished their work.他们一定做了他们的工作。

二、1、Can have done.可能已经做了。

2、Can’t have done.不可能已经做了。

They can have finished /homework so quickly.他们可能很快完成他们的工作。

They can’n have finished /homework so quickly.他们不可能很快完成他们的工作。

They can have gone to bed /since /the door is closed.门关着,他们可能已经睡着了。


三、1、Could have done.可能已经做过。(对过去事情的推测)

2、Couldn’t have done. 不可能已经做过。

You could have used my computer because I didn’t use it.你可能使用过我的游戏机。因


you couldn’t have used my computer.你不可能使用过我的游戏机。

3、Could have done表过去虚拟语气,过去表本来会做而未做。含责备,遗憾的语气。

It was so fine yesterday, you could have come out for a walk.(对过去的虚拟语气)昨天天气好,你本来可以出来散散步的。(事实上没有散步,对过去本来会做而没有做。)

4、would have done.表示虚拟语气,本来完全可以做,而没有做。

I would have come /to help /you with the work yesterday

(to do)

/but I was too busy.昨天我本想帮你做工作的,但我太忙了。(遗憾的语气)

四、should have done.表示虚拟语气,本应该做而没有做。should=ought to应该

1、Shouldn’t have done.本不应该做。(事实上做了)

He shouldn’t have swum /in the lake /alone.他本不应该独自一人在湖里游泳。(事实上已


2、you should have studied hard.你本来应该学习努力。(事实上没有做到)

五、needn’t have done.表示虚拟语气。本来不必做,但做了。“多此一举”

1、You needn’t have watered /the flowers.你本来不需要给花浇水。

六、will /shall have done.表示将来完成时,不表示推测,也不表示虚拟。

七、may have done.也许已经做了。

They may have finished homework.他们也许已经完成作业。

You may have read the book.他也许已经读过书。

八、might have done.①也许已经做过,②本来做但未做。(虚拟语气)

They might have won the match.他们本来可以赢得这场比赛。(事实上没有赢)

I might have passed the exam.我本来可以通过考试。(事实上没有通过)(虚拟语气)

九、needn’t have done.本来不必做但做了。(虚拟语气)

You need not have gone out.你本来不必出去。(事实上出去了)

十、would rather have done.过去宁愿做但未做。(对过去的虚拟)

I would rather you paid the money yourself.我宁愿你自己付钱,AA制。

I would rather not have gone /there.我宁愿没有去过哪儿。

I would rather do it today.我宁愿今天做。

十一、would like to have done.过去想做但未做。(虚拟语气,过去的虚拟)

I would like to have seen /the film.我过去想看场电影。(事实上没有看)

十二、had better have done.当时最好做了某事。

You’d better have gone /there.你当时最好去哪儿。(事实上没有去)

You had better not go dancing tonight.你最好今天晚上不去跳舞。

情态动词+be going.表推测:


other wise, or, but 与with, whithout, but, if only 否则 但是 有 没有 但是 只要

及其in case/for fear that/lest 引导的从句,要用虚拟语气。

以免 以免 免

With you help, we might finish the work earlier.有你的帮助,我或许能早点完成工作。 Whithout water, there would be no life.没有水,就没有生物。




一是在动词insist (坚持),order (命令),command (命令),suggest (建议),advise (建议)。
