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• T2:
– Ensure that new treatments and research knowledge actually reach the patients or populations for whom they are intended and are implemented correctly
– a supportive infrastructure within the institution.
• T2:
– the “laboratory” for T2 research is the community and ambulatory care settings
– mastery of the “implementation science” of fielding and evaluating interventions in real world settings
– mastery of the disciplines such as clinical epidemiology and evidence synthesis, communication theory, behavioral science, public policy, financing, organizational theory, informatics, and mixed methods/qualitative research.
Settings/knowledge background
• T1:
– requires mastery of molecular biology, genetics, and other basic sciences;
– clinical scientists working in strong laboratories and with cutting-edge technology;
– 80% on mice, fruit fly and round worm。 – No change on cancer related mortality rate
• Translational research, “transforms scientific discoveries arising from the laboratory, clinical, or population studies into clinical applications…”
specialty specific Level 1 information • Model 3: Create original research or systematic
reviews • Model 4: Translational research……
• In the past 30 years,NCI $200 Billions • Results:1.56million articles
Tranaslational Medicine
Personalized Medicine
• T1:
– The production of a promising new treatment/method that can be used clinically or commercialized.
Translational Medicine &
Personalized Medicine
EBP Models
• Traditional practice Model (×) • Model 1: Use the highest quality information to
guide clinical decisions • Model 2: Search, evaluate, and make available
Research content
• T1:
• T2:
– to test, in humans, the novel therapeutic strategies developed through experimentation (ex vivo or from-benchto-bedside)
– to test how can efficiently use clinical results to optimize health practices and improve guidelines and health policy (from-bedside-to-
T1 Clinic T2 Population
T1:applying basic science findings from lab research in clinical studies of patients
T2:applying the findings of clinical studies to alter health practices in the community
• T1:
– struggles more with biological and technological mysteries, trial recruitment, and regulatory concerns
• T2:
– struggles more with human behavior and organizational inertia, infrastructure and resource constraints, and the messiness of proving the effectiveness of “moving targets” under conditions that investigators cannot fully control
• Include:
– bench to bedside(基础研究到临床应用) – bedside to bench(临床治疗结果促进基础研究)
• Source: National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health