
Unit 1 Paragraph Writing

Unit Objectives

? 1. become familiar with the organizational structure of a paragraph

? 2. know how to write a good topic sentence and select supporting details to achieve unity

? 3. be able to use various devices to achieve coherence

What is a good paragraph?

? Paragraphs: smaller units of a longer piece of writing

? A good paragraph is a group of sentences that support and develop a single idea.

? In other words, a paragraph expands upon a core idea stated in its topic sentence.

? And in this unit, we are going to study how to write well-organized paragraphs.

Topic Sentence

? Topic sentence: a sentence that names the topic of the paragraph and contains a controlling idea.

– E.g. Riding a bicycle gives me much pleasure.

– I had a terrible morning today.

Features of a good topic sentence

? 1. It is a complete sentence.

? 2. It contains both a topic and a controlling idea.

? 3. It is neither too general nor too specific.

? 4. It tells the reader what to expect in the paragraph.

The spelling of the word centre in British English is different from that in American English

? Comment: too specific

? Improvement:

– British English is different from American English in spelling.

Different countries with different customs

? Comment: This is not a sentence, but a fragment.

? Improvement:

– Different countries have different customs.

The local food is terrible

? Comment: too general, too emotional

? Improvement: The local food is tasteless and greasy.

Organizational Structure

A paragraph consists of three main parts:

? The topic sentence:

– Introduces the topic sentence and the controlling idea of the paragraph.

?beginning, end or middle

? The supporting sentences:

– Support or develop the controlling idea.

? The concluding sentence:

– Wind up the whole paragraph by restating the topic sentence or draw an inference.

A good paragraph should achieve

? Unity

? Coherence

– (make things move in a more natural and sensible way)


? The essential quality of a good paragraph

? A well-written paragraph has only one point to make, and every sentence in the paragraph develops or supports that idea.

? Unnecessary details or unexpected directions should be avoided.


? Ideas

? Content

? The form of expression

– Thoughts: orderly and never abrupt

– Between ideas: no gaps or confusing leaps

Four Basic Techniques to achieve coherence

? Repetition of key words and


? Transitional signals

? Use of pronouns (their, they ,it)

? Repetitions of sentence patterns

Transitional signals

? To link ideas together

– second, next, third, besides, finally, moreover, furthermore, in addition, and

? To indicate time

– after, later, first, next, then, afterward, from then on, meanwhile, now, until, while

? To give examples

– such as, for example, for instance, to illustrate

? To show similarity

– likewise, also, in the same way, similarly, too, in the same manner

? To show contrast

– but, although, however, in contrast, on the contrary, on the other hand, unlike, whereas, while, yet

? To show causation

– Because, as, since, due to, for, for this reason, now that, owing to

? To show consequence

– Therefore, as a result, consequently, thus, accordingly

? To emphasize or restate

– Above all, after all, in fact, particularly, that is, namely, in other words, especially indeed, as a matter of fact, no doubt

? To conclude a point

– To sum up, to summarize, to conclude, in a word, in conclusion, in brief, in short, in summary


? A good paragraph: a group of sentences to support a single idea.

? Topic sentence = topic + controlling idea

– Not be too general, specific or emotional

? Unity and coherence


? Discuss with each other over the advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile phone. Then pick out a few ideas, reorganize them and write one paragraph on the advantages or on the disadvantages of having a mobile phone.

? Ask one classmate to edit your writing and make some comments on the topic sentence, unity, and coherence, etc.
