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22. Tom and Mike are good friends._______often help each other.

A.They B.Them C.Their D.Theirs

23. Both my parents were born ______ 1970.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. to

24. Hurry up, Mike, ______ you will miss your train.

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or

25. —_____ do you go swimming?

— Once a week.

A. How much

B. How long

C. How often

D. How far

26. — Which book do you like _____, this story book or that science book?

— This story book.

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. the best

27. There is _____ wrong with my cell phone.It doesn’t work well.

A. something

B. anything

C. everything

D. nothing

28. — Will you please stay for lunch?

— Sorry, I ______. My mother wants me back home now.

A. needn’t

B. can’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t

29. Mary ______ up and walked to the door when she heard her name called.

A. stood

B. stands

C. was standing

D. will stand

30. Rose came to Beijing in 2002.She _____ here for ten years.

A. was living

B. live

C. will live

D. has lived

31. Amy ______ you an e-mail as soon as she finishes her job.

A. write

B. writes

C. is writing

D. will write

32. Nine big road accidents ______ by careless drivers in this area last year.

A. are caused

B. were caused

C. have caused

D. will cause

33. — Lily, could you please tell me how ______ this e-dictionary?

— OK, just a moment.

A. use

B. uses

C. using

D. to use

34. — Do you know ______ tomorrow? —At 8 o’clock.

A. when did she arrive

B. when she arrived

C. when will she arrive

D. when she will arrive



At 13 years of age, my parents and I visited an eye surgeon (外科医生). As I sat in the examining chair, the 35_____ looked into my eyes, shining a bright light. "She did inherit(经遗传得的) it," he said with coldness. "There is no cure."

My father 36_____ a gene (基因) causing blindness. I’d gotten the gene since my birth. He 37_____ lost his eyesight and so did I. At last we were both completely 38_____. At that time, he was 57 years old, but I was only 30.

My world fell apart (崩溃) as the darkness fell, 39_____ the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys. But when I tried to find some 40_____ and strength, my eyes were opened to a new realization.

My father had given me not just 41_____ eyesight, but an example of determination in the face of trouble 42_____. We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he decided to move the family to America. He and Mom worked tirelessly to 43_____ the right of living in the US.

Alone in the States, he overcame his helplessness and lack of fluency in English to rent a small apartment, and buy airline tickets for my mom, my brother and me.

Decades later, as an American citizen, I looked back at what he’d taught me. He set an example proving that determination is crucial to success. His journey taught me valuable lessons for dealing with my blindness.

I did the same as I stepped into a 44_____ world. My father’s example made me gain confidence and learn to be thankful for what I had. 45_____, I now know how to continue life as a wife, mom, Sunday school teacher, Spanish court interpreter, inspirational speaker and writer.

What I inherited from my father helped me to see my life with a more 46_____ glow.

325 w including 12 Chinese characters 307 E w fro 21sth Century 09.2.23

35. A. machine B. doctor C. father D. mother

36. A. carried B. found C. developed D. passed

37. A. suddenly B. luckily C. unluckily D. gradually

38. A. sad B. worried C. hurt D. blind

39. A. entering B. sharing C. destroying D. missing

40. A. job B. hope C. chance D. value

41. A. failing B. improving C. falling D. increasing

42. A. as a result B. ever since C. as usual D. as well

43. A. reach B. keep C. win D. lose

44. A. bright B. dark C. new D. special

45. A. For that matter B. From then on C. After all D. In this way

46. A. meaningful B. wonderful C. useful D. successful





Do you have a pet? What would you like to have, a dog, a cat or a bowl of fish? In the US, nearly 73 million families have at least one pet. The table shows the total number (in millions) of some of the most popular pets in the US. 50 w

47. Which pet is the most popular in the US families?

A. Fish.

B. Cats.

C. Dogs.

D. Birds

48. How many American families keep horses as a pet?

A. 78 million.

B. 16 million.

C. 13 million.

D. 8 million.

49. Which place do dogs take in the popularity (普遍性) of pets?

A. The 1st place.

B. The 2nd place.

C. The 3rd place.

D. The 4th place.
