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第20卷 第1期地 球 物 理 学 进 展V ol.20 N o.12005年3月(页码:108~111)
M arch 2005
王聿军1, 仲卫国1, 张善法2
(1.山东省第七地质矿产勘查院,临沂276006; 2.山东正元地理信息工程有限责任公司,济南250014)
摘 要 金伯利岩是金刚石的成矿母岩之一.金伯利岩的分布严格受断裂构造控制,矿体呈管状、脉状,具有成群、结带分布的特征;它具有磁性强、电阻率低、微量元素Cr 、N i 、N b 含量高的特征.地表物化探异常多为椭圆状、条带状且与断裂构造共生.综合物化探异常与矿体吻合较好;金伯利岩岩体形状空间分布与围岩的物性差别,决定了异常大小强弱、反映明显程度;Cr 、N i 、N b 的元素异常范围与金伯利岩管(脉)的形状有直接的对应关系.有针对性选用综合物化探方法、采用合适的测网寻找金伯利岩是行之有效的.关键词 金伯利岩,物化探,异常,构造控制,探勘方法
中图分类号 P631 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1004 2903(2005)01 0108 04
The geophysical and geochemical abnormal features and
prospection methods of Kimberlite
WANG Yu jun 1, ZH ONG Wei g uo 1, ZH AN G Shan fa 2
(1.T he 7th Ex p lora tion I nstitu tion f or Ge ology and M iner al R esour ces of Sh an dong P rov ince ,L inyi 276006,China;
2.Zhe nyuan Ge op hy sical Su rv ey &P rospe cting Co.L td ,J i nan 250014,China)
Abstract T he kimber lit e is one o f mo ther r ock o f diamo nd.T he dist ribution of kimberlite is str ictly co nt rolled by fracture structure.I ts or e body is shaped in pipe,vein,which is distr ibuted in gr oups or lig ament.T he kimber lite has the intensiv e mag net ism,low r esist ivity,and high content of Cr 、N i and N b.Its geo physical and g eo chemical pr ospec t ing anomaly o ver the earth's surface ar e mo st ly shaped in ellipse and r ibbo n,w hich is parag enetic with fr act ur e str uc tur e.T he sy nthetic geophysical and geochemical pr ospect ing anomalies ino sculate better w ith the o re bo dy.T he difference between the lithosome shape,dist ribution of kimber lit e and the phy sical nat ur es of adjacent ro ck decides the size,intensity of ano ma ly and the reflect ing deg rees.T he anomaly range of elements Cr 、Ni 、N b has t he direct cor re sponding r elatio nship w ith the shape o f kimberlite pipe or vein.T he effective w ay to find the kimberlite is t o select the synthetic geophysical and geo chemical pr ospecting methods and ado pt suitable survey nets.
Keywords kimberlite,g eophysical and geo chemical explo ration,anomaly,st ructur e co nt rol,pro specting met ho d
收稿日期 2004 09 10; 修回日期 2004 12 10.
作者简介 王聿军,男,1962年生,山东金乡人,工学学士,物化探高级工程师,现任山东省第七地质矿产勘查(院)集团总工程师,长期从事
金刚石原生矿物化探普查及异常验证工作.(E m ail:w link an@ )
0 引 言
1 矿区地质、地球物理、地球化学概况
某矿区位于沂沭大断裂西约35~75km 处.属鲁中南隆断区,由三个矿带组成,大致呈NE -SW 向条带状分布(图1).
NW 向鲁西系构造是区域性的大断裂,断裂长