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about Time
时空恋 旅人
Mr.Bean (1992)
Mr.Bean (1992)
Mr.Bean (1992)
Four weddings and a funeral
Mr.Bean (1992)
NottingHill (1999)
Mr.Bean (1992)
Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)
Mr.Bean (1992)
Love Actually(2003)
about Time
时空恋 旅人
Tim Lake ,the protagonist, uses his ability to travel back in time to find the love of his life.
主角蒂姆.雷克 利用他穿越时空的特异功 能回到过去,寻找他一生所爱。
family members
I always knew we were a fairly odd family.
、 我向来感觉我们家很古怪。
First there was me. Too tall. Too skinny. Too orange.
第一个就是我 太高, 太瘦, 太黄。
like other mums.
And his father told him a secret formula for happiness
And they get a baby
No one can ever prepare you for what happens when you have a child . when you see the baby in your arms and you know that it's your job now. No one can prepare you for the love and the fear.
My mum was lovely, but not
我妈是个美女,但跟其他妈妈们 不同。
There was something solid about her. Something rectangular, busy and unsentimental.
在她身上固有的几点:不落俗 套、忙碌以及 从不感情用事。
子进入了一个承Baidu Nhomakorabea不起的新世界。
Suddenly,time travel seems almost unnecessary,because every detail of life is so delightful.
突然间,穿越时空貌似乎没有什么必要了。 因为生活的每一个细节都充满欢乐。
His father suffer from cancer ,and he is only given 2 months to live.
Soon, Tim gets his chance to work on the romance issue when he meets Mary in a restaurant. 很快,蒂姆在一家餐馆邂逅了玛 丽。他终于有机会来塑造自 己 的爱情故事了。
After three hours……
He can only go……
to places where he actually was and can remember.
What he wanna to do with it?
Get a girlfriend!
He went to london,in search of a future and a girlfriend.
他的穿着总是无可挑剔,他每天 就是…做他的德斯蒙德舅舅。
He was the most charming and least clever man you could ever meet.His mind was on other things, though we never found out what.
他会是你见过的最帅最无脑的家 伙。他的心思总是在别的 事情上,虽然 我们从不知道那是什么。
And then, finally there was
Catherine.Katie. Kit Kat. My sister.
凯瑟琳凯蒂 Well, what can I call her, nature thing.
He decide to travel back in time .
He “re-meets” her, perfecting their “chance” encounter. They fall in love and marry. 他穿梭时空回到过去,与玛丽再 次重逢,创造出了一次完美邂逅。
当你有了孩子,没人会告诉你将 会发生什么事情。 当你看着怀里的宝宝,你就知道, 现在那就是你的工作。 没人会为爱与恐惧提前做好准备。
And it‘s a shock how quickly you have to move to a new place you completely can't afford。你会震惊自己一下
With her elfin eyes, her purple T-shirts and her eternally bare feet,
她的眼睛、紫色T恤,再加上 她永远都是光着脚
she was then, and still is to me,about the most wonderful thing in the world.
On his 21st birthday, his father reveals a major secret: The men in their family have the ability to go back in time. 21 岁生日那天,父亲告诉他一 个天大的秘密: 他们家族的男人具有穿越时空、回到过去的能力。
50岁生日那天从大学离教之 后…
he was eternally available for a leisurely chat or to let me win at table tennis.
他就常常跟人闲聊,或是跟我打乒乓球, 让我狂赢他。
And then there was Mum's brother, Uncle Desmond. 舅舅德斯蒙德 Always impeccably dressed. He spent the days just, well,being Uncle Desmond.
They decided to see eachother outside
Mary left him a phone number
He lost the phone number
Finally,he find Mary in the exhibition,but she have had a new boyfriend.
Dad, well, he was more normal. He
always seemed to have time on his hands. 我老爸呢…他更普通,他总是看 起来很悠闲
After giving up teaching university students on his 50th birthday,
About life
Tim comes from a nice, comfortable British family, and he has no serious worries, except for his luck with women. 蒂姆来自一个温馨富足的英国家庭, 尽管生活无 忧无虑,但是爱情方面却 一直不走运。