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He pretends to be absorbed in listening.

Mary was absorbed in thought.

2be abundant in…富于,…丰富The country is abundant in natural resources

3by accident偶然Columbus discovered America by accident

进入…的道路,通路;There is no access to the house from the main road.

能接近,进入,了解或使用Students have access to the library during the vacation. 5in accordance with与…一致;按照,根据We‟ve punished the criminal in accordance with the law. 6account for说明(原因等);解释How do you account for that?

7on account of因为,由于The match was postponed on account of the weather。8on no account决不On no account should we give up the plan。

9take into account考虑;重视We should take into account the proposals of our parents and vice versa(反之亦然).

10aaccuse sb. of sth.控告(某人某事)He is accused of stealing. They falsely accused him of being a thief. 他们赖他偷东西。


1be absorbed in专心致力于

4access (to) (不可数)


He is accustomed to loneliness.I have got accustomed to queuing

When did you become acquainted with him?He is acquainted with French.

13act for 代理

Please act for me during my absence.14act on 按照…而行动You must act on his advice.

15act out 演出

The children started to act out the new play.

16take action 采取行动;提出诉讼He suggested that we seize the chance to take action. He is considering taking legal action against the hospital.17adapt to 适应Someone is unable to adapt to their circumstances.

18add up 加算,合计The numbers wouldn't add up. 这些数目加起来与总数不符 Add up these figures, please.19add up to 合计达,总计是The bills add up to exactly $100.

上瘾;He became addicted to drugs at the age of thirteen.入迷

Her son is addicted to computer games.

11be accustomed to 习惯于

12be acquainted with 开始认识;开始了解20be addicted to

21in addition 另外

In addition, there are five problems.

22in addition to 除…之外(还有)In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.


粘附在…上;Mud adhered to our shoes.


She adhered to her plan to leave early.她坚持自己的计划要早点动身。

25admit of 容许有,有…余地These regulations admit of no exception.26in advance 在前面;预先

They commanded us to pay in advance.27in advance of 在…的前面;超过They walked in advance of the president.


take advantage of

趁…之机,利用They often took advantage of his lack of experience.There are still some people who cannot afford to go to school. No country can afford to neglect education.任何国家都不能忽视教育。

30for ages


He said he had been waiting for ages.

The plan was adequate for the purpose. 这计划足以达到这一目的。This is a solution adequate for the problem.24adhere to 29afford to (买)得起(某物)23be adequate for
