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Renter and landlord dialogue

R: I’ve been looking for an apartment.

L: How many rooms do you have in mind?

R: I’d like to rent a three-room apartment.

L: It’s one bedroom, one living room apartment, with a bathroom and a kitchen.

R: May I take a look at the room?

L: Sure, I will show you around.

R: What’s the rent?

L: Two hundred a month.

R: Does the rent include water bill and cable?

L: Only the cable is included.

R: How about the transportation?

L: You can always catch buses onto campus, or into the city.

R: Do I have to pay any rent in advance?

L: No, but you should let me know one month earlier if you want to leave.

R: Would you mind if I share it with my friends? L: Of course not! Whatever you like.

R: Ok! I’ll rent it.

Debate whether China should adopt Western festivals or not

A: Hey, what’s your favourate taditional festival? B: Spring festival.

A: Why?

B: Because all of the family members can get together during the Spring Festival.We can have big dinner and play cards.What about you?

A: I like Mid-autumn festival ,because I can eat delicious mooncakes. Eh, How do you think that whether china should adopt western festivals or not? B: Well, I think we had better not adopt western festivals, because we should pay more attention to our traditional festivals that date to our ancestors. Western festivals ,you know, is for western people. Whatever ,we shouldn’t lose tradition. How about you?

A: Well, I like western festival. You know, we can make fun of each other without worrying too much on April Fools’ Day. Western festivals have been a part of our life.

B: Yeah,One coin has two sides. It’s hard to say YES or NO. Compare/contrast two International or Imaginary festivals

A: Hey,what’s your imaginary festival ?

B: My imaginary festival is named“Taqing festival”. You know ,Taqing means we walk outsides. What about you?

A: My imaginary festival is called ”Games festival”. What do people do on “Taqing festival”?

B: On ”Taqing festival”, people can ask their friends or classmates to go for a walk together. They can walk in the field and talk about their lives and gossips. They also will have a picnic.

A: It will benefit our health.

B: How about your imaginary festival?

A: On “Games festival”, people who love playing games get together in some place. Everyone give an idea and describe how to play the game by turn. Then, people play the games together.At last, they can keep the good idea and make the game popular.

B: It sounds wonderful. If you hold the “Game festival”, count me on.

A: No problem.bye.

B: Bye-bye.

Doctor and patient dialogue

D: You don’t look so good today.

P: I know. I feel terrible. I think I have a cold.

D: How long have you been like this?

P: It started bothering me yesterday afternoon. D: Do you have a cough?

P: Yes, I got a cough.

D: Ok! Open up and say”ahh”

P: Ahh

D: Does this hurt?

P: Yes, my chest hurts.

D: Ok! You need to take some medication.

P: What kind of medication doI need?

D: An antibiotic. You need to take it for three days. P: What do I do with this?

D: That’s the prescription. Takeit to the pharmacy, and they’ll fill it for you.

P: Thanks.

D: Eh,I know you’re busy, but you need to take it easy for several days, OK?

P: I know, I definitely need some rest.

D: Ok! Bye.

P: Bye.
