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UNIT 1 Never Give in, Never, Never, Never

1. at your Head Master’s kind invitation


at prep. in accord with, following

Other examples:

at one‘s request 依照/应…的请求

E.g. We came at your mother’s request.

at one‘s disposal 听凭…自由处理,由…做主, 由…随意支配、使用

E.g. I put my car at his disposal.

at one’s command 由…支配; 听…吩咐, 奉…之命

E.g. He offered me all the money at his command.

It was done at the queen’s command.

I’m at your command. 我随时听候您的吩咐。

at one's service 随时供…使用; 随时为…提供服务/效劳

E.g. My car is at your service.

If you need any help, I am at your service. 随时为您服务/效劳;请随时吩咐

at one‘s pleasure: as one wishes or desires 随…的意愿; 随意,请便

E.g. You may go or stay at your pleasure.

at one’s convenience 在…方便时

E.g. Please do it at your convenience.

Please send the goods at your earliest convenience. 从速、尽快

2. Synonyms: disaster, calamity, catastrophe

(referring to an event having fatal or ruinous results “灾难”)

disaster: generally implies great destruction, hardship, or loss of life;


(e.g. natural disasters: a great flood or fire, an earthquake; a serious defeat in war; the loss of a large sum of money)

adj. disastrous

calamity: emphasizes distress, grief, or the sense of loss 灾难;不幸事件

E.g. “the heaviest calamity in English history, the break with America”(James George Frazer). “英国历史上最沉重的灾难,是和美国关系的破裂“(詹姆斯·乔治·弗雷泽)。adj. calamitous

catastrophe: especially stresses the sense of a tragic final outcome

指“突然而来造成极大苦难及毁灭的大灾难”或“异常的灾祸”, 含“最终结局无法补偿之意”

adj. catastrophic

3. ups and downs: alternating periods of good and bad fortune or spirits.

高低起伏; 沉浮, 兴衰, 顺逆, 荣枯:好运和坏运(或好心情和坏心情)的交替变换的时期E.g. With constant ups and downs as well as numerous turns and twists along the range of hills it sits on, Badaling looks very much like a dragon with imposing magnificence.


The ups and downs of pitch makes speaking Chinese sound like singing.




Deng Xiaoping experienced three ups and downs in his life.

我感到很幸运,人生无论得意失意, 总有你相伴在身旁。

I feel lucky to have you that stay together with me through life’s ups and downs.


The past century has seen ups and downs of the relationship between the two countries.


4. the unmeasured menace of the enemy:

the immense or immeasurable threat or danger of the enemy attack我们受到了敌人的巨大威胁

unmeasured adj.

1) not measured

2) beyond measure; without limits

E.g. The reduced efficiency in feed utilization can produce unmeasured economic losses.


Synonyms: unlimited, limitless, boundless, endless, measureless, immeasurable, infinite, immense, vast

5. lull

n. a relatively calm interval; an interval of lessened activity 暂停,间歇,稍止

E.g. a lull in sales / wind / conversation


这只是暴风雨前的暂时平静。This is just the lull before the storm.

经过两星期的间歇以后,地面战斗又突然爆发了。Ground fighting flared up again after a two-week lull.

v. 1) cause to sleep or rest 哄睡

E.g. lull someone to sleep

Translate: 我们花了一整夜时间才把婴儿哄睡着。It took us all night to lull the baby to sleep.

2) make or become calm or less active

使平静,使平息; 消除,缓和

E.g. The sea lulled / was lulled. 海浪平息了.

lull sb.’s fears (suspicious) 消除某人恐惧(猜疑)

Translate: 时间和空间上的远距离有一种奇妙的力量,可以使人的心灵平静。

Great distance in either time or space has wonderful power to lull the human mind.

3) deceive (into trustfulness, etc.)

哄骗; 麻痹(斗志等)

E.g. Nor will I allow yesterday's success to lull me into today's complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure.
