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H Tag vs. Other Activity Tags H Tag vs. 其它活动量颈圈
Heatime® vs. Timed AI Heatime® vs. 同期发情
University of Guelph – system validation Guelph大学研究验证 Cox Proportional Hazards model stratified by herd
Herd 牧群 A Bred 繁育 Twice Pen 牛棚 AHD TAI N 数量 240 389 % Median time to pregnancy (days) and 95% CI胎间距 119 (105 -139) 146 (125-174) P-value P值 0.02
• Fewer “open days”缩短空怀期 More milk production 提升奶产量
• More calving 更多犊牛 Increase and improve herd 扩张和改善牧群规模 • Saves time and labor 节省时间和人力 • Reduces expenses on semen and vet treatments
• For the 42 cows included in the analysis, 26% (11/42) underwent luteal regression but did not ovulate (2 were detected in estrus by DFII; HDR=18%), whereas 74% (31/42) regressed their CL and ovulated (28 were detected in estrus by DFII; HDR=90%). • 研究分析中所含的42头奶牛,26%(11/42)经历了黄体退化但是没有排卵(其 中2例被DFII监测发现,揭发率=18%, 74%(31/42)经历了黄体退化且有排卵(DFII 系统监测到其中28例,揭发率=90%) • We conclude that the DFII system determined the correct timing of AI for most of the cows that displayed estrus and that treatment with GnRH at the time of AI determined by the DFII system did not affect fertility in lactating dairy cows. • 研究结论得出DFII系统可以对大部分进行GnRH处理后表现发情奶牛做出正确的配 种时间建议,
• 节省冻精和兽医治疗成本
Why is it important to inseminate on time?及时配种的重要性
Cost per Extra Day Open每个空怀天数成本
(Adapted from De Vries, A., University of Florida)
Maintenance, milk and net income USD/day 产量维持需要,牛奶,净收入 USD/每天
Reproduction 繁育 Health 健康 Nutrition 营养 Management 管理 Full Potential 完全的生产潜能
Heatime/DF® - World Wide Sensation 世界知名的感应装置
• Almost 2,000,000 tags sold since 2007. • 自2007年全球售出2,000,000个颈圈 • Used in about 15,000 farms worldwide. • 全球已经有15,000家牧场使用SCR设备 Approximately 30% of UK national herd is bred using Heatime®. • 30%的英国牧场使用Heatime®系统管理繁育工作 • Reported payback period of about one year. • 一年内收回投资
DFII® detects “real” heats and recommends the correct timing for insemination DFII®监测发情,建议最优配种时间 System validation - University of Wisconsin 威斯康辛大学研究验证
Milking Parlor Equipment 奶厅设备
Simplicity 简化
Key Concept 关键
If you cannot measure it, You cannot manage it ! 只有发现问题,才能解决问题!
The Keys to Dairy Farm Profitability 牧场盈利的重要性

Technologies and Product Families 产品和技术系列
Free Flow™ – Milk measurement 奶流量计量技术 Heatime ® & Smart Tags™ - Heat detection and Health monitoring 发情健康监控 DataFlow ™ - Management software and terminals 管理软件和终端 Milking point Devices - MP Display , Pulsators, and networ源自文库 controllers. 挤奶点设备-挤奶点显示,脉动器和网络控制器。 Auxiliary systems – Sorting system, Walkthrough weight 分群门,自动称重系统
What we do 我们提供的服务
• • • SCR sells computerized systems for milking and herd management worldwide. SCR在全球销售智能挤奶和牧群管 理系统 SCR is an OEM supplier of devices to global solution providers - DeLaval and Lely SCR是全球知名乳业解决方案提供 商-Delaval和Lely的OEM供应商。 SCR provides complete turnkey projects and management services worldwide. SCR在全球范围内提供交钥匙工程 和牧业管理咨询服务。
-通用格式 -通用格式 -通用格式 -通用格式
Milk Maintenanc e
22 Mcal
33 Mcal
44 Mcal
2.80 5.12
4.20 10.23
5.60 15.35
Feed cost 饲喂成 本 Milk income牛 奶收入
Fixed cost固定 成本
Net income净收 入
SCR Heat detection SCR发情监测 Optimize heat detection and achieve high conception rates 优化发情监测,实现高受胎率 • Uniquely combines rumination, movement and movement intensity, recognizing behavior patterns • 独特的集成反刍,活动和活动强度监控,识别 动物行为模型 • Real-time heat detection reports for optimized insemination timing • 实时发情监控报告,建议最佳配种时间 • Actionable information – Excellent Managerial Tool • 信息实用-极佳的管理工具
Make every cow count 关注每头牛
About SCR SCR公司公司介绍
• Established in 1976 • SCR 成立于1976年 • SCR is a worldwide leading original manufacturer of innovative solutions for dairy farms. SCR是世界领先的牧场解决方案和创新设备提供商。 • SCR is the world‘s largest manufacturer of electronic milk meters - more than 380,000 units installed in the field. SCR是世界上最大的奶流量电子计量设备制造商-在行 业内已经安装了超过380,000台。 • SCR leads the industry in the area of electronic collar tags for estrus detection and health monitoring - more than 10,000 systems for farms and over 1,500,000 tags were sold to date. • SCR的奶牛发情健康监控电子颈圈技术居于世界领先 地位-迄今为止,已售出超过10,000套系统,1,500,000 个颈圈。 • SCR is a privately held company. Corporate offices, R&D and production facilities are located in Netanya, Israel. • SCR是私营公司,研发,销售生产和办公总部位于以 色列娜坦尼亚 • SCR products are distributed worldwide in more than 50 countries • SCR的产品在全球50多个国家都有销售。
SCR H tag IR Activity Monitoring 红外发情监测 颈圈
SCR H tag RF Activity Monitoring 无线发情监测 颈圈
SCR HR tag RF Activity Monitoring 无线发情健康 监控颈圈
The importance of efficient reproduction: Bringing on the next lactation 高效繁育的重要性:迎接下个泌乳期
Valenza et al. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 94, E-Suppl. 1
SCR Heatime HR System SCR Heatime 发情健康监控系统
Standalone terminal-based system that provides a complete reproduction and health monitoring solution, with no PC required. The intuitive operation and low maintenance system enable you and your employees to work more efficiently and with confidence. 基于终端的独立式发情健康监控系统,无需使用电脑。操作直观简 便,基本无需维护,提升操作人员信心,支持高效工作。
63 72
99 (87-122)
124 (108-147)
N – Number of breeding within each pen 每个牛圈的配种牛头数 % - Proportion of the AI to the assigned protocol 实际配种 比例