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Earth Science Frontiers (China University of Geosciences ,Beijing ;Peking University )Vol.12No.3







作者简介:范嘉松(1931— ),男,研究员,主要研究古代生物礁和碳酸盐岩。




FAN Jia -song

Institute o f Geolog y and Geo phy sics ,Ch ines e Aca dem y o f S ciences ,Beijing 100029,China

FAN Jia -song.C haracteristics of carbonate reservoirs for oil and gas fields in the world and essential controlling factors for their formation.Earth Science Frontiers ,2005,12(3):023-030

Abstract :T he ty pes of car bo nate r ese rvoir fo r oil and gas fields in the wo rld can be divided into the fo llo wing six ca teg o ries :(l )reserv oirs develo ped benea th a r egio na l unconformity thro ug h leaching and do lo mitizatio n ;(2)dolomite rese rvoir s fo rmed in subtidal to supratidal environments ,and in cy clic sequences ;(3)o olitic and peloidal shoa ls ;(4)or ganic reefs ;(5)micro po ro sity within the micrites and chalks ;(6)microf ractures w ithin the micrite s.In addition ,so me rare types ,such as the burial -diag ene tic dissolution type a re also co nsidered he re.All o f these r eser voir types ar e g reatly e nhanced fo r their hy drocar bo n po tential if they are ex posed abo ve sea lev el and wer e subjected to intensiv e f resh wa te r leaching (so lutio n ).T hus they became impor tant r eser voirs for oil and ga s.T he main ,e ssential facto rs for the for matio n of the giant oi1and g as fie lds in the M iddle East are discussed briefly he re as a ty pica l example.T hese facto rs are as follo ws :(1)so urce rocks ,re ser voirs and cap rocks a re clo sely linked toge ther ;(2)presence o f relatively deep ,stag nant so urce basins which acted as the main sources fo r hy drocar bo ns in Jurassic -T er tiary rese rvoir s ;(3)main re serv oirs o ccur red in ro cks of rel -atively y oung er ag es (M esozoic and Cenozoic );(4)the entry of oil into reservo ir s occurred g eologically very la te ,even later tha n the for mation of the traps tha t r esulted fro m Miocene -Ho locene oro geny ;(5)prese nce of hug e anticlinal structures ;(6)presence of regional ,w idespr ead cap r ocks.T hese facto rs a re so intimately as -so ciated in the M iddle East that its inco mpar able ,giant oil and g as fields we re fo rmed.A s fo r the study o f car -bo nate re ser voirs in China ,we should pay g reat at tentio n in loo king fo r the primary ca rbonate reserv oir ty pes mentioned abov e ,w hich we re subjected to leaching and dolomitiza tion during later diag enesis.U nder such co n -ditions ,efficient carbonate re ser voirs wo uld hav e been for med.

Key words :oil and g as reservo ir s ;carbonate ;essential facto rs ;M iddle East ;g iant oil and g as fields

摘 要:世界碳酸盐岩储层的类型可识别为6种类型:不整合面之下的储层、白云岩储层、鲕粒和团粒浅滩储层、生物礁储层、微孔隙储层以及微裂缝储层。尚有深埋溶解型储层,但此类较少。上述各类储层,如出露水面,遭受雨水淋滤,必将增加其孔隙度,成为重要的油气储层。中东地区碳酸盐岩之所以能形成世界级的大油气田,其基本要素为油气的生储盖层组合的密切配置、有台地内继承性发育的生油盆地、含油气层的年代较新,且石油进入构造圈闭的时间也较晚、构造圈闭规模巨大、有十分理想的区域性的盖层。正是这些要素的有机配合,从而形成世界上无可匹敌的大油田。对中国碳酸盐岩油气田的储层研究,应寻找上述这些原生储层,又经历次生溶蚀和白云石化作用,这样才能成为有效的油气储层。
