ASP图书馆管理系统目录目录 I摘要 1前言 1第一章系统介绍和功能分析 1第一节系统介绍 11.1.1 系统介绍 11.1.2主要功能介绍 1第二节需求分析 2第二章系统设计 3第一节系统布局设计 32.1.1系统前台布局图 32.1.2系统后台布局图 4第二节系统结构设计 52.2.1 系统前台结构图 52.2.2系统后台结构图 5第三节系统流程图 6第四节系统数据库设计 7第三章系统实现 12第一节密码找回 12第二节借书功能 12第三节还书、续借 15第四章系统测试 18第一节测试项目 18第二节测试结果 18第五章关键技术系统分析及改进 19结论 20参考文献 21致谢 22摘要信息时代的今天,网络已经成为人们工作和学习中非常重要的一部分,不断充实和改变着人们的生活。
毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班姓 名:学 院:专指导教师:2014 年 6 月软件学院 软件工程An Introduction to JavaThe first release of Java in 1996 generated an incredible amount of excitement, not just in the computer press, but in mainstream media such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Business Week. Java has the distinction of being the first and only programming language that had a ten-minute story on National Public Radio. A $100,000,000 venture capital fund was set up solely for products produced by use of a specific computer language. It is rather amusing to revisit those heady times, and we give you a brief history of Java in this chapter.In the first edition of this book, we had this to write about Java: “As a computer language, Java’s hype is overdone: Java is certainly a good program-ming language. There is no doubt that it is one of the better languages available to serious programmers. We think it could potentially have been a great programming language, but it is probably too late for that. Once a language is out in the field, the ugly reality of compatibility with existing code sets in.”Our editor got a lot of flack for this paragraph from someone very high up at Sun Micro- systems who shall remain unnamed. But, in hindsight, our prognosis seems accurate. Java has a lot of nice language features—we examine them in detail later in this chapter. It has its share of warts, and newer additions to the language are not as elegant as the original ones because of the ugly reality of compatibility.But, as we already said in the first edition, Java was never just a language. There are lots of programming languages out there, and few of them make much of a splash. Java is a whole platform, with a huge library, containing lots of reusable code, and an execution environment that provides services such as security, portability across operating sys-tems, and automatic garbage collection.As a programmer, you will want a language with a pleasant syntax and comprehensible semantics (i.e., not C++). Java fits the bill, as do dozens of other fine languages. Some languages give you portability, garbage collection, and the like, but they don’t have much of a library, forcing you to roll your own if you want fancy graphics or network- ing or database access. Well, Java has everything—a good language, a high-quality exe- cution environment, and a vast library. That combination is what makes Java an irresistible proposition to so many programmers.SimpleWe wanted to build a system that could be programmed easily without a lot of eso- teric training and which leveraged t oday’s standard practice. So even though wefound that C++ was unsuitable, we designed Java as closely to C++ as possible in order to make the system more comprehensible. Java omits many rarely used, poorly understood, confusing features of C++ that, in our experience, bring more grief than benefit.The syntax for Java is, indeed, a cleaned-up version of the syntax for C++. There is no need for header files, pointer arithmetic (or even a pointer syntax), structures, unions, operator overloading, virtual base classes, and so on. (See the C++ notes interspersed throughout the text for more on the differences between Java and C++.) The designers did not, however, attempt to fix all of the clumsy features of C++. For example, the syn- tax of the switch statement is unchanged in Java. If you know C++, you will find the tran- sition to the Java syntax easy. If you are used to a visual programming environment (such as Visual Basic), you will not find Java simple. There is much strange syntax (though it does not take long to get the hang of it). More important, you must do a lot more programming in Java. The beauty of Visual Basic is that its visual design environment almost automatically pro- vides a lot of the infrastructure for an application. The equivalent functionality must be programmed manually, usually with a fair bit of code, in Java. There are, however, third-party development environments that provide “drag-and-drop”-style program development.Another aspect of being simple is being small. One of the goals of Java is to enable the construction of software that can run stand-alone in small machines. The size of the basic interpreter and class support is about 40K bytes; adding the basic stan- dard libraries and thread support (essentially a self-contained microkernel) adds an additional 175K.This was a great achievement at the time. Of course, the library has since grown to huge proportions. There is now a separate Java Micro Edition with a smaller library, suitable for embedded devices.Object OrientedSimply stated, object-oriented design is a technique for programming that focuses on the data (= objects) and on the interfaces to that object. To make an analogy with carpentry, an “object-oriented” carpenter would be mostly concerned with the chair he was building, and secondari ly with the tools used to make it; a “non-object- oriented” carpenter would think primarily of his tools. The object-oriented facilities of Java are essentially those of C++.Object orientation has proven its worth in the last 30 years, and it is inconceivable that a modern programming language would not use it. Indeed, the object-oriented features of Java are comparable to those of C++. The major difference between Java and C++ lies in multiple inheritance, which Java has replaced with the simpler concept of interfaces, and in the Java metaclass model (which we discuss in Chapter 5). NOTE: If you have no experience with object-oriented programming languages, you will want to carefully read Chapters 4 through 6. These chapters explain what object-oriented programming is and why it is more useful for programming sophisticated projects than are traditional, procedure-oriented languages like C or Basic.Network-SavvyJava has an extensive library of routines for coping with TCP/IP protocols like HTTP and FTP. Java applications can open and access objects across the Net via URLs with the same ease as when accessing a local file system.We have found the networking capabilities of Java to be both strong and easy to use. Anyone who has tried to do Internet programming using another language will revel in how simple Java makes onerous tasks like opening a socket connection. (We cover net- working in V olume II of this book.) The remote method invocation mechanism enables communication between distributed objects (also covered in V olume II).RobustJava is intended for writing programs that must be reliable in a variety of ways.Java puts a lot of emphasis on early checking for possible problems, later dynamic (runtime) checking, and eliminating situations that are error-prone. The single biggest difference between Java and C/C++ is that Java has a pointer model that eliminates the possibility of overwriting memory and corrupting data.This feature is also very useful. The Java compiler detects many problems that, in other languages, would show up only at runtime. As for the second point, anyone who has spent hours chasing memory corruption caused by a pointer bug will be very happy with this feature of Java.If you are coming from a language like Visual Basic that doesn’t explicitly use pointers, you are probably wondering why this is so important. C programmers are not so lucky. They need pointers to access strings, arrays, objects, and even files. In Visual Basic, you do not use pointers for any of these entities, nor do you need to worry about memory allocation for them. On the other hand, many data structures are difficult to implementin a pointerless language. Java gives you the best of both worlds. You do not need point- ers for everyday constructs like strings and arrays. You have the power of pointers if you need it, for example, for linked lists. And you always have complete safety, because you can never access a bad pointer, make memory allocation errors, or have to protect against memory leaking away.Architecture NeutralThe compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format—the compiled code is executable on many processors, given the presence of the Java runtime sys- tem. The Java compiler does this by generating bytecode instructions which have nothing to do with a particular computer architecture. Rather, they are designed to be both easy to interpret on any machine and easily translated into native machine code on the fly.This is not a new idea. More than 30 years ago, both Niklaus Wirth’s original implemen- tation of Pascal and the UCSD Pascal system used the same technique.Of course, interpreting bytecodes is necessarily slower than running machine instruc- tions at full speed, so it isn’t clear that this is even a good idea. However, virtual machines have the option of translating the most frequently executed bytecode sequences into machine code, a process called just-in-time compilation. This strategy has proven so effective that even Microsoft’s .NET platform relies on a virt ual machine.The virtual machine has other advantages. It increases security because the virtual machine can check the behavior of instruction sequences. Some programs even produce bytecodes on the fly, dynamically enhancing the capabilities of a running program.PortableUnlike C and C++, there are no “implementation-dependent” aspects of the specifi- cation. The sizes of the primitive data types are specified, as is the behavior of arith- metic on them.For example, an int in Java is always a 32-bit integer. In C/C++, int can mean a 16-bit integer, a 32-bit integer, or any other size that the compiler vendor likes. The only restriction is that the int type must have at least as many bytes as a short int and cannot have more bytes than a long int. Having a fixed size for number types eliminates a major porting headache. Binary data is stored and transmitted in a fixed format, eliminating confusion about byte ordering. Strings are saved in a standard Unicode format. The libraries that are a part of the system define portable interfaces. For example,there is an abstract Window class and implementations of it for UNIX, Windows, and the Macintosh.As anyone who has ever tried knows, it is an effort of heroic proportions to write a pro- gram that looks good on Windows, the Macintosh, and ten flavors of UNIX. Java 1.0 made the heroic effort, delivering a simple toolkit that mapped common user interface elements to a number of platforms. Unfortunately, the result was a library that, with a lot of work, could give barely acceptable results on different systems. (And there were often different bugs on the different platform graphics implementations.) But it was a start. There are many applications in which portability is more important than user interface slickness, and these applications did benefit from early versions of Java. By now, the user interface toolkit has been completely rewritten so that it no longer relies on the host user interface. The result is far more consistent and, we think, more attrac- tive than in earlier versions of Java.InterpretedThe Java interpreter can execute Java bytecodes directly on any machine to which the interpreter has been ported. Since linking is a more incremental and lightweight process, the development process can be much more rapid and exploratory.Incremental linking has advantages, but its benefit for the development process is clearly overstated. Early Java development tools were, in fact, quite slow. Today, the bytecodes are translated into machine code by the just-in-time compiler.MultithreadedThe benefits of multithreading are better interactive responsiveness and real-time behavior.If you have ever tried to do multithreading in another language, you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is in Java. Threads in Java also can take advantage of multi- processor systems if the base operating system does so. On the downside, thread imple- mentations on the major platforms differ widely, and Java makes no effort to be platform independent in this regard. Only the code for calling multithreading remains the same across machines; Java offloads the implementation of multithreading to the underlying operating system or a thread library. Nonetheless, the ease of multithread- ing is one of the main reasons why Java is such an appealing language for server-side development.Java程序设计概述1996年Java第一次发布就引起了人们的极大兴趣。
VC database with ADO access to all Raiders1, ADO OverviewADO is Microsoft for the latest and most powerful data access paradigm designed OLE DB is an easy to use application layer interfaces. ADO allows you to write applications through OLE. DB provider to access and manipulate the data in the database server. ADO The main advantage is ease of use, speed, memory and disk less expenditure remains small. ADO in critical applications using the least network traffic, and front-end and data sources used the least number of layers, all of which are to provide a lightweight, high-performance interface. Is called ADO, is a familiar metaphor, OLE Automation interface.OLE DB is a set of "Component Object Model" (COM) interface, a new database low-level interface that encapsulates the ODBC functions, and in a uniform way to access information stored in different data sources. OLE DB is Microsoft UDA (Universal Data Access) technology base strategy. OLE DB data source provided for any high-performance access to these data sources including relational and non-relational databases, e-mail and file systems, text and graphics, custom business objects, and more. In other words, OLE DB is not limited to ISAM, Jet and even relational data source, it can handle any type of data, regardless of their format and storage methods. In practice, this diversity means to access resides in Excel spreadsheets, text files, e-mail / directory service or e-mail server, such as Microsoft Exchange in the data. However, OLE DB application programming interface is intended to provide the best variety of application functions, it does not meet the requirements of simplicity. You need to be an API to connect applications and OLE DB bridge, which is ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).Second, the use of VC ADO (developed as follows:)1, the introduction of ADO libraryUse ADO in the works before the stdafx.h header file # import symbols with the introduction of direct introduction of ADO libraries to enable the compiler to compile correctly. Code is as follows:With the introduction of ADO library files # import# Import "c: program filescommon filessystemadomsado15.dll" no_namespaces rename ("EOF" adoEOF ")This line statement used in the project statement ADO, but ADO does not use the name space, and in order to avoid constant conflict, the constant EOF renamed adoEOF. Now no need to add another header file, you can use ADO interface to the.2, initialize OLE / COM library environmentImportant to note that, ADO COM library is a set of dynamic libraries, which means that the application before calling the ADO, you must initialize the OLE / COM library environment. In the MFC application, where a better approach is the application's InitInstance member functionof the main class is initialized OLE / COM library environment.BOOL CMyAdoTestApp:: InitInstance ()(if (! AfxOleInit ())// initialize the COM library which is(AfxMessageBox ("OLE Initialization Error!");return FALSE;)... ...)3, ADO Interface DescriptionADO library consists of three basic interfaces: _ConnectionPtr interfaces, _CommandPtr interface and _RecordsetPtr interfaces._ConnectionPtr Interface to return a record set or a null pointer. Often use it to create a data connection or perform a non-SQL statement that returns no results, such as a stored procedure. Use _ConnectionPtr Interface returns a recordset is not a good use. To return records for the operation is usually achieved with _RecordserPtr. The use of _ConnectionPtr operation to obtain a number of records may traverse all the records, but does not need to use _RecordserPtr._CommandPtr Interface returns a recordset. It provides a simple way to implement a stored procedure that returns a recordset and SQL statements. Using _CommandPtr interface, you can use the global _ConnectionPtr interface can also be used directly in the _CommandPtr interfaces in connection string. If you only implement one or more data access operation, which is a better choice. But if you want frequent access to the database, and to return many records set, then you should use the global _ConnectionPtr interface to create a data connection, and then use _CommandPtr interface to execute stored procedures and SQL statements._RecordsetPtr Is a recordset object. Compared with the above two objects, it provides a record set more control features, such as record locking, cursor control. Interface with _CommandPtr as it does not necessarily have to use an already created data connection, you can connect using a connection string instead of a pointer member variable assigned to _RecordsetPtr the connection, let it create a data connection. If you want to use multiple record sets, the best method is the same as with the Command object has already created a data connection using the global _ConnectionPtr Interface, And then use _RecordsetPtr SQL statement stored procedures and implementation.4, using _ConnectionPtr Interface_ConnectionPtr Is primarily a connection interface, made with the database. Its own direct connection string can be written, you can also point to an ODBC DSN._ConnectionPtr PConn;if (FAILED (pConn.CreateInstance ("ADODB.Connection")))(AfxMessageBox ("Create Instance failed!");return;)CString strSRC;strSRC = "Driver = SQL Server; Server =";strSRC + = "suppersoft";strSRC + = "; Database =";strSRC + = "mydb";strSRC + = "; UID = SA; PWD =";CString strSQL = "Insert into student (no, name, sex, address) values (3,''aaa'','' male'','' beijing'')";_variant_t varSRC (strSRC);_variant_t varSQL (strSQL);_bstr_t bstrSRC (strSRC);if (FAILED (pConn-> Open (bstrSRC ,"","",- 1)))(AfxMessageBox ("Can not open Database!");pConn.Release ();return;)COleVariant vtOptional ((long) DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);pConn-> Execute (_bstr_t (strSQL), & vtOptional, -1);pConn.Release ();AfxMessageBox ("ok!");5, using _RecordsetPtr interface (to connect to SQL Server as an example)_RecordsetPtr PPtr;if (FAILED (pPtr.CreateInstance ("ADODB.Recordset")))(AfxMessageBox ("Create Instance failed!");return FALSE;)CString strSRC;strSRC = "Driver = SQL Server; Server =";strSRC + = "";strSRC + = "; Database =";strSRC + = "mydb";strSRC + = "; UID = sa; PWD =";strSRC + = "sa";CString strSQL = "select id, name, gender, address from personal";_variant_t varSRC (strSRC);_variant_t varSQL (strSQL);if (FAILED (pPtr-> Open (varSQL, varSRC, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText))) (AfxMessageBox ("Open table failed!");pPtr.Release ();return FALSE;)while (! pPtr-> GetadoEOF ())(_variant_t varNo;_variant_t varName;_variant_t varSex;_variant_t varAddress;varNo = pPtr-> GetCollect ("id");varName = pPtr-> GetCollect ("name");varSex = pPtr-> GetCollect ("gender");varAddress = pPtr-> GetCollect ("address");CString strNo = (char *) _bstr_t (varNo);CString strName = (char *) _bstr_t (varName);CString strSex = (char *) _bstr_t (varSex);CString strAddress = (char *) _bstr_t (varAddress);strNo.TrimRight ();strName.TrimRight ();strSex.TrimRight ();strAddress.TrimRight ();int nCount = m_list.GetItemCount ();int nItem = m_list.InsertItem (nCount, _T (""));m_list.SetItemText (nItem, 0, strNo);m_list.SetItemText (nItem, 1, strName);m_list.SetItemText (nItem, 2, strSex);m_list.SetItemText (nItem, 3, strAddress);pPtr-> MoveNext ();)pPtr-> Close ();pPtr.Release ();6, using _CommandPtr Interface_CommandPtr Returns a Recordset object interfaces, and provides more control recordset, the following code sample using _CommandPtr interface methods:Code: access to data using _CommandPtr Interface_CommandPtr PCommand;_RecordsetPtr PRs;pCommand.CreateInstance (__uuidof (Command));pCommand-> ActiveConnection = pConn;pCommand-> CommandText = "select backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news: 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar.gz xml2dict-read-only from student ";pCommand-> CommandType = adCmdText;pCommand-> Parameters-> Refresh ();pRs = pCommand-> Execute (NULL, NULL, adCmdUnknown);_variant_t varValue = pRs-> GetCollect ("name");Cstring strValue = (char *) _bstr_t (varValue);7, about data type conversion because COM objects are cross-platform, it uses a generic way to handle all types of data, Cstring classes and COM objects are not compatible, we need a set of API to convert the COM object and C + + types of data. _vatiant_t and _bstr_t are two such objects. They provide a common way to convert C + + COM object and t he type of data.。
本网站使用Dreamweaver CS3制作页面,用ASP技术连接数据库,使用Access制作系统的数据库,利用数据库访问技术实现对数据库的各种管理操作,实现图书管理系统的基本功能及管理功能。
关键词:图书管理系统,ASP,Dreamweaver CS3,Access数据库前言 (4)第1章课题背景与需求分析 (5)1.1 系统背景 (5)1.2 选题目的和意义 (5)1.3 图书管理系统的可行性分析 (6)第2章系统分析 (7)2.1 系统概述 (7)2.1.1 系统描述 (7)2.1.2 系统功能 (7)2.1.3 用户特点 (7)2.1.4系统业务流程图 (8)2.1.5 数据流程分析 (8)2.2 需求分析 (9)2.3系统功能描述 (9)2.3.1 功能模块 (9)2.3.2 功能模块图 (10)2.4 系统E-R图 (11)2.5 数据库设计 (12)第3章系统详细设计 (14)3.1 普通用户登陆 (14)3.1.1 用户登陆功能 (14)3.1.2 用户登陆流程图 (15)3.2 浏览图书 (15)3.2.1 功能实现 (15)3.2.2 浏览图书流程图 (16)3.3 查看本人借书情况 (16)3.3.1功能实现 (16)3.3.2借书预览流程图 (17)3.4 图书查询 (17)3.4.1 输入查询条件 (18)3.4.2浏览查询结果 (18)3.5 个人资料管理 (19)3.5.1 查看个人基本资料 (19)3.6 给管理员留言功能 (19)3.6.1功能实现 (19)3.6.2 留言功能流程图 (20)3.7 修改本人密码 (20)3.7.1 功能实现描述 (21)3.7.2 修改密码流程图 (21)3.8 源程序部分代码 (22)3.8.1 数据库连接代码 (22)3.8.2 修改密码代码 (22)第4章网站测试 (23)4.1 测试目的 (23)4.2 测试步骤 (23)4.3 系统测试用例 (23)4.4 系统测试存在问题 (25)4.5 系统制作存在难点 (25)结论 (26)参考文献 (27)前言在这个飞速发展的信息时代,各行各业中离不开信息处理,这正是计算机被广泛应用于信息管理系统的环境。
关键词:图书管理;系统设计;信息中图分类号:TP315文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2010)07-1649-03The Design and Implementation of Library Management SystemBased on ASPQIU Jian-hua1, YIN Chang-qing2(1.Ganzhou Municipal State Taxation Bureau of Jiangxi Province, Ganzhou 341000, China; 2. School of Software Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)Abstract: Nowdays, the information is developed rapidly. information processing is used in various departments.the computer is applied in the B/S system environment widely. This paper designs the books management system which don't rely on traditional management mode, avoid arbitrary, improve the library management information processing speed and accuracy, timely, accurate and valid for querying and modifying books information and books management operation.Key words: Library Management; System Design; Information1 概述当今时代是飞速发展的信息时代,在各行各业中离不开信息处理,计算机被广泛应用于各个领域中,使用计算机进行信息控制,不仅提高了工作效率,而且大大的提高了安全性。
关键词:图书管理系统;数据库;图书借阅AbstractThe library today is called a Media Center and it is a kind of distribution centre for information resources. Libraries serve to deliver quality information achieved through proper management and updated information control. In order to cope with new patterns of information provision, technology innovations and emergences of new research practices. This paved way to information services becoming more technologically sophisticated and complex in allocating human and financial resources effectively. Maintaining an appropriate storage environment will contribute to the long term preservation of library books and archive collections in -based records and computer mainframes. The changing pros of libraries from free access -based information to facilitated research and access centers for electronic information requires adjustment in how libraries will be managed.The system uses ASP and Access database technology, which consists of four modules: “the Book of the information management module,”“the reader’s data management module,” "loan management module"and "System Management Module.” The library management system is to achieve systematic management, standardization and automation purposes.Keywords:The library manages system;Data Base;Book loan目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章课题简介 (1)1.1 课题内容 (1)1.2 课题目标 (1)第2章开发工具 (3)2.1 ASP技术 (3)2.2 Access数据库 (3)第3章概要设计 (5)3.1 总体设计 (5)3.2 模块分析 (5)第4章详细设计 (7)4.1 数据库设计 (7)4.2 程序模块设计 (8)4.3 系统模块的实现 (11)第5章测试 (15)5.1 测试计划 (15)5.2 测试结果 (17)5.2 测试评价 (17)结论 (18)参考文献 (19)附录 (20)致谢 (45)用户操作手册 (46)第1章课题简介1.1课题内容图书馆图书管理系统是图书馆管理工作中不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于图书馆的管理者和使用者来说都至关重要,所以图书管理系统应该能够为管理者或读者提供充足的信息和快捷的数据处理手段。
ASP技术是由服务器产生的页面去指导其他程序执行一些操作,例如access databases(按日计工资存取),提供不同页面给不同的基础浏览器,现在我们已经很少使用以前的服务器程序CGI,ASP就如同是一个高效率的提供给服务器直接运行编码的解释程序,并且ASP的工作效率要比CGI高的多,因为ASP主要运行于服务性工作,并且使用多线程体系结构保持优势。
这里是来自Microsoft site的一段解释:“ASP是一个公开的、编译快捷的应用程序环境,在这里你可以结合HTML、源程序、并且可以再度使用ActiveX服务构造来创建动态的,强有力的基于Web的商业解决方案。
外文翻译 基于ASPNET的网上图书销售系统的设计与实现
外文翻译基于ASPNET的网上图书销售系统的设计与实现Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side scripting environment that enables the development of dynamic web ns。
With ASP。
developers can create and deploy web server ns that incorporate HTML pages。
script orders。
ActiveX modules。
and powerful web ns。
The ASP platform is highly flexible and allows for easy n and n of web ns.One of the key benefits of ASP is its ability to combine HTML pages and script orders to create dynamic web pages。
This feature enables developers to create highly interactive and responsive web ns that can adapt to changing user needs and preferences。
ASP supports the use of ActiveX modules。
which further enhances the nality and performance of web ns.Another advantage of ASP is its ease of development and n。
The platform provides a user-friendly interface that allows developers to quickly and easily create and modify web ns。
1. 选择并连接数据库ASPMaker允许两种类型的数据库访问形式,以ADO形式访问的Access数据库和ODBC数据源,选择主界面中的“Database(数据库)”选项卡,勾选“Microsoft Access Database”前的框,点击右边的打开文件按钮,选择我们刚才建立的“lib.mdb”。
2. ASP选项设定ASP选项设定应于选择每页显示的数据格式、指定脚本代码的语言、Session的过期时间等。
中英文对照外文翻译JSP 和SQL Server 2000相关介绍JSP(JavaServer Pages)是由Sun Microsystems公司倡导、许多公司参与一起建立的一种动态网页技术标准。
JSP技术有点类似ASP技术,它是在传统的网页HTML 文(*.htm,*.html)中插入Java程序段(Scriptlet)和JSP标记(tag),从而形成JSP 文件(*.jsp)。
网页还能通过tags和scriptlets 访问存在于服务端的资源的应用逻辑。
Web 服务器在遇到访问JSP网页的请求时,首先执行其中的程序段,然后将执行结果连同JSP文件中的HTML代码一起返回给客户。
JSP与Java Servlet一样,是在服务器端执行的,通常返回该客户端的就是一个HTML文本,因此客户端只要有浏览器就能浏览。
Java Servlet 是JSP的技术基础,而且大型的Web应用程序的开发需要Java Servlet和JSP配合才能完成。
目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 开发背景 (1)1.2 开发工具的选用及介绍 (2)1.2.1 ASP简介 (2)1.2.2 Dreamweaver简介 (2)1.2.3 SQL语言简介 (2)2总体分析与设计 (4)2.1 系统分析 (4)2.2 系统目标.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.3总体需求................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.4系统模块流程图....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.4.1 系统登陆流程图................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.4.2 用户流程图......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.4.3 管理员流程图..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.5数据库设计............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
基于ASP的图书管理系统设计与实现研究论文基于ASP的图书管理系统设计与实现研究论文摘要:21世纪是科技的时代, 计算机技术与网络技术被广泛的应用于各个领域中, 各行各业都离不开对信息的处理, 利用计算机来进行信息控制不仅提高了工作效率, 同时对提高系统安全性也有很大帮助, 将计算机技术应用到图书管理方面彻底改变了传统的图书管理模式, 让信息处理变得更加准确、高效, 也有利于图书情况的查询与管理, 本文就对基于ASP图书管理系统的设计与实现进行具体的分析。
关键词:; 图书管理; 系统设计; 分析;1 引言随着我国科学技术的不断进步, 计算机技术与网络技术已经应用到了各个行业中, 如果能将该技术应用到图书管理系统中必将得到更大的发展, 图书管理系统能够实现分角色登录, 图书操作人员可以根据图书的借阅、归还以及新书入库等功能, 对系统用户进行添加与维护。
是比较流行的一种网页开发技术之一, 它是基于.NET环境并在Visual Stu dio 2005平台上运行, 图书管理系统应用ASP技术就是为了实现图书信息的自动化、系统化以及规范化。
同时, 利用计算机对图书信息进行管理有着很多的优点, 例如:查找方便、存储容量大、成本较低、便于打印等等, 这样不仅能够提高图书馆管理时的效率, 也为读者提供了极大的方便。
2 基于ASP的图书管理系统的设计与实现2.1 系统分析与设计基于ASP图书管理系统要实现的功能有:(1) 实现图书的借阅与归还, 同时提供强大的查询功能。
(2) 方便管理员对图书的进一步分类与添加新书, 对实现管理员添加用户, 删除、修改密码, 保证系统的安全性等都有很大作用。
(3) 该系统操作简单、方便, 界面设计美观、大方, 让数据的存储变得更加安全可靠。
基于的图书管理系统是比较常用的信息管理系统, 主要的开发过程包括对后台数据库的建立与维护以及对应用程序的.开发工作, 对后台数据库的建立通常具有很强的一致性与完整性, 对前端应用程序的开发在功能上要求较为严格, 图书管理系统主要可以分为四个部分的内容, 分别是用户管理模块、图书信息管理模块、图书节约管理模块以及书籍管理模块。
・ 1 4 9 ・
基于 A S P的图书管理 系统 的设计 与开发
许 慧 毛 军 所 玛 ( 黑龙 江中医药大 学 图书馆 , 黑龙 江 哈 尔滨 1 5 0 0 0 0 ) 摘 要: 本 文 主要 从 系统 概 要 设 计 、 系统 主 要 功 能 的 实现 及 系统 功 能 测 试 三 个 方 面对 基 于 A S P图书 管理 系统 进 行 了详 细 的 介 绍 。 关键词 : 图 书 管理 系统 ; A S P ; 设 计 1概 述 给这 本书 加上 与登 录号一 致 的条 形码 。 图书管理系统主要是实现资源整合与集中管理 , 达到资源优化。 为 进入归还操作窗 口时 , 系统 自动将“ 归还” 置为当前操作状态 , 将光 用户提供最为实用 、 功能最为全面、 质量最为可靠的资料 , 以满足用户 标置于图书条码项内。相关于图书归还的代码如下 : r e t u m s e l e e t . a s p 需求为前提 , 提供给用户最为优质的服务。 该系统采用 A S P 技术和数据 < ! -- #i nc l u de il f e =” c o n n . a s p” - -> 库系统, 实现信息化 、 规范化 、 系统化 、 便捷化 , 实用化的图书管理交互 平台。 < %b o o k b h = T r i m ( R e q u e s t ( ' ’ b o o k b h ’ 『 ) ) 2 系统概 要设 计 . s e s s i o n ( ' ’ b o o k n o ’  ̄b o o k b h s q l = ” s e l e c t f r o m b o r r o w wh e r e b o o k n o = ” ’ & b o o k b h &…” 基于 A S P图书管理系统主要实现了以下三个功能模块 : 资源检索 模块、 读者管理模块 、 流通控制管理模块。 s e t r s = d b . e x e c u t e ( s q  ̄ i f r s . e o f t h e n 2 . 1 资源检索模块 。资源检索包含馆藏图书库和馆藏期刊库 , 读者 可以分库检索 , 能更准确的定位到读者所需要的书籍 。 书目查询有简单 r e s p o n s e . w r i t e” < s c i r p t l a n g u a g e = J a v a S c r i p t > ”& c h r( 1 3 )& 搜索、 高级检索、 二次检索三种查询方式。 ” a 1 e 没有该书借出记录 ! &“ h i s t o r y . b a c k 0 ”& ” < / s c r i p t > ” r s . c l o s e 其中, 简单检索是指在检索内容中输入你想要检索的内容 , 再选择 e l s e %> 搜索模式 、 文献类型等当中选择相应的选项 , 点击开始搜索 , 即可检索
实现图书管理系统的步骤详解⼀、数据库添加1.⽤户信息2.图书信息表3.图书借阅信息表⼆、版本页⾯vs2010+sqlserver2008三、实现功能1. ⽤户注册登录2. 两种⾝份:管理员和读者3. 读者能够注册⾃⼰的账号和密码还有填写⾃⼰的个⼈信息4. 读者根据⾃⼰需求的借阅和归还图书5. 管理员可以增、减、查、改等图书信息,修改⽤户信息待完善四、主要页⾯展⽰1.登录页⾯2.⽤户注册3.个⼈信息表4.⽤户归还图书5.⽤户借阅书籍6.⽤户检索书籍7.管理员页⾯五、简单代码1.注册页⾯(内容判断不在内)try{//赋予sql字符串数据string strsql1 = "insert into yhxx (zh,mima) values ('" + Tet_zh.Text + "','" + Tet_mima.Text + "')";//创建字符串对象mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql1, myconn);mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();//关闭数据库myconn.Close();Response.Write("<script>alert('添加成功!!')</script>");//保存账号//str = Tet_zh.Text;//保存⽤户名Application["name"] = Tet_zh.Text;//如果成功了成功转⼊Response.Redirect("Useradd.aspx");}catch (Exception ex){Response.Write("<script>alert('⽤户已存在!!')</script>");}2.个⼈信息页⾯(内容判断不在内)protected void tianjia(){//添加⽤户信息try{//赋予sql字符串数据string strsql1 = "update yhxx set xm='"+Tet_xm.Text+"',xb='"+tet_xb.Text+"',qq='"+Tet_qq.Text+"',Email='"+Tet_email.Text+"',dizhi='"+tet_home.Text+"',enjioy='"+Tet_enjoy.Text+"' where zh='"+Application["name"]+"'"; // 创建字符串对象mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql1, myconn);mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();//关闭数据库myconn.Close();Response.Write("<script>alert('添加成功!!')</script>");Response.Redirect("denglu.aspx");}catch (Exception ex){Response.Write("<script>alert('添加失败!!')</script>"+ex.Message.ToString());}}3.登录页⾯(内容判断不在内)//普通⽤户登录,管理员登录雷同try{string sql = "select * from yhxx where zh='"+Tet_zh.Text+"' and mima='"+Tet_mm.Text+"' and yhlb='"+tet_dz.Text+"'"; //创建命令对象SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(sql,myconn);//创建读取对象SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader();//成功弹出提⽰框//MessageBox.Show("读取成功!!");if (dr.Read()){dr.Close();myconn.Close();Application["name1"] = Tet_zh.Text;Response.Redirect("index.aspx");}else{Response.Write("<script>alert('⽤户名或密码有误!!')</script>");}}catch (Exception ex){Response.Write("<script>alert('登录失败!!')</script>");}4.图书检索try{//打开数据库myconn.Open();}catch (Exception ex){Response.Write("<script>alert('数据库打开失败')</script>");}try{//创建数据字符串if (tet_name.Text == ""){Response.Write("<script>alert('名称不能为空!')</script>");}else{string strsql3 = "select BookID as 图书编号,BookName as 图书名称,"+ "Booklb as 图书类别,Bookzz as 图书作者,Booklr as 图书内容,"+ "Bookfm as 图书封⾯,Bookjg as 图书价格,Bookzt as 图书借阅状态 "+ " from Bookxx where BookName='" + tet_name.Text + "'";mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql3, myconn);//打开数据库//myconn.Open();//myread = mycom.ExecuteReader();GridView1.DataSource = myread;GridView1.DataBind();GridView1.Visible = true;//关闭数据myread.Close();myconn.Close();}}catch (Exception ex){Response.Write("<script>alert('查询失败!')</script>" + ex.Message.ToString());}5.图书借阅1.先添加图书if (myread.Read()){if (tet_zt.Text == "0"){//添加借阅信息表myread.Close();string strsql5 = "insert into Bookjyxx (ISBookID,ISBookname,ISBookzt,ISname,ISid) " +" values (" + Tet_Bookid.Text + ",'" + tet_Name.Text + "'," + tet_zt.Text + ",'" + Tet_xm.Text + "'," + Tet_ID.Text + ")"; mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql5, myconn);mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();//关闭myconn.Close();myread.Close();//////////////////////////////////////xiugai();chaxun();}if (tet_zt.Text == "1"){Response.Write("<script>alert('该书正在借阅中')</script>");chaxun();}2.再分别修改借阅状态//创建//先修改图书表状态信息string strsql7 = "update Bookxx set Bookzt='1' where BookID='" + Tet_Bookid.Text + "'";mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql7, myconn);myconn.Close();myconn.Open();mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();//再修改借阅状态表信息string strsql8 = "update Bookjyxx set ISBookzt='1' where ISBookID='" + Tet_Bookid.Text + "'";mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql8, myconn);mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();Response.Write("<script>alert('借阅成功!')</script>");//关闭myconn.Close();6.图书归还//删除他的借阅图书信息string strsql3="delete from bookjyxx where ISid='"+Tet_id.Text+"'";mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql3, myconn);myconn.Open();mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();////////////////////////////////刷新信息//查询信息string strsql4= "select ISname as 借阅者,ISid as 借阅证号码,ISBookID as 借阅书籍编号,"+ "ISBookname as 借阅数据名称,ISBookzt as 借阅状态,ISdate as借阅⽇期 from Bookjyxx where ISid='" + Tet_id.Text + "'";mydata = new SqlDataAdapter(strsql4, myconn);DataSet set = new DataSet();mydata.Fill(set);GridView1.DataSource = set.Tables[0];GridView1.DataBind();GridView1.Visible = true;//修改状态//先修改图书表状态信息string strsql7 = "update Bookxx set Bookzt='0' where BookID='" +tet_Bookid.Text+ "'";mycom = new SqlCommand(strsql7, myconn);mycom.ExecuteNonQuery();Response.Write("<script>alert('归还成功!')</script>");//关闭myconn.Close();set.Clear();总结以上所述是⼩编给⼤家介绍的实现图书管理系统的步骤,希望对⼤家有所帮助,如果⼤家有任何疑问请给我留⾔,⼩编会及时回复⼤家的。
文献翻译题目图书馆管理系统的设计与实现学生姓名孙春江专业班级计算机应用技术(.Net)11-01 学号 621113520130院(系)软件学院指导教师(职称) 赵晓君完成时间 2013年5月1日 技术作者姓名:McDonald, Zipuzita the文章出处:《Advanced 3.5 Programming (2nd Edition)》摘要:本文简要的介绍了的概念,如何构建ASP页面、命名空间,介绍 控件以及如何添加代码等。
关键字:.NET类库 ASP Classic Note 标准的 命名空间 技术1.构建 页面 和结构 是微软.NET framework整体的一部分, 它包含一组大量的编程用的类,满足各种编程需要。
在下列的二个部分中, 你如何学会 很适合的放在.NET framework, 和学会能在你的 页面中使用语言。
假想你必须支持大量的编程语言-比如 Visual Basic 、 C# 和C++. 这些编程语言的很多功能具有重叠性。
即使用 Visual Basic 写的条件语句的语法不与用C++ 写的不一样,程序的功能也是相同的。
为什么继续再创轮子? 对所有的语言创建这种功能一次,然后把这个功能用在每一种语言中岂不是更容易。
武汉工业学院《网络程序设计—asp》课程设计设计题目:图书管理系统*名:**学号:**********班级:计算机科学指导老师:王凯老师设计时间:2011-12-26—2011-12-31武汉工业学院数学与计算机学院目录一、题目说明 ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
二、需求分析三、数据库的概念结构设计 (3)四、数据库的逻辑设计 (5)五、数据库的链接 (5)六、程序实现 (6)七、总结与体会 (20)一、提目说明图书管理系统系统主要用于图书管理员和学生,任务是通过建立图书管理系统,完善图书录入、图书借阅以及读者信息的管理,通过查询可立即定位该读者的相应的信息,可以对图书进行查询、增加、修改,读者可以预约已借图书,针对这些问题设计此系统。
ASP. NET技术外文翻译丈献翻译书馆管理系统的设计与实现学生姓名孙春江________________________ 专业班级计算机应用技术(.Net)门-01学号621113520130 ______________________________ 院(系)软件学院______________________ 指导教师(职称)_______________________ 完成时间2013年5月1日ASP. NET 技术作者名• McDonald, Zipuzita the文章出处:《Advanced 3.5 Programming (2nd Edition)》摘要:本文简要的介绍了ASP. NET的概念,如何构建ASP页面、命名空间,介绍ASP. NET控件以及如何添加代码等。
关键字类库ASP Classic Note标准的命名空间ASP. NET 技术1 •构建页ASP. NET 和ASP. NET结构是微软.NET framework整体的一部分,它包含一组大量的编程用的类,满足各种编程需要。
在下列的二个部分中,你如何学会很适合的放 framework,和学会能在你的页面中使用语言。
假想你必须支持大量的编程语言•比如Visual Basic、C#和C++.这些编程语言的很多功能具有重叠性。
即使用Visual Basic写的条件语句的语法不与用C++写的不一样,程序的功能也是相同的。
外文翻译 基于ASPNET的网上图书销售系统的设计与实现
毕业论文外文翻译The Active Server Pages( ASP)The Active Server Pages( ASP) is a server to carry the script plait writes the environment, using it can create to set up with circulate the development, alternant Web server application procedure. Using the ASP cans combine the page of HTML, script order to create to set up the alternant the page of Web with the module of ActiveX with the mighty and applied procedure in function that according to Web. The applied procedure in ASP develops very easily with modify.The HTML plait writes the personnel if you are a simple method that a HTML plait writes the personnel, you will discover the script of ASP providing to create to have diplomatic relation with each other page. If you once want that collect the data from the form of HTML, or use the name personalization HTML document of the customer, or according to the different characteristic in different usage of the browser, you will discover ASP providing an outstanding solution. Before, to think that collect the data from the form of HTML, have to study a plait distance language to create to set up a CGI application procedure. Now, you only some simple instruction into arrive in your HTML document, can collect from the form the data combine proceeding analysis. You need not study the complete plait distance language again or edit and translate the procedure to create to have diplomatic relation alone with each other page.Along with control to use the ASP continuously with the phonetic technique in script, you can create to set up the more complicated script. For the ASP, you can then conveniently usage ActiveX module to carry out the complicated mission, link the database for example with saving with inspectional information.If you have controlled a script language, such as VBScript, JavaScript or PERL, and you have understood the method that use the ASP.As long as installed to match the standard cowgirl in the script of ActiveX script engine, can use in the page of ASPan any a script language. Does the ASP take the Microsoft? Visual Basic? Scripting Edition ( VBScript) with Microsoft? Script? Of script engine, like this you can start the editor script immediately. PERL, REXX with Python ActiveX script engine can from the third square develops the personnel acquires. The Web develops the personnel if you have controlled a plait distance language, such as Visual Basic, you will discover the ASP creates a very vivid method that set up the Web application procedure quickly. Pass to face to increase in the HTML the script order any, you can create the HTML that set up the applied procedure connects. Pass to create to set up own the module of ActiveX, can will apply the business in the procedure logic seal to pack and can adjust from the script, other module or from the other procedure the mold piece that use.The usage ASP proceeds the calculating Web can convert into the visible benefits, it can make the supplier of Web provide the alternant business application but not only is to announce the contents. For example, the travel agency can compare the announcement aviation schedule makes out more; Using the script of ASP can let the customer inspect the current service, comparison expenses and prepare to book seats.Include too can lower in the Windows NT Option Microsoft in the pack Transaction Server ( MTS) on the server complexity of constructing the procedure with expenses. The MTS can resolve to develop those confidentialities strong, can ratings of and the dependable Web applies the complexity problem of the procedure. Active Server Pages modelThe browser requests from the server of Web. Hour of asp document, the script of ASP starts circulating. Then the server of Web adjusts to use the ASP, the ASP reads completely the document of the claim, carry out all scripts order any, combining to deliver the page of Web to browser.Because script is on the server but is not at the customer to carry the movement, deliver the page of Web on the browser is on the Web server born. Combining to deliver the standard HTML to browser. Because only the result that there is script returns the browser, so the server carries the not easy replication in script. The customer cans not see to create to set up them at script order that the page that view.We introduce the Basic form of the database language known as SQL, a language that allows us to query and manipulate data on computerized relational database systems. SQL has been the lingua franca for RDBMS since the early 1980s, and it is of fundamental importance for many of the concepts presented in this text. The SQL language is currently in transition from the relational form (the ANSI SQL –92 standard) to a newer object-relational form (ANSI SQL -99, which was released in 1999). SQL-99 should be thought of as extending SQL-92, not changing any of the earlier valid language. Usually, the basic SQL we define matches most closely the ANSI SQL standards basic subsets, called Entry SQL -92 and core SQL-99 that are commonly implemented; our touchstone in defining basic SQL is to provide a syntax that is fully available on most of the major RDBMS products[7].We begin with an overview of SQL capabilities, and then we explain something about the multiple SQL standards and dialects and how we will deal with these in our presentation.We will learn how to pose comparable queries in SQL, using a form known as the Select statement. As we will see, the SQL select statement offers more flexibility in a number of ways than relational algebra for posing queries. However, there is no fundamental improvement in power, nothing that could not be achieved in relational algebra , given a few well-considered extensions. For this reason, experience with relational algebra gives us a good idea of what can be accomplished in SQL. At the same time, SQL and relational algebra have quite different conceptual models in a number of respects, and the insight drawn from familiarity with the relational algebra approach may enhance your understanding of SQL capabilities.The most important new feature you will encounter with SQL is the ability to pose queries interactively in a computerized environment. The SQL select statement is more complicated and difficult to master than the relatively simple relational algebra, but you should never feel list or uncertain as long as you have access to computer facilities where a few experiments can clear up uncertainties about SQL use. The interactive SQL environment discussed in the current chapter allows you to type a query on a monitor screen and get an immediate answer. Such interactive queries are sometimes called ad box queries. This term refers to the fact that an SQL selectstatement is meant to be composed all at once in a few type written lines and not be dependent on any prior interaction in a user session. The feature of not being dependent on prior interaction is also down as non-procedurality. SQL differs in this way even from relational algebra, where a prior alias statement might be needed in order to represent a product of a table with itself. The difference between SQL and procedural languages such as java or c is profound: you do not need to write a program to try out an SQL query, you just have to type the relatively short, self-contained text of the query and submit it .Of course, an SQL query can be rather complex . A limited part of this full form, know as a sub-query, is defined recursively, and the full select statement form has one added clause. You should not feel intimidated by the complexity of the select statement, however. The fact that a select statement is non-procedural means that it has a lot in common with a menu driven application, where a user is expected to fill in some set of choices from a menu and then press the enter key to execute the menu choices all at once. The various clauses of the select statement correspond to menu choices: you will occasionally need all these clauses, but on not expect to use all of them every time you pose a query.Observed reliability depends on the context in which the system s used. As discussed already, the system environment cannot be specified in advance nor can the system designers place restrictions on that environment for operational systems. Different systems in an environment may react to problems in unpredictable ways, thus affecting the reliability of all of these systems. There for, even when the system has been integrated, it may be difficult to make accurate measurements of its reliability.Visual Basic Database Access prospectsWith the recent Web application software and the rapid development of the existing data stored in diverse forms, Visual Basic Database Access Solutions faces such as rapid extraction enterprises located in the internal and external business information with the multiple challenges. To this end Microsoft, a new database access strategy "unified data access" (UniversalDataAccess) strategy. "Unified data access" to provide high-performance access, including relational and non-relationaldata in a variety of sources, provide independent in the development of language development tools and the simple programming interface, these technologies makes enterprise integration of multiple data sources, better choice of development tools, application software, operating platforms, and will establish a maintenance easy solution possible.汉语翻译Active Server Pages(ASP)是服务器端脚本编写环境,使用它可以创建和运行动态、交互的Web 服务器应用程序。
系统前期使用UML进行系统建模,使用StarUML作为开发工具,本系统采用B/S结构,后期主要以框架作为基础,使用了C#开发语言,用Microsoft Visual Studio作为开发工具,以SQL Server作为数据库,设计开发一套界面简单、操作方便,容易维护的系统。
关键词图书管理系统;UML;;C#;Microsoft Visual StudioThe design of library management system basedon UML and C#AbstractAiming at the large number of libraries and library management systems and traditional old facts, in order to maximize efficiency and ensure the improvement of the quality of work the library, librarians and readers to make more convenient to use the library's resources, management and service satisfaction, it designed and implemented a UML-based library management system, the library information management system aimed at the school library. Early systems using UML system modeling, using StarUML as a development tool, the system uses B/S structure, the latter mainly in framework as a basis, the use of C# development language, using Microsoft Visual Studio as a development tool to SQL Server as database design and development of a simple interface, easy to operate, easy to maintain system. This library management system includes several features as follows: Book taxonomic relationship, the reader management, library management, library management, book management, user parameter settings to make the services more diverse library management system.Keywords library management systems;UML;,;C#;Microsoft Visual Studio目录摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题研究的背景 (1)1.2 课题研究的意义 (1)1.3 图书管理系统的设计目标 (1)2 系统的开发环境及技术简介 (2)2.1 系统开发语言 (2)2.1.1 UML语言简介 (2)2.1.2 C#语言简介 (2)2.2 开发工具 (3)2.2.1 StarUML (3)2.2.2 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (3)2.3 B/S体系结构 (3)2.4 开发框架 (4)3 系统总体设计 (5)3.1 需求规格说明 (5)3.1.1 系统需求分析 (5)3.1.2 识别参与者 (6)3.1.3 识别用例 (6)3.1.4 用例的事件流描述 (7)3.2 静态结构模型 (10)3.2.1 定义系统对象 (10)3.2.2 定义用户界面类 (11)3.2.3 建立类图 (12)3.3 动态行为模型 (14)3.3.1 编写目的 (14)3.3.2 建立交互作用图 (14)3.3.3 建立状态机图 (14)3.3.4 建立活动图 (14)3.4 建立物理模型 (14)3.4.1 建立部署图 (20)4 系统数据库设计 (21)4.1 数据库SQL Server (21)4.2 概念模型设计 (21)4.3 数据库逻辑模型 (22)4.4 数据库表结构 (23)4.5 平台数据表的设计 (23)5 系统功能实现 (25)5.1 用户登录 (25)5.2 系统主界面 (26)5.3 图书分类管理主界面 (27)5.4 图书管理主界面 (25)5.5 读者管理主界面 (30)5.6 借书管理主界面 (33)5.7 还书管理主界面 (36)6 系统测试 (39)6.1 软件测试 (39)6.1.1 测试目的 (39)6.1.2 测试方案 (39)6.1.3 测试用例 (39)6.1.4 测试分析 (39)6.2 测试评价 (39)结论 (41)参考文献 (42)致谢 (44)外文原文 (45)中文翻译 (54)1 绪论1.1 课题研究的背景全国各地图书馆数量和规模都随着科学技术的发展而迅速增加。
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在SQL Server数据库里存储SessionHTTP是个状态很不确定的协议,为了允许用户通过请求保存状态信息,提供了Session存储机制。
本文将探讨存储Session变量可伸缩性和可靠性都很好的方式之一的SQL Server 。
默认情况下,它们都保留在Web 服务器的内存中。
所谓的 Web集群是一组网络服务器并行运行,服务器集群里的每个Web服务器都有您的网站的一个镜像。
在Web服务器的内存里存储Session变量会阻碍Web集群的建立,下面将举例来说明:假定有三个Web服务器:S1 , S2 ,和S3 。
假定这个时候有一个请求R1来到服务器集群并且负载平衡逻辑判定 S2,S3都因为某些其他的任务而没有空闲,但是S1可以处理这个请求。
但是,如果那发生了,S2怎么能够得到Session变量?毕竟,它们存储在和S2完全没有任何关联的Web 服务器S1的内存中。
这种事情很显然是Web 服务器群资源的浪费。
2.0及其Session信息存储 2.0允许你存储session变量在三个不同地方:(1)在网站服务器的内存中存储(进程中的)。
( Session状态信息存储服务器 )(3)在一个SQL Server的数据库里面存储。
在SQL Server 数据库里存储Session变量具有以下优点:(1)可扩展性: 如果您正在找一个高度可扩展性的方法来储存Session变量,SQL Server正是如此,它比其它的可扩展性更好。
(3)安全: SQL Server比在内存或Session状态信息存储服务器中更安全。
你可以更简单的通过配置SQL Server的安全选项来保护你的数据。
在web.config 文件里,可以通过定义一个<session State>来配置Session 状态模式。
备注:如果是在Web服务器群里, Web服务器群的每一台服务器的IIS METABASE 的应用程序路径应该是完全相同的。
配置SQL Server来储存Session状态在你真正的在SQL Server存储Session状态之前,你需要先配置它。
在SQL Server里面,你可以在三个可能的地点存储Session状态,(1)临时存储: 在这种情况下,Session状态保存在SQL Server的tempdb 数据库里面。
如果您重新启动SQL Server服务,Session信息不会丢失。
(2)持久存储: 该工具建立一个数据库名为aspstate并增加特定的存储过程来管理要保存的Session信息。
这种方法的优点是,即使您重新启动的SQL Server 。
下面的表列出了这个工具与Session存储配置相关的各种命令行开关:表单和创建的存储过程作为一个开发人员, 你可能从来无法直接影响session状态数据库。
然而, 当你运行ASPNET_REGSQL.EXE工具, 你将会对表单和数据库的创建会有一个很好的理解。
配置 1:在SQL数据库服务器中创建表单配置 2:在数据库服务器中创建存储过程配置你的网站来存储Session 状态一旦你配置你的SQL服务器来支持session状态存储,下一步就是配置你的网站了。
web.config 的标记<sessionState>允许你指定session存储的信息。
设置SQL服务器打开Visual 2005命令提示器,使用一下命令aspnet_regsql -ssadd -S .sqlexpress -E -sstype paspnet_regsql -ssadd -S .sqlexpress -E -sstype p现在,你正在使用带着完整安全属性的SQL Express数据库。
配置 3 展示了一个把带着session 状态类型的工具设置为"persistent"的例子。
配置3:运行_regsql.exe工具创建和配置一个网站现在,创建一个新的网站,修改web.config文件成下列的代码<sessionState mode="SQLServer" sqlConnectionString="datasource=.sqlexpress;integrated security=true"></sessionState>这里,你添加了这个<sessionState>标记,设置它的模式属性为SQLServer。
你还要指定sqlConnectionString属性,把它指向你的SQL SERVER。
通过一下的步骤来完成第一个Web 窗体:拖拉一个GRIDVIEW控件和一个SQL Data Source控件在WEB FORM上.配置SQL Data Source, 从Northwind 数据库的Products 表中选择ProductID, ProductName, 与UnitPrice columns通过设置他的DataSourceID属性到SQL Data Source控件的ID属性上来绑定GridView到SQL Data Source上.在GridView的samrt标记上, 点击"Allow Selection" checkbox.添加一个HyperLink 控件,设置NavigateUrl属性到Page2.aspx.创建一个 DataSet 和 DataTable. FataTable 包含两个DataColumns: ProducyName 和 Qty. 然后你存储一个session变量"myds".当用户选择一个产品的时候, 你可以创建一个新的DataRow, 分配产品的资料给它, 添加这个ROW 去DataTable. 用户的选择可以在跨多个请求中持续.按一下的步骤创建第二张的Web form拖拉一个GridView到Web form上.添加两个绑定区域设置第一个绑定区域的HeaderText属性成"Product Name". 同样的,设置DataField成"Product Name".设置第二个绑定区域的HeaderText属性成"Quantity". 同样的,设置DataField成" Qty ".添加下列的代码到第二张Web Form 的 Page_Load event handler上protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){GridView1.DataSource=(DataSet)Session["myds"];GridView1.DataBind();}这里,你设置GridView控件的DataSource属性到你的储存在session上的DATASET.然后你通过调用DataBind() 方法来绑定GridView.运行WEB FORMS 的例子为了测试你的WEB FORMS, 设置Page.aspx 作为你的起始页, 然后运行你的WEB SITE. 你应该看到如图4所展示的:Figure 4: 运行Page1.aspx 的例子通过”Add to cart”按钮选择一些产品. 这将会添加一些行在DataTable 上. 记得你正在存储你的DataSet在一个session变量之中. 然后,通过点击”Show mycart”超链接导航到 Page.aspx . 图5显示了带着前面所选的产Page.aspx.配置 5: 运行Page2.aspx的例子正如你所见的, Page2.aspx 正确的显示了你在前页所选的那些条目. 这显示你的session 变量被真正的存储在了SQL服务器的数据库中,并被在第二页中找回. 还有, 注意你在无关储存模式的session中用了相同的存储调用值得标记.储存Session状态在SQL服务器中的劣势虽然存储session状态在SQL 服务器中可以使你的网站更容易拓展和更稳定. 但是这个技术有一下的几个劣势执行上: 在执行的几个项目中,一个基于SQL SERVER的session 存储可能是一个最慢地选择. 因为你的session变量是存储在物理的数据库中.它用了更多的时候去存储和读取数据库. 这会影响了你的网站的运行速度. 花费: 因为你存储你的数据在数据库中, 你需要一个SQL数据库的执照, 这将给你的网站带来额外的开销. 连续的数据: 这个方法要求你所有保存在session变量中的数据必须是连续的如果你想存储数据在一个session中,这也许强制你去标记你自己的类作为[Serializable].总结 2.0 可以允许你存储session状态到一个SQL服务器的数据库中。