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精细化工企业设计防火规范Fire protection code of

fine chemical enterprise design

DGJX X — XX—2013

1 总则

2 术语

3 精细化工产品及其火灾危险性分类

4 区域规划与工厂总平面布置

4.1 区域规划

4.2 工厂总平面布置

4.3 厂内道路

5 工艺系统

5.1 一般规定

5.2 生产设施内布置

5.3 反应器

5.4 泵、压缩机

5.5 热媒炉

5.6 管道

5.7 泄压排放设施

5.8 过程检测及自动控制

5.9 防静电

5.10 其他

6 仓储设施

6.1 一般规定

6.2 可燃液体储罐

6.3 液化烃、可燃气体、助燃气体储罐

6.4 液化烃、可燃液体汽车装卸设施

6.5 厂内仓库

7 厂(库)房建筑防火

7.1 厂(库)房的耐火等级与构件耐火极限

7.2 厂(库)房耐火等级、高度、层数、面积和平面布置

7.3 其它

8 消防及其设施

8.1 基本规定

8.2 消防中心及消防水源

8.3 消防水池(罐)及消防水泵房

8.4 消防用水量

8.5 消防给水管道及室外消火栓

8.6 室内消防给水管道及室内消火栓

8.7 自动灭火系统的设置场所

8.8 灭火器设置

8.9 消防排水

8.10 火灾自动报警系统

9 采暖通风与空调

9.1 通风与空气调节系统的防火防爆

9.2 正压室送风

9.3 电动机正压通风

9.4 事故通风

10 电气

10.1 消防电源、配电及一般要求

10.2 电气装置

10.3 消防应急照明及疏散指示系统

10.4 防雷和防静电附录A 防火间距起止点

附录 B 耐火保护材料的设计规定附录 C 本规范用词说明引用标准名录附:条文说明


1 General principles

2 Terminology

3 Fine chemical products and fire hazard classification

4 Regional planning and general plant plane layout

4.1 Regional planning

4.2 General plant plane layout

4.3 In-plant roads

5 Process Systems

5.1 General regulations

5.2 Production facilities is arranged

5.3 Reactor

5.4 Pumps, compressors

5.5 Furnace

5.6 Pipeline

5.7 Pressure relief discharge facilities

5.8 The process of detection and automatic control

5.9 Antistatic

5.10 Others

6 Storage facilities

6.1 General regulations

6.2 Combustible-liquid storage tank

6.3 Liquefied hydrocarbon ,combustible and combustion-supporting gas storage tank

6.4 Liquefied hydrocarbons ,combustible-liquid car handling facilities

6.5 In-plant warehouse

7 Building fire prevention of factory building (warehouse)

7.1 Fire resistance rating of factory building (warehouse) and fire resistance limit of members

7.2 Fire resistance rating, height, story number, area and plane layout of factory building (warehouse)

7.3 Others

8 Fire fighting and the facilities

8.1 Basic regulations

8.2 Fire Center and fire water source

8.3 Fire pool (tank) and fire pump room

8.4 Fire water consumption

8.5 Fire water supply pipelines and outdoor fire hydrants

8.6 Indoor fire water supply pipelines and indoor fire hydrants

8.7 Installation place of automatic fire extinguishing system

8.8 Fire extinguisher setup

8.9 Fire water drainage

8.10. Automatic fire alarm system

9 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

9.1 Fire, explosion prevention of ventilation and air conditioning system

9.2 Positive pressure room air supply

9.3 Positive pressure ventilation by motor

9.4 Emergency ventilation

10 Electricity

10.1 Fire power source, power distribution and general requirements

10.2 Electric apparatus

10.3 Fire emergency lighting and dispersal indicator system
