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2019年5月May 2019
第45卷第5期Vo# 45 No. 5计算机工程Computer Engineering
(1 .浙江理工大学信息学院,杭州310018 ;
摘要:在细粒度图像的大量局部特征中,只有少量特征具有判别性,其提取较为困难$为此,提出递归深度混合 关注网络方法$通过在卷积结构单元中添加通道关注模块和空间关注模块,实现网络的混合关注$以第1路网络 输出特征的空间响应值为依据切割原图,并将切割后的图像放大输入第2路网络,进行由粗到细的网络递归$将 2路网络提取的特征进行级联融合$在公开数据集Stanford DogsStanford Cars 中进行对比实验,结果表明,该方法 的分类精度分别为87.1 %、92.4%,优于FCAN 、HIHCA 等方法$
中文引用格式:桂江生,麻陈飞,包晓安,等.递归深度混合关注网络的细粒度图像分类方法:J ].计算机工程,2019, 45(5) :205-209.
英文弓丨 用格式:GUI Jiangsheng ,MA Chenfel ,BAO Xiaoan ,e* a# Fine-grained image classification method for recurrent
deep hybrid attention network [ J ]. Computer Engineering ,2019,45 (5) :205-209.
Fine-grained Image Classification Method for Recurrrnt Deep Hybrif Attention Network
GUI Jiangsheng 1,MA Chenfei 1,BAO Xiaoan 1,QIAN Junyan 2
(1. School of Informatics Science and Technology ,Zhejiang Sci-tach University , Hangzhou 310018 & China ;
2. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software ,Guilin University of Elactronie Technology &Guilin &Guangxi 541004,China )
+ Abstract] Among the large number of local features of fine-grained images ,only a few of them are discriminative and are very dpficult to extract. To solve this problem ,a recurrent deep hybrid attention network it proposed. By adding channel attention modul and spatial attention modul into convolution units ,the hybrid attention network is realized. Based on the spatial response value of the output feature of the first network ,the original image it segmented ,and the segmented imageisenlaeged and input into thesecond netwoek to eealize the coa ese-to-fine netwo ek eecu esion. The featueesexteacted feom two netwo eks a ee cascaded to achieve the pu epose of featu ee fusion. Expe eiments a ee conducted in the open data sets. Stanfo ed Dogsand Stanfoed Ca es. Results show thatthecla s ification accu eacies of the p eoposed algoeithm aee 87. 1 % and 92. 4% , eespectively , which isbe t eethan FCAN , HIHCA and otheemethods.
+ Key words ] fine-grained image classification ; convolutional neural network ; channel attention ; spatial attention ; eecu e ntnetwoek
DOI : 10. 19678/j. issn. 1000-3428.0051191
大尺度图像分类是区分物体大类,如区分出图 像中的物体是车、狗、服装等$随着深度学习的发 展,在大尺度图像分类中,不断涌现出优秀的网络模 型,如 VGGNei [ 1] 'ResNet [2] 'DenseNei [3]等$ 而细粒 度图像分类是对同一大类物体的下属子类图像进行 分类,如车型分类、狗分类、服装分类等,其广泛应用
对简单的图像进行细粒度分类,如手写数字识 别、简单的手势识别等,已有文献提出较高识别精度 的方法[7-]$然而对较为复杂、包含类别较多的图像 进行细粒度分类,由于图像之间的区别往往体现在 少量的局部特征中,因此需要在大量的局部特征中 提取少量具有判别性的特征$
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61502430,61562015 );浙江省重大科技专项重点工业项目(2014 C01047 );广西自然科学重点基金
(2015 GXNSFDA139038 )$
作者简介:桂江生(1978 ―),男,副教授,主研方向为计算机视觉、模式识别;麻陈飞,硕士研究生;包晓安、钱俊彦,教授$收稿日期:2018-04-12
修回日期:2018-05-14 E-mail :baoxiaoan@