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Being in a romantic relationshipatcollege is being increasingly more mon、Because studentsno longer have parents aroundto tellthem what to do, many students jump at the chance to express their new—found freedom by starting arelationship with someone ofthe opposite sex、

However, relationships are notalways easy、Many studentsendup spending moretime worrying about theirsignificantromance other than on thei r coursework、In addition, romantic relationshipcan also get in theway of friends and family, which means students who choose to be in romantic r elationships can bee somewhat unstable、

Therefore,I don't believe that all students are ready for a relationshi pduring university、 Students shouldonly have relationship duringuniversity if it doesn’taffect their studies、




Inrecent years, mobilelivevideo broadcasting has been very popular among youngpeople、People can broadcast their daily life anytime at any place as they like as longas they have a smart phone、 In my opinion, there are disadvantagesas well as advantages of mobile live video broadcasting、

On the one hand,mobilelive video broadcasting enables people to show their talent online, which givethem a chance toearn money online、And it is also a good way to share theirlifeexperience with their friends

and family、 On the other hand, if peopledon’t use their time properly, they may bee addictedto it、 Particularly, ifstudents spend too much timeplaying it, they may neglecttheirstudies,which is not good for them、

Inconclusion, mobile live videobroadcasting is a fashionable way to enrich people's life、However,we shouldmake bestuse ofour time and k eep ourselves from being addicted toit、




As is shown in the chart,cellphones are beingmoreand more popular within China、In 1999,the number of cell phones in usewas only 24,480,000, but in 2002,the number is more than100 million, whichis aturning point、 The newest statistic shows that in 2007 the numberhas exceeded 500 million、

There are many factors contributing to this development、 Firstly,a

cellphone hasno wires andcan be carried everywhere easily、Secondly, a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with news, games, music and chat through sending short messages、Thirdly, the drop inprice and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have madeit possible for an averag eperson to make use of a cell phone、

The wide use of cell phones has made them more and more indispensablein

people’s daily life、The many functions of the cell phone have made certain peoplereluctant toseparate themselves from their cell phone、


