

Unit 2 What should I do?


1.argue v.争论;争吵 argue with sb.与某人吵架

I argued with my best friend.我和我的好朋友吵架了。

2.① either adv.(用于否定句)也

He doesn’t have any money, and I don’t, either.他没有钱,我也没有。

I can’t play chess. She can’t, either.我不会下国际象棋,她也不会。

② too 也(用于肯定或疑问句)

I’m a teacher.He is a teacher, too.我是老师,他也是老师。

3.ask (sb.)for sth.向某人寻求某物;要……

Don't ask for food every day.Go and find some work.别天天要饭,找点儿工作做。

I don’t think you should ask your parents for some money.我想你不应向父母要钱。

4.the same as... 与……相同(注意前后两个比较对象的属性保持一致)

The clothes are the same as my friends'.这些衣服与我朋友的一样。

Tom is the same age as Anna.= Tom is as old as Anna.汤姆和安娜一样大。

Her backpack is the same as mine. 她的背包与我的一样。

5.except 除……以外;(不包括……在内)

My class has been invited except me.除我以外,我的同学都被邀请了。

All the students went to the park except him.除了他之外,全体同学都去过公园了。

They all traveled America except her. 除了她以外,所有的学生都去美国旅行过。

注意区别:besides 除……以外,还有...(包括在内)

We all went there besides him.除他去以外,我们也都去了。

(= He went there.We went there, too.) 他也去了,我们也去了!/大家都去了!

There are five more visitors besides me.除了我之外还有5名访客(加上我是6个)

6.wrong adj.错误的;有毛病的;不合适的

─ What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?(你哪里不舒服?)

─ I've got a headache.我头痛。

What’s wrong with your watch? It doesn't work.你的手表怎么了?它不走了。

注意:What’s the matter with you?= What’s wrong with you ?=What’s the trouble with you?


7.get on(well) with sb.与某人相处(融洽)

get on ( well ) with sth 某事进展地好

The students will get on well with the teacher.学生会和老师相处得非常好。

How are you going on with your new friends? 你和你的新朋友相片如何?

These days ,Mr Green gets on well with his new job.


8.have a fight with sb.= fight with sb.与某人打架

I don‘t want to have a fight with my cousin.我不想和我的堂兄打架。

They never fight with each other.They are really good friends.


二、主要句型(Key Sentences Structures)

What should I do? You could write him a letter.

What should he do? Maybe he should say sorry to him

What should they do? They shouldn't argue.


1. borrow sth. from sb. 从某人处借进某物(借回来)

lend sth. to sb. = lend sb. sth 把某物借给某人(借出去)注: borrow sth. from sb. 是指该句的主语从别人处(往里)借进某物例:He borrowed the dictionary from Lucy yesterday. 他昨天从露西处借了那本字典.

lend sth. to sb. = lend sb. sth.


例如:Could you lend me your car?

=Could you lend your car to me?


2. ①get sb. to do…使……做(以人为对象时,有“说服……使做……”的含义)

He could get a tutor to come to his home. 他可以请一位家庭教师来他家。

You’ll never get her to agree.你决不可能使她同意。

②ask sb. to do…邀请(人)做……

We asked her to come to our party.我们请她来参加聚会

③ tell sb. to do…让某人做某事例如:

The teacher told him to finish the work that day. 老师那天让他完成那项工作。

3、be in style 时髦的,流行的

be out of style 过时的,不时髦的

例: Look! Her new dress is in style.她的新裙子很时髦。

Those clothes are out of style. 那些衣服过时了。


1、I don’t want to surprise him. 我不想让他感到意外。

此处surprise是及物动词 surprise sb. 使某人感到吃惊

eg. My friend always surprises me.

2、talk about it on the phone 用电话就此事进行交流

On the phone 在电话里。不能使用 in the phone、

eg. They talk about a lot on the phone yesterday.


3、call sb. (up) =give sb. a call 给某人打电话

4、write sb. a letter = write a letter to sb. 给某人写信

5、give him a ticket to a ball game.给他一张观看球赛的入场券 (注意to 译为:...的)

eg. They got two tickets to tonight’s show.他们搞了两张今晚表演的入场券。

6、She has the same haircut as I do. 她和我有相同的发型。

eg. Tim has the same clothes as his brother does.提姆和他的弟弟有相同的衣服。

7、find out (经过某人的研究、努力)发现,查出,找出

You should find out the answer for yourself.你应该自己去找答案。

8、Everyone else in my class was invited except me.


此句中else一词不能单独使用,它必须跟在不定代词像“someone, anyone nobody”等词的后面,或跟在特殊疑问词像“what, where”等词的后面使用意思是“别的”

eg. What else 别的什么, Who else 其他谁 someone else 其他人

9、I can’t think what I did wrong.我真想不出我做错了什么。

此句中 what I did wrong是宾语从句,应用陈述语序(即:主语+动词)

10、I’m very upset and don’t know what to do.我很沮丧,不知该干什么。

此句中 what to do是不定式作know的宾语,可用宾语从句来代替。可以说成“I don’t know what I should do.”

请背熟以下两个常见结构: I don’t know what to do .我不知道该做什么。

I don’t know how to do it. 我不知道该怎么去做它。

11、There are a lot of things you could do. 有许多你能做的事。

此句中 you could do是定语从句,修饰前面的名词“things”

12、You left your homework at home.你把你的作业落在家里了。

leave sth. +介词短语,是“把……忘在,落在(某处)的意思。

eg. He left his umbrella on the bus.他把伞忘在公交车上。

注:千万不能根据汉语的说法写为:forget sth ,只能用leave sth.’表示“落下”

13、You should try to be funny. 你应该试着幽默一些。

Try to do…努力做,试着做,尽量做

而try not to do 是尽量不做……

eg. Please try not to be late again. 请尽量不要再迟到。

14、Their school days are busy enough. 他们的学校生活是够忙的。


eg. He is tall enough to reach that apple. 他足够高的可以够着那个苹果。

15、be under too much pressure. 在太多的压力下

16、see other children doing a lot of things 看别的孩子在做许多事

see sb. doing 看见某人正在干某事(强调动作正在进行)

See sb do sth 看见某人做过某事(强调动作已结束)eg. We saw them playing basketball at that time.那时我们看见他们在打篮球

17、find it hard to do sth. 发现做……(事)很难

He found it hard to learn math well. 他发现学好数学很难

注:it 初中阶段常作:形式主语 /形式宾语,而句子真正的主语/宾语则由to do 来担当.



1.I’m not good at math. I really don’t know________.

A. what should I do

B.how should do

C.what to do

2. My best friend is the same________. We are both 12 years old.

A. as my age

B.age as me

C.as me age

3. Can you________ what time the meeting starts?

A.find out

B.look after


4. My mother knows little about fashion. Her clothes are always________

A.in style

B. Out of style

C.new and smart

5. Dad, I don’t have enough money to buy a CD. Could you________me some?




6. Don’t argue________ your parents. It’s not polite.




7. “What should I do ?”“________ you could get________part-time job.”

A.Maybe ,a

B.May be ,/

C.Really, a

8.-You’d better not go out now. It’s raining.

- It doesn’t matter. My new coat can keep________ the rain.




9. It’s a beautiful coat. But he ________ only 30 dollars for it.

A. paid



10.The weather is________ for us to go swiming.

A.enough warm

B.warm enough

C.too warm

11.He________ his homework at home yesterday.

A. left



12. Could you give me________ to eat? I’’m hungry.



C.some thing

13. If you are wrong, you should ________sorry ________others.

A. talk, to

B.say, to

C.speak, about

14. –I was told to be here before seven.

- Oh, you________ .I’m sorry for not telling you that we have changed the plan.

A. must



15. – What’s wrong ________ your radio?

- It doesn’t work.

A. to




1.We a________ with the taxi driver about the money yesterday.

2.Under the p________ of modern life, many people feel very tired.

3.Everyone went to play soccer e________ Tom ,because he doesn’t like it.

4.She didn’t go to bed u________her mother came back last night.

5.Julia f________ her test,so she was very upset.


1.Don’t be stressed out. You should try ________ (be) relaxed.

2.Give me________ (free) or let me die

3.I plan to ________ (surprised) her at her birthday party.

4.Could you please ________ (pass) me those dumplings?

5.I’m very upset and don’t know what ________ (do).


1. 她生你的气了,所以你她打电话。

She _____ _____ _____ you, so you should _____ _____ _____.


Could you give me _____ _____ ?


Henry is very _____ and doesn’t know _____ _____ _____ .


James_____ his history book _____ _____ on _____.


Children need _____ and _____ to play and think.


新人教版八年级英语下册各知识点归纳总结Unti1 what’s the matter? 短语归纳 1.too much 太多 2.lie down 躺下 3.get an X-ray 做个X光检查 4.take one ’s temperature 量体温 5.put some medicine on ......在....上敷药 6.have a fever 发烧 7.take breaks /take a break 休息8.without thinking twice 没多想 9.get off 下车10.take sb to the hospital 送某人去医院11.wait for等待12.to one’s surprise 使.......惊讶的 thanks to多亏于;由于14.in time及时 15.think about 考虑16.have a heart problem患有心脏病 17.get into the trouble 遇到麻烦18.do the right thing做正确的事情事情 19.fall down 摔倒20.put ...... on sth把...放在某物上 21.get hit/sunburned 摔伤/烧伤22.be interested in 对.....感兴趣 23.be used to 习惯于.... 24.take risks/take a risk 挑战 25.lose one’s life 失去生命26.because of 因为 27.run out of 用完28.cut off 切除 29.get out of 从...出来30.make a decision/decisions 做决定 31.be in control of 掌管;管理32.give up 放弃


英语知识点 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 一、重点短语 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙疼 4. talk too much 说得太多 5. drink enough water喝足够的水 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8. have a sore back 背疼 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息11. hot tea w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶12. see a dentist 看牙医13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片14. take one’ s temperature 量体温15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药16. feel very hot 感到很热17. sound like 听起来像18. all weekend 整个周末19. in the same way ? 以同样的方式20. go to a doctor 看医生21. go along 沿着……走22. on the side of the road 在马路边23. shout for help 大声呼救24. without th inking twice 没有多想25. get off 下车26. have a heart problem 有心脏病27. to one’ s surprise 使....... [京讶的28. thanks to 多亏了;由于29. in time 及时30. save a life 挽救生命31. get into trouble 造成麻烦32. right away 立刻;马上33. because of 由于34. get out of 离开;从……出萍35. hurt oneself 受伤36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎37. fa ll down 摔倒38. feel sick 感到恶心39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖42. have problems breathing 呼吸困难43. mountain climbing 登山运动44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事45. run out (of) 用完;用尽46. so that 以便47. so. . . that 如此……以至于…48. be in control of 掌管;管理49. in a d iffic u lt situation 在闲境屮50. keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事51. make a decision 做出决定52. take risks 冒险53. give up 放弃 二、重点句型 1. What’ s the matter? What’ s the matter with you? = What’s the trouble with you? = What’ s wrong with you?你怎么了 2. W hat should she do?她该怎么办呢? Should I take my temperature?我应该量一下体温吗?主语+ should/shouldn’t + 动词原形. ..①You should lie down and rest.你应该躺下休息一会儿。② You shouldn’ t go out at night. 你晚上不应该出去。 3. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or abook? 你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢? 4. I think I sat in the same way for too long withoutmoving. 我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。 5. She said that the man had a heart problem andshould go to the hospital Unit 2 I ’ll help to clean up the city parks. 一、重点短语 1. Clean-Up Day 清洁日 2. an old people’s home 养老院 3. help out with sth. 帮助解决困难 4. used to 曾经……;过去_ 5. care for 关心;照顾 6. the look of joy 快乐的表情 7. at the age of 在......岁时8clean up 打扫(或清除)干净9. cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振雀10. give out 分发;散发11. come up w ith 想出;提出12. make a plan 制订计


初二英语知识点归纳八年级英语知识点汇总 升入初二,英语越来越难了,想要学好英语,就要常对所学过的英语知识点进行归纳,下面就来给大家分享初二英语知识点归纳,希望对大家有所帮助。 (一) 一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或者存在的状态。通常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year, next month, next week, in 100 years 等。 be going to do (动词原形)结构:表示打算、准备做的事情或者肯定要发生的事情。如:It is going to rain. will do 结构表示将来的用法: 1. 表示预见 Do you think it will rain?

You will feel better after a good rest. 2. 表示意图 I will borrow a book from our school library tomorrow. What will she do tomorrow? 基本构成如下: 一般疑问句构成: (1)will+主语+do…? Will Sarah e to visit me next Sunday? (2)there be 结构的一般疑问句:Will there + be …? Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. / No, there won't 否定句构成:will + not (won't)+do

Sarah won't e to visit me next Sunday. 特殊疑问句构成: 特殊疑问词+will+主语+…?What will Sarah do next Sunday? (二) should的用法: should用来提出建议和忠告,后边加动词原形,否定句直接在should后边加not. 例如:I think you should eat less junk food. 我认为你应该少吃垃圾食品。 She drives a lot and she seldom walks. So I think she should walk a lot. 她经常开车,很少走路。所以我认为她应该多走路。


2014年春新人教版八年级下册英语全册短语Unit 1 What’s the m atter? 一、重点短语 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙疼 4. talk too much 说得太多 5. drink enough water 喝足够的水 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8. have a sore back 背疼 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛 10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息 11. hot tea w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 12. see a dentist 看牙医 13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片 14. take one’ s temperature 量体温15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药 16. feel very hot 感到很热 17. sound like 听起来像 18. all weekend 整个周末 19. in the same way 以同样的方式 20. go to a doctor 看医生 21. go along 沿着……走22. on the side of the road 在马路边 23. shout for help 大声呼救 24. without th inking twice 没有多想 25. get off 下车 26. have a heart problem 有心脏病 27. to one’ s surprise 使....... [京讶的 28. thanks to 多亏了;由于 29. in time 及时 30. save a life 挽救生命 31. get into trouble 造成麻烦 32. right away 立刻;马上 33. because of 由于 34. get out of 离开;从……出萍 35. hurt oneself 受伤 36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎 37. fa ll down 摔倒 38. feel sick 感到恶心 39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血 40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 41. put her head back 把她的头向后仰 42. have problems breathing 呼吸困难 43. mountain climbing 登山运动 44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 45. run out (of) 用完;用尽


最新外研版英语八年级下册知识点总结 Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 1. What a delicious smell? Smell:一股气味(可数名词) _____ good advice! It’s so helpful to us. (wh at / How) _____ interesting the story is! (What / How) 2. nice:adj. 美味的,友好的,令人愉快的 nice weather: 好天气 be nice to sb.:对某人友好 a nice trip: 一次令人愉快的旅行 The cookie tastes nice. 这块饼干尝起来美味。 3. would like 比want 语气更委婉。 ----Would you like to stay here with us? ---- Yes, I’d like / love to. 4. lovely: 令人愉快的,可爱的修饰人或物 a lovely afternoon / girl lively: 活泼的,生动的 a lively lesson:一堂生动的课 5. I’m afraid that + 从句: 恐怕(表示歉意或让对方失望的情况)I’m afraid that I can’t come to your party tomorrow. 6. 1) a bit = a little:有点儿,有点后接/形容词/副词形容词/副词的比较级 I feel a bit thirsty now. After the rain, people feel a bit / a little cooler. 2) a little + 不可数名词: There is a little time left. a bit of + 不可数名词: There is a bit of water in the bottle. 7. have a try: 试一试 have a / an + 名词 have a swim:游泳 have a break:休息 have a shower:洗沐浴 8. I have a sweet tooth. 我喜欢吃甜食。 9. be done: 做好了,完成了done: adj. 做好了的,完成了 10. be sure + 从句:Are you sure what you said? Be sure of / about sth.: 对……确信 I’m sure of / about the telephone number. be sure (not) to do. Sth.: 确保/ 务必(不)做某事 Be sure not to miss the early bus. 11. lucky day:幸运日 You’re a lucky boy. 你是一个幸运儿。 Good luck to you. 祝你好运。 Unit 2 1. thanks for = thank you for: 因……而感谢你 Thank you for your help. Thank you for sending me photos. 2. message: 口信、信息(可数名词) take a message:捎个口信 leave a message:留信 Information: 信息(不可数名词) a piece of information , some information 3. hear from sb. = get / receive a letter from sb. : 收到某人的来信 I heard from my uncle last week. = I got / received a letter from my uncle last week. 4. can’t wait to do sth. : 等不及/ 迫不及待做某事 I can’t wait to open the present. 5. quite: 1) quite a / an + 形容词+ 名词 quite a nice boy:一个相当好的男孩。 2) quite 修饰动词时放在动词前 He quite likes maths. 他很喜欢数学。 very: 1) a very + 形容词+ 名词 a very nice boy 2) very 与much合在一起修饰动词时,位于句末。 He likes English very much. 6. sound like: 听起来(像) The music sounds very beautiful. 7. 1) sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth.:某人花费时间/钱做某事 Don’t spend too much time (in) playing computer games. 2) sb. spend some time / money on sth. :某人花时间/ 钱在某事/某物上 I spent ten yuan on this book. Many people spned their free time on their hobbies. 8. be proud of sb. / sth. : 以某人/ 某事为自豪 Parents are proud of their children. We’re proud of our country. 9. be good at sth. / doing sth. = do well in sth. / doing sth. 擅长某事/ 做某事 I’m good at English / swimming. = I do well in English / swimming. 10. How do you feel about… ? = What do you think of …? = How do you like… ? How do you feel about the film? = What do you think of the film? 11. in: 在多久之后,常用于将来时,对其提问用how soon --- How soon will you leave Beijing? --- I’ll come back in three days.



初二英语知识点总结: (一) 一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或者存在的状态。通常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year, next month, next week, in 100 years等。 be going to do (动词原形)结构:表示打算、准备做的事情或者肯定要发生的事情。如:It is going to rain. will do 结构表示将来的用法: 1. 表示预见 Do you think it will rain? You will feel better after a good rest. 2. 表示意图 I will borrow a book from our school library tomorrow. What will she do tomorrow? 基本构成如下: 一般疑问句构成: (1)will+主语+do…? Will Sarah come to visit me next Sunday? (2)there be 结构的一般疑问句:Will there + be …? Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. / No, there won’t 否定句构成:will + not (won’t)+do Sarah won’t come to visit me next Sunday. 特殊疑问句构成: 特殊疑问词+will+主语+…?What will Sarah do next Sunday? 根据例句,用will改写下列各句


人教版最新八年级英语下册知识点全 总结!Unit1 what' s the matter? 1. It’s +形容词+ for sb. + to do sth.做某事对某人来说是…的。 It’s important to do sth.做某事很重要。 It’s important for me to eat a balanced diet.平衡饮食对我来说是很重要的.It’s easy to do sth.做某事是容易的。 It’s easy for us to find out the answer.找出答案对我们来说是容易的。 2.情态动词should的用法 should是情态动词,它的基本用法是必须和其他动词一起构成谓语。意为"应该......"。 should(应当,应该)用于所有人称,表示劝告或建议。 eg. ---I have a very bad cold.我感冒很厉害。 ---You should lie down and have a rest.你应该躺下,多喝水。 3. maybe与may be (1)maybe是副词,译为“也许、可能”,相当于“perhaps”。如:Maybe he can answer the question.也许他能回答那个问题。 He maybe is from the USA, too.他可能也来自美国。 (2)may be中的may为情态动词,译为“可能是......”。如: He may be from the USA, too.他可能也来自美国。 She may be our English teacher.她可能是我们的英语老师。 4. few、a few、little、a little的区别和联系:


最新人教版八年级下册英语全册知识点大全 Unit 1 重点短语: have a stomachache have a cold lie down take one’s temperature have a fever go to a doctor to one’s surprise agree to (do sth.)get into trouble be used to take risks run out (of) cut off get out of be in control of keep on ( doing sth.)give up 语言知识归纳: 1. What’s the matter (w ith you)? 此句用来询问别人的病情。类似的句子还有: What’s wrong with you?/ What’s the trouble? matter作动词用,意为“要紧”“有关系”,主要用于疑问句和否定句。 What does it matter? It doesn’t matter. 【例题】Does it ________ if we can’t finish it today? A. mind B. minds C. matter D. matters 2. I have a sore throat. have “患病”,常用“have a /an+ 名词”. have a cold have a fever have a sore back have a stomachache have a cough 【例题】( )---Does he often have ______ cold? ---Yes. He also _____a cough and a sore throat. A. a; has B. /; has C. a; have D. /; have 3.Lie down and rest! 躺下休息 lie down 躺下 4.That’s probably why. 那可能就是原因。 probably意为“很可能,大概”,表示的可能性很大,是一种近乎肯定的意思。 5.hurt v.使受伤;伤害;疼痛 He hurt his leg when he fell. 他摔伤的时候伤了腿。 My feelings were hurt when he didn’t ask me to the party.他没有请我参加聚会使我很伤心。 6.The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping...公交车司机,24岁的王平…… 24-year-old 是用连字符连接数字和名词所构成的一个形容词结构,意思是“24岁的”。 (名词必须用单数,常用在名词前做定语) 【例题】A____girl named DongXinyi looked after her disabled father. A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. Three years old 7.expect vt. 期待;预期;期盼 两者都有期待的意思look forward to doing sth.


八年级上册英语知识点总结完整版 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 本单元的话题:谈论假期活动内容,复习一般过去时。 本单元的语法:1.复习一般过去时;2.学习不定代词和不定副词的用法。 2.不定代词和不定副词的用法: (1)左边的some、any、every、no与右边的body、one、thing 构成不定代词,some、any、every、no与右边的疑问副词where 构成不定副词; (2)一般情况下以some开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以any开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句;以no开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义(no one为两个单词);(3)不定代词或不定副词和形容词连用时,形容词放在后面。 He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容词important放后) Did you buy anything special? (一般疑问句用anything,形容词special放后) Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上个月你去令人感兴趣的地方了吗? (一般疑问句用不定副词anywhere,形容词interesting放后) (4)不定代词和不定副词做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式。

Everone is here today.今天每个人都在这里。 本单元的短语和知识点: 1. go on vacation去度假go to the mountains 上山/进山 2.stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海滩visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营 3. study for tests为考试而学习\备考go out出去 4. quite a few相当多,不少(后跟可数名词复数)take photos照相most of the time大部分时间 5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物 6. taste good. 尝起来很好 taste(尝起来)、look(看起来)、sound(听起来)为感官动词,后跟形容词 7.have a good\great\fun time过得高兴,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself) 8. go shopping去购物9. nothing…but+动词原形:除了……之外什么都没有 He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了读书无事可做。 10. seem to do sth:好像… I seem to know him.我好像认识他。seem+(to be)+形容词:看起来…The work seems(to be)easy.这工作看起来很容易。 11.keep a diary记日记 12. in+大地方:达到某地(get to +地方:达到某地) arrive at+小地方:达到某地(get的过去式为got)


八年级英语下册知识点第1页共17 页 新人教版八年级英语下册知识点归纳 Unit 1 What ’s the matter? 重点短语: have a stomachache have a cold lie down take one ’s temperature have a f ever go to a doctor to one ’s surprise agree to (do sth.) get into trouble be used to take risks run out (of) cut off get out of be in control of keep on ( doing sth.) give up 语言知识归纳: 1. What ’s the matter (with you)? 此句用来询问别人的病情。类似的句子还有:What ’s wrong with you?/ What ’s the trouble?matter 作动词用,意为“要紧”“有关系”,主要用于疑问句和否定句。What does it matter? It doesn ’t matter.【例题】Does it ________ if we can ’t finish it today? A. mind B. minds C. matter D. matters 2. I have a sore throat. have “患病”,常用“have a /an+ 名词”.have a cold have a fever have a sore back have a stomachache have a cough 【例题】( )---Does he often have ______ cold? ---Yes. He also _____a cough and a sore throat. A. a; has B. /; has C. a; have D. /; have 3.Lie down and rest! 躺下休息 lie down 躺下4.That ’s probably why. 那可能就是原因。probably 意为“很可能,大概”,表示的可能性很大,是一种近乎肯定的意思。5.hurt v.使受伤;伤害;疼痛 He hurt his leg when he fell. 他摔伤的时候伤了腿。My feelings were hurt when he didn ’t ask me to the party.他没有请我参加聚会使我很伤心。6.The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping...公交车司机,24岁的王平…… 24-year-old 是用连字符连接数字和名词所构成的一个形容词结构,意思是“24岁的”。(名词必须用单数,常用在名词前做定语) 【例题】A____girl named DongXinyi looked after her disabled father. A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. Three years old 7.expect vt. 期待;预期;期盼 expect 的常见用法:expect+名词/代词The old man is expecting his d aughter ’s visit. expect to do sth. I expect to get a birthday present from my dad. expect sb. to do sth. Do you expect him to teach you English? 单词词义过去式过去分词现在分词lie 说谎lied lied lying lie 躺,平放 lay lain lying


Unit 1what′s the matter? ?单词 ?词组 Lie down andrest 躺下休息 see a dentist瞧牙医 See a doctor=go to a doctor 瞧医生 Go to see a doctor 去瞧医生 Hot tea with honey 热蜂蜜茶(注意用介词with)Take one′s temperature 量体温 put some medicine on it 敷药 Put a bandage on it 包扎 Have a fever 发烧have a cold 感冒 In thesame way 用同样得方式 save a life 拯救生命 Take breaks 休息to one′s surprise 令某人惊奇 thanks to多亏了,由于 thanks for因为……而感谢 Cut/hurt oneself切了/伤了某人自己 (hurt himself伤了她自己) Shoutfor help 呼救take risks 冒险 In time 及时on time 准时

Right away 立刻,马上 give up 放弃give in 屈服 Have a nosebleed 流鼻血 So that以便 so…that…如此……以至于 在考试中得运用: 1、Myfather likes tea nothing in it。 A of Bwithout C with Hot tea with honey热蜂蜜茶(注意用介词with) 2、 her husband,she has now bee a famous film star。 A、because B thanksto C thanks for 3、,his students all passed the exam lastterm。 A TO his surprise B TO their surprise C TO his su rprise 4、maybe youshould a dentist tomorrow A watchB visit Csee ?重点(语法) 1、表示疼痛得名词或名词词组,大多数采用“身体部位+ache"或“s ore+身体部位”得构成形式,一般情况下,除了头(head)、牙(toot h)、胃(stomach)用“身体部位+ache”外,其她身体部位得疼痛都用“sore+身体部位"得构成形式.但背部(back)比较特殊,既可以用“身体部位+ache"也可以用“sore+身体部位"得构成形式。


八年级英语下册各知识点归纳总结 Unti1 what’s the matter? 短语归纳: 1.too much 太多 2.lie down 躺下 3.get an X-ray 做个X光检查 4.take one ’s temperature 量体温 5.put some medicine on ......在....上敷药 6.have a fever 发烧 7.take breaks /take a break 休息8.without thinking twice 没多想 9.get off 下车10.take sb to the hospital 送某人去医院11.wait for等待12.to one’s surprise 使.......惊讶的thanks to多亏于;由于14.in time及时 15.think about 考虑16.have a heart problem患有心脏病17.get into the trouble 遇到麻烦18.do the right thing做正确的事情事情19.fall down 摔倒20.put ...... on sth把...放在某物上21.get hit/sunburned 摔伤/烧伤22.be interested in 对.....感兴趣 23.be used to 习惯于.... 24.take risks/take a risk 挑战 25.lose one’s life 失去生命26.because of 因为 27.run out of 用完28.cut off 切除 29.get out of 从...出来; 30.make a decision/decisions 做决定31.be in control of 掌管;管理32.give up 放弃; 用法归纳 1.need to do sth .需要去做某事; 2.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 3.ask sb sth 询问某人某事 4.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事 5.agree to do sth 想要做某事 6.help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事


初二(下)英语知识点总结 I.重点短语 1. on time 2. out of 3. all by oneself 4. lots of 5. no longer 6. get back 7. sooner or later 8. run away 9. eat up 10. take care of 11. turn off 12. turn on 13. after a while 14. make faces 15. teach oneself 16. fall off 17. play the piano 18. knock at 19. to one's surprise 20. look up 21. enjoy oneself 22. help yourself 23. tell a story / stories 24. leave....behind …… 25. come along 26. hold a sports meeting 27. be neck and neck 28. as ... as 29. not so / as ... as 30. do one's best 31. take part in 32. a moment late 33. Bad luck! 34. fall behind 35. high jump 36. long jump 37. relay race 38. well done! 39. take off

40. as usual 41. a pair of 42. at once 43. hurry off 44. come to oneself 45. after a while 46. knock on 47. take care of 48. at the moment 49. set off 50. here and there 51. on watch 52. look out 53. take one’s place II. 重要句型 1. We’d better not do sth. 2. leave one. oneself 3. find one’s way to a place 4. stand on one’s head 5. make sb. Happy 6. catch up with sb. 7. pass on sth. to somebody 8. spend time doing sth. 9. go on doing sth. 10. get on well with sb. 11. be angry with sb. 12. be fed up with sth. 13. not…until… 14. make room for sb. III. 交际用语 1. We’re all by ourselves. 2. I fell a little afraid. 3. Don’t be afraid. 4. Help! 5. Can’t you hear anything? 6. I can’t hear anything / anybody there. 7. Maybe it’s a tiger. 8. Let’s get it back before they eat the food. 9. Did she learn all by herself? 10. Could she swim when she was …years old? 11. She didn’t hurt herself. 12. He couldn’t buy himself many nice things. 13. Did he enjoy himself? 14. Help yourselves.


初二英语知识点归纳 升入初二,英语越来越难了,想要学好英语,就要常对所学过的英语知识点进行 归纳,下面小编就来给大家分享初二英语知识点归纳,希望对大家有所帮助。 初二英语知识点归纳 (一) 一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或者存在的状态。通常与表示将来的 时间状语连用,如tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year, next month, next week, in 100 years等。 be going to do (动词原形)结构:表示打算、准备做的事情或者肯定要发生的事情。如:It is going to rain. will do 结构表示将来的用法: 1. 表示预见 Do you think it will rain? You will feel better after a good rest. 2. 表示意图 I will borrow a book from our school library tomorrow. What will she do tomorrow?

基本构成如下: 一般疑问句构成: (1)will+主语+do…? Will Sarah come to visit me next Sunday? (2)there be 结构的一般疑问句:Will there + be …? Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. / No, there won't 否定句构成:will + not (won't)+do Sarah won't come to visit me next Sunday. 特殊疑问句构成: 特殊疑问词+will+主语+…?What will Sarah do next Sunday? (二) should的用法: should用来提出建议和忠告,后边加动词原形,否定句直接在should后边加not. 例如:I think you should eat less junk food. 我认为你应该少吃垃圾食品。 She drives a lot and she seldom walks. So I think she should walk a lot. 她经常开车,很少走路。所以我认为她应该多走路。 Students shouldn't spend too much time playing computer games. 学生们不应当花太多的时间玩计算机游戏。 学习向别人提建议的几种句式: (1)I think you should… (2)Well, you could… (3)Maybe you should … (4)Why don't you…? (5)What about doing sth.? (6)You'd better do sth. (三) 过去进行时 过去进行时表示过去某一点时间正在进行的动作或者过去某一段时间内一直进行的动作。 1. 构成 was /were + doing,例如:
