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的教学效果。下面就是本人上9a unit 3 reading 一课的导入部分: 为了结合学生们的实际生活状况,本人在开始新课前通过对话


t:today, let’s talk about hobbies and prob-lems. you know, everybody has hobbies and prob-lems. who can tell me what your hobbies or problems are?

s1:mr. wang, i have many hobbies. i like swimming in summer and i like reading novels after school.(该生是一名品学兼优的女学生,大胆而自信)

t:very good hobbies!

s2:i also have many hobbies, such as watching tv, playing

cards and playing balls.(该生是一名成绩中等的学生,有很好的幽默感。他的话引起班上一阵笑声)

t:i think you are very clever. playing balls can keep us strong and healthy. watching tv and playing cards can make us relaxed.

s3:mr. wang,i like playing computer games. i think it’s very interesting. (该生比较喜欢英语学科,但其他科目成绩不是很好)

t: how often do you play computer games?

s3:sorry. it’s a secret...(课堂下有低的笑声)

t:do your parents know that you have the hobby?

s3:they don’t know, but my grandma has known a little.

i live with her.

t:you mean you don’t live with your parents.

s3:yes. they have worked in guangzhou for several years.

t:oh, you are a clever boy and your english is good.(没有批评而是表扬他)

s3:thanks. i like english. mr. wang, what’s your hobby?(他的突然一问令全班大笑,营造了平等、活泼的教室气氛) t:i like playing basket best. i also like english, just like you. english is very important and useful. but i like reading many kinds of books after work, such as math, science,

history, geography. i think it’s necessary to learn all the subjects well. (激励他们各科全面发展)

s4:i know you like basket best. and you often play with other teachers in the school playground after school.(一个平时胆小的女生站了起来)

t:yeah. but what’s your hobby, please?

s4:table tennis. but now i have little time for it. i have to do a lot of schoolwork every day. (下面传来了一片附和声,已经形成了和谐的学习氛围)

t:we can relax ourselves by doing sports, watching tv or doing something interesting.

s5:mr. wang, do you have any problems?

t:of course, everyone has problems or


ss:what are your problems?(班上好几个学生追问着,激发了他们的好奇心)

t:i also have some problems with my family life, my son’s study and ... you know, parents are always strict with their children, but many children can’t understand them.(我的孩子同样面临着这样的困惑) i hope you can often have a talk with your family, and try to understand each other. i know you are all very clever and you are sure to have many good ways to
