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TV is like potato chips. If you have a taste, you want more.

Maddy and I ___1___ friends since we were kids.

Last week, Maddy and I arranged to spend the weekend at ___2___ house. A Fun List

___3___ to make sure we’d enjoy our time together.

When I arrived, Maddy greeted me ___4___ a big hug. “You’re just in time for ___5___ best TV show The Cookie Club! And I found out there’s a Super Saturday Marathon, so it’s going to be on all day long!”

“Cool,” I said. “But we’re not actually going to watch it all day long, right?”

“Of course not.” Maddy said, “But you have to watch one episode (一集) so you can see

___6___ great it is.”

Then I learned about The Cookie Club: It’s about thr ee kids ___7___ happen to live above a bakery where strange things are always going on. And when it’s the featured show of Super Saturday Marathon, you do not watch just one episode! You watch one more, and one more, and you’re ___8___ busy trying to solve one delicious mystery after another that you forget the whole world. And the day I’d been looking forward ___9___ with the friend was over, and I didn’t do a single thing on my Fun List. NOT ONE!

“I can’t believe ____10____ we actually wasted an entire da y watching TV!” Maddy said at bedtime.

“I know!” I yawned. “I like The Cookie Club, ____11____ I’m sure I never need to watch another episode.”

____12____, the next day, we were able to give the time to some of our Fun List stuff.

So, too much TV! How ____13____ off the TV? Don’t turn it on in the first place. If you’ve decided to watch one show, turn off the TV right after the episode is over. You could even set an alarm to remind ____14____. It may be hard to get off the couch at first, but you’ll feel mu ch

____15____ if you spend that time on other things.

1.A.are B.were C.has been D.have been 2.A.Maddy B.Maddy’s C.the Maddy D.the Maddy’s 3.A.make B.made made D.was made 4.A.of C.for D.with

5.A.a C.the D./

6.A.why C.what D.that B.who C.what D.which B.enough C.very D.such 9.A.enjoy B.enjoyed enjoy enjoying 10.A.which B.why C.what D./

11.A.or B.but C.although D.because 12.A.Luck B.Lucky C.Luckier D.Luckily 13.A.turn B.turns turn D.turning B.your C.yours D.yourself 15.A.good B.well D.better



When Maria was a high school senior, she was on track. You know the one: Graduate on

___1___ time, spend four years at college, get a job.

“I just woke up one morning feeling empty,” Maria explains. “I didn’t know ___2___ I wanted to do, or who I wanted to be. ___3___ at the very last moment, I decided not to go to college.” She signed herself up for a gap year program ___4___ included outdoor survival classes and service learning, and headed off to India, at a time of civil war across the border in Nepal.

The war created nearly a ___5___ orphans(孤儿). She says, “I was really shocked ___6___ the way women and children were living. I had never seen ___7___ like that.”

She continued to travel throughout the region, meeting kids and listening to ___8___ stories. Then she made up a life-changing decision-to live in the Kopila Valley, asking her parents to send her the $5,000 she saved up for years. The money went towards ___9___ land on which she built a children’s home.

“I wanted to give these kids a childhood similar to the one I had, ____10____ family and love,” she explains. A couple of years later, she opened a school. The school now has 340 students and a high school ____11____ soon.

The next stage of Maria’s work? A women’s center. “A lot of women in my community were really having terrible lives.” Maria says. The center has become a source of light for women. The girls and women ____12____ much through the school and the center.

There’s now a program that attracts volunteers, and the effect in Kopila is ____13____ just a beginning.” When I was 16, I didn’t have any idea where life ____14____ take me.” She says,” Now I wake up every day loving my work and thinking I have the ____15____ job in the universe.”

1.A.a C.the D./

2.A.if C.why D.what
