专四真题 非谓语动词,状语从句等

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1.The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, ____ by the police each time. (1992-42)

a. had been captured

b. being always captured

c. only to be captured

d. unfortunately captured

2. The compositions contained so few errors that the teacher got the students ____ one another’s papers. (1992-58)

a. correct

b. to correct

c. correcting

d. to be correcting

3. I don’t like ____ bills but when I do get them I like ____ them promptly. (1992-60)

a. to get, paying

b. getting, to pay

c. to get, to pay

d. getting, paying

4. I never regretted ____ his offer, for it was not where my interest lay. (1993-53)

a. not to accept

b. not having accepted

c. having not accepted

d. not accepting

5. ____ regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first. (1994-55)

a. Not received

b. Since receiving

c. Having received

d. Not having received

6. The country’s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars ____ the most important of these. (1994-57)

a. have been

b. are

c. being

d. are being

7. He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field. Then to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder ____ out and three men climbing down it. (1995-52)

a. throwing

b. being thrown

c. having thrown

d. having been thrown

8. He resented ____ to wait. He expected the minister ____ him at once. (1995-53)

a. to be asked, to see

b. being asked, to see

c. to be asked, seeing

d. being asked, seeing

9. This missile is designed so that once ____ nothing can be done to retrieve it. (1995-63)

a. fired

b. being fired

c. they fired

d. having fired

10. ____ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player. (1996-42)

a. Having time

b. Given C. Giving D. had

11. He wasn’t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, ____ insufficiently popular with all members. (1996-45)

a. having considered

b. was considered

c. was being considered

d. being considered

12.This may have preserved the elephant from being wiped out as well as other animals ____ in $2. (1996-46)

a. hunted

b. hunting

c. that hunted

d. are hunted

13. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid ___. (1996-48)

a. from being beaten

b. being beaten

c. beating

d. to be beaten

14. ____ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his room. (1996-51)

a. There was B. Since C. Being D. There being

15. ____, he can now only watch it on TV at home. (1998-45)

a. Obtaining not a ticket for the match

b. Not obtaining a ticket for the match

c. Not having obtained a ticket for the match

d. Not obtained a ticket for the match

16. The $2 haven’t decided yet which hotel ____ . (1998-49)

a. to stay

b. is to stay

c. to stay at

d. is for staying
