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12、 lay out 摆开、布置
– The gardens were laid out with flowers.这些花园 被用花布置。
• He laid out the map on the table.他在桌子 上摆开了地图。
13、 dessert n. 甜点、甜食
• 人们通常在圣诞节期间拜访朋友和亲属。 • at Christmas 在圣诞节期间 • on Christmas Day 在圣诞日 on Christmas
Eve 在平安夜 • a close relative 近亲
5.put on 增加(体重)发胖 穿衣
• My uncle has put on five kilos since he gave up smoking.
• You shouldn’t tell children ghost stories before they go to bed.
• 在孩子们上床睡觉之前,你不应该给孩 子们讲鬼故事。
• dress up as ghosts 装扮成鬼 • (复习dress up ① 装扮 ② 装上盛装)
20、 trick [c] 花招、把戏
• My new iPhone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday.
• 昨天我乘公共汽车时我的新iPhone被偷 了。
11、 lay v 放置;安放;产卵;下蛋
• lay ― laid ― laid ― laying • She laid her baby on the bed.她把她的宝
17、 tie ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้. 领带 [c] ties
• wear a tie 系领带 • This tie looks good on me.这条领带在我
身上很好看。 • v. 系、捆绑 ties tied tied tying (联
想lie –lying) • He tied his dog to that tree. 他把他的狗拴
• Whoever says that is a liar. 不论谁那么说都 是傻子。
• (2) 引导让步状语从句

I don’t want to see them, whoever they

10.、 steal v. 偷 stole - stolen
• He stole money from his parents. 他偷了父 母的钱
• ② admire sb. for sth. 因某事而仰慕某人 • I admired him for his honesty.我因为他
的诚实而仰慕他。 • ③ admire sb for doing sth. 因做某事而仰
慕某人 • I admire her for learning English so well.
宝放在床上。 • This hen has laid twenty eggs in the past /
last ten days. • 在过去的十天里这只母鸡已经下了20个蛋。 • lie 说谎 lied ― lied ― lying • The girl lied to her parents again.这个女孩
在树上。 • He was caught by the policemen with both
hands tied.
18、 haunted adj. 有鬼魂出没的、闹鬼的
• a haunted house 一间鬼屋 • a haunted school 一所闹鬼的学校
19、 ghost [c] 鬼、鬼魂
• 我的叔叔自从戒烟后已经增重了5公斤。 • She looks like she has put on weight . • 她的体重看起来好像增加了。 • 与put 相关的短语 • put off 推迟 put up 撑开 put away 收
pound 磅 镑 c
• Mike is two pounds heavier than me.麦克比 我重两磅。
• Would you like a chocolate dessert? 你想要 巧克力甜点吗?
• What do you have for dessert?你甜点吃什 么?
14、 garden
15、 tradition n
• It’s a tradition to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
• 在感恩节吃火鸡是一个传统。 • traditional adj. 传统的 • traditional food / Chinese music 传统食品
16、 admire v. 欣赏、仰慕
• ① I admired her the first time I met her.我第 一次见到她就仰慕她。

8、 goddess [c] 女神 复goddesses
• She looks like a goddess.她看起来像一个女 神。
9 whoever 代 无论谁,不管什么人
• (1) 引导主语从句

Whoever wants the book may have it .
• She spent 25 pounds on the new coat.他花了 25镑买了这件新外套。
• 同义句转换 The new coat cost her 25 pounds.
7. folk
• She is a folk singer. 她是一个民俗歌手 • folk art 民间艺术 a folk museum 民间博物
3、 stranger [c] 陌生人
• You’d better not have a conversation with a stranger.
• 你最好不要和陌生人交谈。
4、relative [c] 亲属、亲戚
• People often visit friends and relatives at Christmas.