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1.(1分)Shenzhen lies in the south of China.()

A.keeps B.finds C.is D.belongs

2.(1分)The little girl is fortunate to get help from so many strangers.()

A.lucky B.excited C.happy D.grateful

3.(1分)Liu Xiang's success came at a price.()

A.Without difficulty B.With a lot of hard work

C.With little money D.without much time

4.(1分)When Jason was painting the wall,some boys passed by and wanted to join him.()

A.Went out B.Went through C.Went away D.Went past

5.(1分)The plane will take off in half an hour.()

A.Leave for

B.Leave the ground and begin to fly


D.Land on the ground


6.(1分)﹣________ the small town is!

﹣Yes,it is more beautiful than ________ town that I visited last year.()

A.How beautiful;the B.How beautifully;the

C.How beautifully;a D.How beautiful;a

8.(1分)﹣What are the _______ doing there?

﹣They are busy _______ their science experiment.()

A.Boys students;to do B.Boy students;to do

C.Boys students;doing D.Boy students;doing

9.(1分)﹣Mom,I got _______ place in the English Speech Competition?

﹣_______!That's really good news,dear!()

A.The first;Congratulation

B.first;I'm sorry to hear that

C.The first;Congratulations

D.first;What a pity

10.(1分)﹣Who will teach _______ oral English next term?Can it be a new teacher?

﹣Perhaps.But our head teacher hasn't told us ________.()

A.your;already B.you;yet

C.you;already D.your;yet

11.(1分)﹣What does the fresh juice contain?

﹣________of the juice ________ orange.It's very pure.()

A.Four﹣fifth;are B.Four﹣fifths;are

C.Four﹣fifth;is D.Four﹣fifths;is

12.(1分)﹣It sounds ________ that a truck hit two cars.
