《新编英语教程》第四册unit 5 PPT

Part 2
Part 3 Part 4
(Paras 10-11): Berners-Lee’s life with computer.
(Para 12): Berners-Lee, the man we owe the Web to.
Part 1: Introduction to the topic of network.
Unit 5
Network Designer— Tim Berners-Lee
What do the following abbreviations mean?
WWW (Para 3) http (Para 8)
html (Para 8) URL (Para 8)
World Wide Web (万维网)
He invented the printing press with replaceable /moveable wooden or metal letters in 1436 (completed by 1440). This method of printing can be credited not only for a revolution in the production of books, but also for fostering rapid development in the sciences, arts and religion through the transmission of texts.
Part 2: Berners-Lee’s invention of the network.
Paras 8-9: 1) What did Berners-Lee invented before he made his “Enquire” program world wide? 2) When did Berners-Lee cobble together the first browser? 3) When did WWW make its first appearance? 4) How quickly did WWW develop? 5) Can you chart Berners-Lee’s invention of the network?
新编英语教程4 unit5

inventor of the World Wide Web humanity stay-at-home mother-of-two founder of Second Life it is an escape another kind of social contact
Industry analyst
Consider the meaning of the facial expressions
>-< ^-^
生气 优雅的笑
^0^ ?-?
高兴 疑惑
8- )
睁大眼睛 平淡的笑 吐舌头 小猪
:- 7
火冒三丈 抽烟 语无伦次 卷发
:- 1
&: -)
Consider the meaning of the expressions BH PF Qrz BTW 马甲 GJM 彪悍 佩服 膜拜 By the way 语出春晚小品 抄袭 RPWT TF 囧 ASAP 无间 YY 人品问题 踢飞 拜服 As soon as possible 语出电影无间道 语出红楼梦
Not obstructed ___________________________________
clever __________________________________ Play about __________________________________ Make first public appearance __________________________________
Pre-reading Activity Structure Vocabulary Acquisition Intensive Reading

Special lecture notes
Ù 6.月球上没有水。
Special lecture notes
Ù A: There is no water on the moon.
Ù 7. 夏威夷气候从来不冷. Ù A: It is never cold in Hawaii.
Ù 8. 在巴黎,五月份天气并非总是美好;有时多雨。 In Paris, the weather is not always nice; it rains a lot
Ù They were leaving a few days later.
Ù He told me to wake him up if he was sleeping. Ù 4) 表示现在时间和将来时间里的动作 Ù A) 委婉的语气
Ù I was wondering if you’d like to come out with me. Ù B) 主观臆想
Ù I hear poor old Mrs Yang has lost her son.
Ù 附特殊用法: Ù A) 表达某种情绪
Special lecture notes
Ù I happen to drop in on her once and you make such an issue of it.
Ù A:
Ù 15. 星M期y p日ar我ent父s se母ldo很m少go去to做ch礼urc拜h o.n Sunday.
Ù A: Ù 16. 地T球he 围Ear绕th太mo阳ve转s ar.ound the Sun.
Ù A:
India lies to the south of China.
18. 泰晤士河流经伦敦。

(2)可以计数的集体名词:有单、复数形式和单复数意义;将其视为 一个整体时,用作单数;强调构成集体的成员时,用作复数。 例如: p. 46 中页
b) Number forms of the material 例如: (p. 46中页)
不可计数 sand 沙 water 水 food 食物 coffee 咖啡 rubber 橡胶 stone 石头 egg 蛋渍 lamb 羔羊肉 onion 洋葱味
Ander, China, The People’s Congress, the New York Times, the Democratic Party
a car, a family
two cars, many families
物质名词、抽象名词、和 sand, water, coffee, 专有名词通常是不可计数 failure, knowledge 的名词
表示同一类人或物,以及 抽象概念的名词
boy, house, tiger family, team, cattle, police air, snow, bread, rice
glory, honesty, education
表示人、国家、地方、机 构、组织等的专有名称
可以计数的个体名词和集 体名词,称为可数名词
II. Number forms of nouns
1. Regular and irregular plural a) Regular plural (p.p. 42-44) b) Irregular plural (p.p. 44-45)
2. Number forms of the collective, material, abstract

Task 2 Chinese Sayings and Slogans About Sports
Directions: Here are some famous Chinese sayings and slogans, see if you can translate them correctly.
second ; has been called “the next Pele” (贝利 第二) in Brazil.
Task 3
Inspirational Quotes about "Sports"
The man who has no imagination has no wings. Muhammad Ali (拳王阿里)
Sports Activities
Sports have played an important role in society. Not only have they been a source of entertainment for both the player and the spectator, they also have served as a pleasurable way of ensuring the physical fitness of citizens of all ages.
Task 4
Air Your Opinions
Problem A: Some athletes take advantage of drugs to win.
Drugs are dangerous and they are forbidden. Athletes should be role models for young sports fans. If they don’t set a good example, perhaps their fans will follow them and take drugs, too. Winning is important, but the spirit of the Olympic Games —peace, friendship and fair play — is more important. Coaches, governments and officials concerned should take measures to prevent this harmful behavior.
新编英语教程4 Unit 5

• In 1995 Gates wrote The Road Ahead, his vision of where information technology will take society. Co-authored by Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft's chief technology officer, and Peter Rinearson, The Road Ahead held the No. 1 spot on the New York Times' bestseller list for seven weeks, and remained on the list for a total of 18 weeks. Published in more than 20 countries, the book sold more than 400,000 copies in China alone.
• Gates' foresight and vision regarding personal computing have been central to the success of Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively involved in key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft, and plays an important role in the technical development of new products. Much of his time is devoted to meeting with customers and staying in contact with Microsoft employees around the world through e-mail.
新编英语语法教程第五版 4 Noun and noun phrases

Children like playing with sand. (Subject)
Robert loves this film very much. (Object)
John is a lovely boy. (Subject Complement) They elected him the director. (Object
Derivative noun: greatness, carelessness
(2) In terms of lexical meaning Proper N N
Thomas Edison, the Great Wall, WTO, VIP, DIY, ISBN, MVP, UNESCO, APEC, OPEC Individual N: bag, pen, wallet, dictionary, fan, jacket, skirt, etc. Common N Collective N: furniture, family, police, committee, foliage, etc. Material N: air, snow, bread, rice, water, milk, etc. Abstract N: beauty, glory, etc.
Usually proper nouns have no plural forms, for they
refer to a unique person or place, except for proper names like United States, United Nations, the Netherlands.
more of a/an + n….指数量或程度上“更(像/是 )……”,表示更具有某种特质,相当于 more like a (n)…,常作宾语或表语。 more of a(n) A than a(n) B 表示否定B,肯定A 或在肯定B的基础上,更强调A,意为“与其说是 B,还不如说是A;不是B,而更像是A;与B相比 ,更像A”。 He is more of a teacher than a scholar. 与其说 他是一位学者,倒不如说他是一位教师。
Robert loves this film very much. (Object)
John is a lovely boy. (Subject Complement) They elected him the director. (Object
Derivative noun: greatness, carelessness
(2) In terms of lexical meaning Proper N N
Thomas Edison, the Great Wall, WTO, VIP, DIY, ISBN, MVP, UNESCO, APEC, OPEC Individual N: bag, pen, wallet, dictionary, fan, jacket, skirt, etc. Common N Collective N: furniture, family, police, committee, foliage, etc. Material N: air, snow, bread, rice, water, milk, etc. Abstract N: beauty, glory, etc.
Usually proper nouns have no plural forms, for they
refer to a unique person or place, except for proper names like United States, United Nations, the Netherlands.
more of a/an + n….指数量或程度上“更(像/是 )……”,表示更具有某种特质,相当于 more like a (n)…,常作宾语或表语。 more of a(n) A than a(n) B 表示否定B,肯定A 或在肯定B的基础上,更强调A,意为“与其说是 B,还不如说是A;不是B,而更像是A;与B相比 ,更像A”。 He is more of a teacher than a scholar. 与其说 他是一位学者,倒不如说他是一位教师。

see Exercise 8C
Concord in gender
GENDER? masculine, feminine, neuter, common It is a set of grammatical forms of nouns
Dictatorship is the one of many evils which __(tend, tends) to perpetuate __(itself, themselves).
Either John or James, who are twins, __(have, has) left (his, their) sweater.
Pronouns are words used instead of nouns, thus have nominal functions.
personal, possessive, reflexive, reciprocal, demonstrative, interrogative, relative, indefinite pronouns.
Everyone thinks ____ (he is, they are )the centre of the universe.
Wells is one of the editors who always __(take, takes) a leading role in ____(his, their) community.
pronouns. One must remember to remain very still when he
attends a concert. Professor Smith and I went to the States together. We

Lecture 30 Coordination了
A coordinate construction is a sequence of semantically-related grammatical units that are similar in a form, equal in rank of
❖ One more boot, and I’ll have a pair.
❖ 如并列分句均为祈使句,第一句仍可表条件,第二句表结果:
❖ Surrender and live; resist and die. ❖ = If you surrender, you’ll live; … ❖ Don’t drink and drive. ❖ = If you don’t drink, you can drive. Or: ❖ If you drink, you can’t drive. 不许酒后开车。
❖ He is good and hungry. (very, extremely.)
❖ You’re all nice and hardworking.
❖ And前的修饰后面的,表示程度,限于少数表性 质和程度的形容词和副词。最典型的是 nice and good.还有:
❖ Or-group coordinators: or, either…or…
❖ 在否定句中,一般用 or 不用 and 连接同等成分。Or 一 般不表示所择关系:
❖ He has no money or food. ❖ = He has neither money nor food. ❖ I didn’t find him clever or good-looking. ❖ = I found him neither clever nor…. ❖ A sheep was not moving about or eating grass like the
Lecture 30 Coordination了
A coordinate construction is a sequence of semantically-related grammatical units that are similar in a form, equal in rank of
❖ One more boot, and I’ll have a pair.
❖ 如并列分句均为祈使句,第一句仍可表条件,第二句表结果:
❖ Surrender and live; resist and die. ❖ = If you surrender, you’ll live; … ❖ Don’t drink and drive. ❖ = If you don’t drink, you can drive. Or: ❖ If you drink, you can’t drive. 不许酒后开车。
❖ He is good and hungry. (very, extremely.)
❖ You’re all nice and hardworking.
❖ And前的修饰后面的,表示程度,限于少数表性 质和程度的形容词和副词。最典型的是 nice and good.还有:
❖ Or-group coordinators: or, either…or…
❖ 在否定句中,一般用 or 不用 and 连接同等成分。Or 一 般不表示所择关系:
❖ He has no money or food. ❖ = He has neither money nor food. ❖ I didn’t find him clever or good-looking. ❖ = I found him neither clever nor…. ❖ A sheep was not moving about or eating grass like the
《新编英语教程》第四册unit 4 PPT

Direct argument
Makes clear from the very beginning what to be proved attracts readers’ attention and draws him into the essay immediately
Metaphor: I am arguing that books, too, must
Metaphor (暗喻) • --- it is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality. Further explanation is notneeded.
Part 2 (Paras 2-10): Body
(Para 2) I contend, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love. (Para 3) I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good. (Para 6) . . . buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author. (Paras 4-6) (Para 7) Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading? (Paras 78) 1) keep you awake; 2) thought-through book; 2) help you remember (Para 9) But, you may ask, why is writing necessary? (Paras 9-10) 1) preserve better; 2) space available; 3) easy to pick up where you left off

Unit 5
Network Designer— Tim Berners-Lee
• Tim Berners-Lee ,a graduate of Oxford University, invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing while at CERN.
Main ideas of each part
• 5. Brought up as a quintessential child of the computer age, Berners-Lee created a most significant global system. • 6. In spite of his Gutenbergian creation of the WWW, Berners-Lee chose the nonprofit road, both for himself and for his creation.
Para 4: 1) With whom does the author compare BernersLee in this paragraph? Para 9: 2) Can you chart Berners-Lee’s invention of the network? Para 10: 3) “quintessential child ”
Who invented all these???
Who is he?
How did he invent all these? What’s the significance of his invention?
Network Designer— Tim Berners-Lee
• Tim Berners-Lee ,a graduate of Oxford University, invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing while at CERN.
Main ideas of each part
• 5. Brought up as a quintessential child of the computer age, Berners-Lee created a most significant global system. • 6. In spite of his Gutenbergian creation of the WWW, Berners-Lee chose the nonprofit road, both for himself and for his creation.
Para 4: 1) With whom does the author compare BernersLee in this paragraph? Para 9: 2) Can you chart Berners-Lee’s invention of the network? Para 10: 3) “quintessential child ”
Who invented all these???
Who is he?
How did he invent all these? What’s the significance of his invention?
新编英语教程4 Unit 5ppt课件

l Detailed study of Text I & II l Oral work: • Role-play: discussing plans after graduation; • Interaction activities: parents and child l Guided writing: • Basic writing techniques—contrast • composition writing—narration; • Letter writing—asking after a friend’s health
• In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman, where he lived down the hall from Steve Ballmer, who is now Microsoft's president. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer - the MITS Altair. BASIC was first developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz at Dartmouth College in the mid1960s. In his junior year, Gates dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies full-time to Microsoft, a company he had started in 1975 with his boyhood friend Paul Allen. Guided by a belief that the personal computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers. .
l Detailed study of Text I & II l Oral work: • Role-play: discussing plans after graduation; • Interaction activities: parents and child l Guided writing: • Basic writing techniques—contrast • composition writing—narration; • Letter writing—asking after a friend’s health
• In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman, where he lived down the hall from Steve Ballmer, who is now Microsoft's president. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer - the MITS Altair. BASIC was first developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz at Dartmouth College in the mid1960s. In his junior year, Gates dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies full-time to Microsoft, a company he had started in 1975 with his boyhood friend Paul Allen. Guided by a belief that the personal computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers. .

singular plural
man men
He They
Verb (agreement)
works work
性 (Gender)
❖ Many inflectional languages have three meaning-related gender distinction: masculine, feminine and neuter.
❖ 许多屈折语言里有三种和意义相关的性:阳性、 阴性、中性。
❖ In English gender contrast can be only observed in pronouns and a small number of nouns which shows the biological gender.
❖ The categories of the noun, include number, gender, case and countability;
❖ 名词的范畴包括数、性、格和可数性;
❖ The categories of the verb, for example, person, tense, aspect, mood, voice, etc.
❖ 英语中有被动语态,用“分词”表示。主动 态句子中的施动者在被动态句子中省略,或 用“by短语”
❖ Active voice Jim caught the ball.
❖ Passive voice TБайду номын сангаасe ball was caught.
❖ Passive voice with “by-phrase”
❖ SYNTAX is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences in a language , or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structures.
新编英语语法教程第-讲 ppt课件

A:This is an infectious disease to be
wiped out in a few years.
4.听不到有什么声音。 A:There was no sound to be heard. 5. 我已经在这里呆了两天,没有什
A:I’ve spent 2 days here. There is
say to any other person.
8.这是一个难以解答的问题。 A:This is a difficult question to answer.
9.听见窗外有脚步声,我便轻手轻 脚走出室外,但什么也没看见。
A:Awitntdhoewso, uI nsdtoolef
footsteps out of the
• 非谓语动词 • 具有双重性质: • 1) 动词性质 • have breakfast fast • Having breakfast fast is bad for
• 2) 非动词性质,即名词及形容词性 质
• To see is to believe. • The girl standing there is my sister.
• He expected to see him at once. • I can’t afford to buy a house now.
• 3)部分动词只用动名词作宾语 • acknowledge/ admit/ advise/
advocate/ allow/ anticipate/ appreciate/ avoid/ complete/ confess/ consider/ contemplate
• 非谓语动词作宾语 • 1) 不定式是 “未发生” 或 “将发生”
wiped out in a few years.
4.听不到有什么声音。 A:There was no sound to be heard. 5. 我已经在这里呆了两天,没有什
A:I’ve spent 2 days here. There is
say to any other person.
8.这是一个难以解答的问题。 A:This is a difficult question to answer.
9.听见窗外有脚步声,我便轻手轻 脚走出室外,但什么也没看见。
A:Awitntdhoewso, uI nsdtoolef
footsteps out of the
• 非谓语动词 • 具有双重性质: • 1) 动词性质 • have breakfast fast • Having breakfast fast is bad for
• 2) 非动词性质,即名词及形容词性 质
• To see is to believe. • The girl standing there is my sister.
• He expected to see him at once. • I can’t afford to buy a house now.
• 3)部分动词只用动名词作宾语 • acknowledge/ admit/ advise/
advocate/ allow/ anticipate/ appreciate/ avoid/ complete/ confess/ consider/ contemplate
• 非谓语动词作宾语 • 1) 不定式是 “未发生” 或 “将发生”
《新编英语教程》第四册unit 4 PPT

processes etc. that seem similar. Further explanation is often needed in order to reveal the similarity in detail.
e.g., Glove is to hand as monitor is to computer. Furs were to north American aboriginals as credit is to a shopper. Notice how there are similarities in the terms used first and the ones that they are compared to. A glove has a similar relation to a hand just as a monitor has to a computer. Furs served a similar function in North American aboriginals cultures as credit provides in our shopping world of today.
Analogy and metaphor
• Despite certain similarities, an analogy is not the same as a metaphor. As Bradford Stull observes in The Elements of metaphor. Figurative Language (Longman, 2002), the analogy “is a “is figure of language that expresses a set of like relationships among two sets of terms. In essence, the analogy does not claim total identification, which is the property of the metaphor. It claims a similarity of relationships. • Unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance.
e.g., Glove is to hand as monitor is to computer. Furs were to north American aboriginals as credit is to a shopper. Notice how there are similarities in the terms used first and the ones that they are compared to. A glove has a similar relation to a hand just as a monitor has to a computer. Furs served a similar function in North American aboriginals cultures as credit provides in our shopping world of today.
Analogy and metaphor
• Despite certain similarities, an analogy is not the same as a metaphor. As Bradford Stull observes in The Elements of metaphor. Figurative Language (Longman, 2002), the analogy “is a “is figure of language that expresses a set of like relationships among two sets of terms. In essence, the analogy does not claim total identification, which is the property of the metaphor. It claims a similarity of relationships. • Unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance.

动词性 “是什么”、“干什么”、 情态动词+原形动词
复合 复合谓语 “怎么样”
谓语 名词性
代词、数词、形容词、副词、 介词短语、非谓语动词、从句)
由不及物动词+主语的 不及物动词come, go, leave,
表语构成,表现主语的 arrive, return, rise, die, live 等
Note 1: Single subject/predicate S–V and Compound subject/predicate (p.14)
S1: The boys and the girls are planning a dance.
S4: Leah jumped on her bike and rode around the block.
补 宾语补足语 补足直接宾语/主语的意义, 名词、形容词、副词、
足 主语补足语 使其完整,宾语/主语与其补 介词短语、不定式、
修饰或限定名词、代词,说 形容词、名词、代词、名
明人或物的特性、状态、数 词所有格、数词、副词、
Predicate verb Object (direct object, indirect object, complex object) Complement (subject complement, object complement)
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
名词词组的结构 (限定词)+(前置修饰语)+ 名词 +(后置修饰语) a most lovely little boy in red at play a most lovely little boy living next door a most lovely little boy whose mother is a doctor
表示人、国家、地方、机 Ander, China, The People’s Congress, the New York 构、组织等的专有名称
Times, the Democratic Party
按语 法特 征
可以计数的个体名词和集 体名词,称为可数名词
物质名词、抽象名词、和 专有名词通常是不可计数 的名词
kindness [u] 仁慈,善意,好意 It would be doing him a kind[c] 善行 ness to tell him the truth. laugh [c] 笑,笑声 有些抽象名词 (见p. 47 正中下方) 本身无复数式, laughter [u] 笑,笑声 “What a mess!” she said, 若要计数,就 with a laugh. He joined in the laughter. 得使用语义上 He looked shocked, then This scene gets one of the 与之对应的个 biggest laughs in the burst into laughter. 体名词 movie.
(1)主语 Children at play seldom remember what time it is. (2) 主语补足语 That was an attractive little black chair. My grandfather died a martyr to his revolutionary ideal. (3)宾语 They gave him a first-rate education. (4)宾语补足语 They elected him chairman of the board. (5) 同位语 Mr Brown, director of the coal mine, should be responsible for the accident. (6)介词宾语/介词补足成分 Within the house nothing stirs. In the garden I can hear the singing of birds. I can hear the rustle of their wings. (7)状语或引导时间状语分句 He returned last night. A photo is taken each time ( = whenever ) this button is pushed.
3. for advice 5. for it is fun 8. directors are 11. merchandise has 14. were times, rivalry 17. foliage is 20. Luggage is
III. Partitives p. 49
“单位名词”表示事物个体性的词语,与单位词搭配表示“一群”、 “一帮”等意思,它们与不可数名词组合起来,便可以“计数”了。 “单位名词” 可分为: 1) General partitives p. 49 2) Partitives related to the shape of things 3) Partitives related to volume p. 50 p. 50 p. 50 p. 49
Do Ex. 4 A: 1, 2, 3 Key to Ex. 4 A 1. description 4. peculiarity 7. dependence 10. measurement 13. extension 16. entrance 19. happiness
2. arrangement 5. expectation 8. originality 11. purity 14. statement 17. loneliness 20. seriousness
Do Ex. 4C: 1-13, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 17,18,10, 19 (p.48—49) Key to Ex. 4 C: 1. experience 2. waters 4. an important piece of information 6. were not numerous 7. Poultry 9. militia 10. geniuses 12. sympathies 13. experiences 15. clippings, were 16. lookers-on 18. photos 19. 12-pages
Key to Ex. 4 B: 1. strange sounds 2. foods are 3. chief, tribes, their, salmon (s) 4. The runners-up were given pound notes / The runners-up were each given a pound note. 5. bodies, their heroes 6. mice, tooth-marks 7. Crises, occur, families 8. / 9. / 10. these businesses 11. / 12. fruits are 13. / 14. these articles are well written 15. / 16. several personal kindnesses 17. / 18. sufferings 19. professors 20. children are playing, sands
c) Number forms of the abstract
单 数 式
大多数抽象名 honesty 词是不可数的 knowledge
少数是可数的 victory conference difficulty opinion
复 数 式
victories conferences difficulties opinions
Lecture 4
Noun and Noun Phrase
p.p. 39--52
The noun phrase is a phrase with a noun as its head. It is the noun head that determines the way the noun phrase is organized.
b) Number forms of the nd 沙 water 水 food 食物 coffee 咖啡 rubber 橡胶 stone 石头 egg 蛋渍 lamb 羔羊肉 onion 洋葱味 可以复数形式出现 sands 大面积的沙滩 waters 大面积的水域 foods 多种食品 two coffees 两杯咖啡 rubbers 胶鞋 stones 多块石头 eggs 多个鸡蛋 lambs 多只羔羊 onions 多个洋葱头
d) Number forms of the proper noun (p. 47 para. 1) A. 专有名词一般没有复数形式,除非词本身带有复数词缀。例如: the United States, the Philippines, the Netherlands
B. 专有名词以复数式出现时,普通名词化,表示某姓的一家人, 如 S1, p. 48 Have you invited the Browns? 或表示同姓或同名的若干人,如 S2 p. 48 There are two Miss Smiths/Misses Smith in the class. Do Ex. 4 B: 3, 5, 6, 2, 15, 20, 9, 11-10 p. 48
3. attendance 6. argument 9. exaggeration 12. persistence 15. generosity 18. forgetfulness
II. Number forms of nouns
1. Regular and irregular plural a) Regular plural (p.p. 42-44) b) Irregular plural (p.p. 44-45) 2. Number forms of the collective, material, abstract and proper noun a) Number forms of the collective (1)不能计数的集体名词:若要计数,须使用在语义上与之对应的 个体名词。例如: p. 46 集体名词 个体名词 poetry poem machinery machine clothing garment, coat, etc . . . . (2)可以计数的集体名词:有单、复数形式和单复数意义;将其视为 一个整体时,用作单数;强调构成集体的成员时,用作复数。 例如: p. 46 中页
还有一些的单 sympathy 同情(心),怜悯 sympathies 同情(心),怜悯;慰问 复数式含义不 p. 46 S3, 2, 1 p. 46 S1, 2; p.47 S1 同 experience 经验 experiences 经历 relation [u] 关系 [c] 亲戚 relations 亲戚 youth [u] 青春,青年(时期) [c] 少年,小伙子 youths 男青年,小伙子 worry [u] 担心,忧愁,烦恼 [c] 令人担心、发愁的事 worries
a car, a family
表示人、国家、地方、机 Ander, China, The People’s Congress, the New York 构、组织等的专有名称
Times, the Democratic Party
按语 法特 征
可以计数的个体名词和集 体名词,称为可数名词
物质名词、抽象名词、和 专有名词通常是不可计数 的名词
kindness [u] 仁慈,善意,好意 It would be doing him a kind[c] 善行 ness to tell him the truth. laugh [c] 笑,笑声 有些抽象名词 (见p. 47 正中下方) 本身无复数式, laughter [u] 笑,笑声 “What a mess!” she said, 若要计数,就 with a laugh. He joined in the laughter. 得使用语义上 He looked shocked, then This scene gets one of the 与之对应的个 biggest laughs in the burst into laughter. 体名词 movie.
(1)主语 Children at play seldom remember what time it is. (2) 主语补足语 That was an attractive little black chair. My grandfather died a martyr to his revolutionary ideal. (3)宾语 They gave him a first-rate education. (4)宾语补足语 They elected him chairman of the board. (5) 同位语 Mr Brown, director of the coal mine, should be responsible for the accident. (6)介词宾语/介词补足成分 Within the house nothing stirs. In the garden I can hear the singing of birds. I can hear the rustle of their wings. (7)状语或引导时间状语分句 He returned last night. A photo is taken each time ( = whenever ) this button is pushed.
3. for advice 5. for it is fun 8. directors are 11. merchandise has 14. were times, rivalry 17. foliage is 20. Luggage is
III. Partitives p. 49
“单位名词”表示事物个体性的词语,与单位词搭配表示“一群”、 “一帮”等意思,它们与不可数名词组合起来,便可以“计数”了。 “单位名词” 可分为: 1) General partitives p. 49 2) Partitives related to the shape of things 3) Partitives related to volume p. 50 p. 50 p. 50 p. 49
Do Ex. 4 A: 1, 2, 3 Key to Ex. 4 A 1. description 4. peculiarity 7. dependence 10. measurement 13. extension 16. entrance 19. happiness
2. arrangement 5. expectation 8. originality 11. purity 14. statement 17. loneliness 20. seriousness
Do Ex. 4C: 1-13, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 17,18,10, 19 (p.48—49) Key to Ex. 4 C: 1. experience 2. waters 4. an important piece of information 6. were not numerous 7. Poultry 9. militia 10. geniuses 12. sympathies 13. experiences 15. clippings, were 16. lookers-on 18. photos 19. 12-pages
Key to Ex. 4 B: 1. strange sounds 2. foods are 3. chief, tribes, their, salmon (s) 4. The runners-up were given pound notes / The runners-up were each given a pound note. 5. bodies, their heroes 6. mice, tooth-marks 7. Crises, occur, families 8. / 9. / 10. these businesses 11. / 12. fruits are 13. / 14. these articles are well written 15. / 16. several personal kindnesses 17. / 18. sufferings 19. professors 20. children are playing, sands
c) Number forms of the abstract
单 数 式
大多数抽象名 honesty 词是不可数的 knowledge
少数是可数的 victory conference difficulty opinion
复 数 式
victories conferences difficulties opinions
Lecture 4
Noun and Noun Phrase
p.p. 39--52
The noun phrase is a phrase with a noun as its head. It is the noun head that determines the way the noun phrase is organized.
b) Number forms of the nd 沙 water 水 food 食物 coffee 咖啡 rubber 橡胶 stone 石头 egg 蛋渍 lamb 羔羊肉 onion 洋葱味 可以复数形式出现 sands 大面积的沙滩 waters 大面积的水域 foods 多种食品 two coffees 两杯咖啡 rubbers 胶鞋 stones 多块石头 eggs 多个鸡蛋 lambs 多只羔羊 onions 多个洋葱头
d) Number forms of the proper noun (p. 47 para. 1) A. 专有名词一般没有复数形式,除非词本身带有复数词缀。例如: the United States, the Philippines, the Netherlands
B. 专有名词以复数式出现时,普通名词化,表示某姓的一家人, 如 S1, p. 48 Have you invited the Browns? 或表示同姓或同名的若干人,如 S2 p. 48 There are two Miss Smiths/Misses Smith in the class. Do Ex. 4 B: 3, 5, 6, 2, 15, 20, 9, 11-10 p. 48
3. attendance 6. argument 9. exaggeration 12. persistence 15. generosity 18. forgetfulness
II. Number forms of nouns
1. Regular and irregular plural a) Regular plural (p.p. 42-44) b) Irregular plural (p.p. 44-45) 2. Number forms of the collective, material, abstract and proper noun a) Number forms of the collective (1)不能计数的集体名词:若要计数,须使用在语义上与之对应的 个体名词。例如: p. 46 集体名词 个体名词 poetry poem machinery machine clothing garment, coat, etc . . . . (2)可以计数的集体名词:有单、复数形式和单复数意义;将其视为 一个整体时,用作单数;强调构成集体的成员时,用作复数。 例如: p. 46 中页
还有一些的单 sympathy 同情(心),怜悯 sympathies 同情(心),怜悯;慰问 复数式含义不 p. 46 S3, 2, 1 p. 46 S1, 2; p.47 S1 同 experience 经验 experiences 经历 relation [u] 关系 [c] 亲戚 relations 亲戚 youth [u] 青春,青年(时期) [c] 少年,小伙子 youths 男青年,小伙子 worry [u] 担心,忧愁,烦恼 [c] 令人担心、发愁的事 worries
a car, a family