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生活在中国如果不学习汉语,那么你对这个 国家博大精深的文化的了解,充其量只是一 些微不足道的皮毛而已。

11-2:交际模式 Communication Pattern
complexity 复杂性 mammalian 哺乳动物 neuron 神经元,神经细胞 cell 细胞;电池 interconnect 互相连接 vastly complicated network 极度复杂的网络 intricacy 错综复杂 on-off device 离合装置 straightforward 直截了当的
使用何种话语模式取决于诸多因素,而语境是其中 至关重要的因素。语境包括说话人的社会背景和社 会地位、地域背景、名族背景和社会身份。

11-2:交际模式 Communication Pattern

Amercians consider speaking directly as having the upper hand:holding the power, while many Chinese believe that an indirect person has more power because he or she can choose to be indirect. 美国人认为,直截了当的表达是话语权的表 现,是权势的象征。而许多中国人认为,间 接表达者被认为更有话语权,因为这是说话 人主动做出的一种选择。
虽然医学取得的很多成果提高了老年人的生活质量, 但是另外一些成果的取得却产生了相反的作用,即 在延长人生命的同时也强化了人的依赖性。
我很高兴应邀与各位交流一下我作为在华教 学的一名美国人的个人经历和体会。

11-2:交际模式 Communication Pattern

People in every culture tend to regard the way they speak as "normal". What seems natural is actually ritualized behavior, generated and governed by cultural norms. 来自不同文化背景的人们往往都认为自己的 说话方式是“正常的”。所谓的自然实际上 是一种源自文化规范并受其约束的程式化行 为。

Learning Cultural through Communication Pattern The Biological Revolution The Stock Market
11-1:以语及文 Learning Cultural through Language
personal observations 个人调查 ritualized behavior 仪式化行为 cultural norms 文化规范 crucial 关键的 ethnicity 种族地位 have the upper hand 占上风;取得优势 subservient 卑躬屈节的;有帮助的 sophisticated 复杂的;富有经验的 empathy 同感 recipient 接收者;容器
在生物医学技术领域里,每天都有新的突破,人类 基因组项目的完成预示了将要出现的更为重大的变 革。

11-3:生物革命 The Biological Revolution

We don't have to await the arrival of human genetic engineering to foresee a time when we will be able to enhance intelligence, memory, emotional sensitivity, as well as manipulate behavior in a host of other ways.
基因组;染色体组 预示;预兆 使...的界限变得模糊 方案;情节 精神药物治疗 迟钝的人 活泼的,又生机的 反省的 外向;性格外向者 干细胞,骨髓干细胞 使再生
Vocabulary Work
expectancy 寿命 chest cavity alzheimer's disease stroke embryo implantation genetic engineering
生物技术 孵化 发源地;容纳 植入式电池 人造激素 想象;预想 就在地平线上 突破
Vocabulary Work

genome portend blur the line between scenario psychotropic drug stolid people vivacious introspective extrovert stem cell regenerate
只要我们稍对中国人通常所问的这些问题作些分析, 便会对今日中国及其历史渊源产生更为深入的认识。 我们只有通过学习中文才能了解中国人的思维方式。

11-1:以语及文 Learning Cultural through Language

Living in China without studying Mandarin only grants you access to a fraction of what is a truly fascinating culture.

11-1:以语及文 Learning Cultural through Language

I believe that there is one way to scratch the surface--the language, that is, learning cultural through language.
第十一单元 学术性口译(英译汉) Unit 11 Interpreting Academic Speeches (English-Chinese)
Unit 11 Interpreting Academic Speeches (E-C)
11-1:以语及文 Language 11-2:交际模式 11-3:生物革命 11-4:股票市场

Vocabulary Work
masterful 善于控制别人的 authoritarian 独裁主义者 linguistic niceties 语言的礼节 mandatory 强制的 imperious 专横的 superior 较高的(地位、级别) subordinate 级别或职位较低下的 transmit 传输 gossip 流言蜚语

身体忍耐力 明确地 持久力,永久的 衰弱 痴呆 神经病学 神经衰退 [病毒]营养态
11-3:生物革命 The Biological Revolution

New breakthroughs in biomedical technology are announced daily; achievements such as the completion of the human genome project portend much more serious changes to come.
11-2:交际模式 Communication Pattern

I'm very happy to be invited and talk about my personal experience and observations as an Amercian teaching in China.

11-2:交际模式 Communication Pattern

Speaking indirectly does not correlate with being subservient. Instead, indirect speech is often perceived as a way to show empathy or act kindly, and a facesaving technique.
胸腔 老年痴呆症 中风 胚胎的;初期的 移植;灌输 遗传工程
Vocabulary Work
physical endurance unequivocally abiding debility dementia neurological mental deterioration vegetative state

Vocabulary Work
programmed to do sth. gene potentiality in terms of equivalent duplicate a point of concern rival

按程序做事 基因 潜力,可能性 依据;在...方面 等价的,相等的 复制,使加倍 关注点 对手
我认为揭开历史面纱、解开历史谜底的方法 只有一种,那就是学习语言,也就是说要以 语及文。

11-1:以语及文 Learning Cultural through Language

Just by briefly analyzing why the Chinese ask these kinds of questions, we can start to understand a little more about the way the country is today, and how it might have been in the past.
间接表达并不与卑躬屈从划等号,间接表达的是富 有同情心、待人宽厚的表现,也是一种保面子的交 际策略。

11-2:交际模式 Communication Pattern

Effective communicating is very challenging. Know your cultural communication styles and meanwhile seek to understand the differences in communication patterns employed locally.
有效的交际活动极具挑战性。我们既要了解自己的 传统交际模式,同时又要弄懂当地交际模式中的一 些特点。

11-3:生物革命 The Biological Revolution
hatch womb implanted
electrode artificial hormone envision just over the horizon breakthrough
我们无须等待人类基因工程的降临便可作出预测, 未来的某个时刻,我们将通过各种方式来提高自身 的智力、记忆力、情绪敏感性,来控制自己的行为。

11-3:生物革命 The Biological Revolution

Whlie many medical advances have increased the quality of life for older people, many have had the opposite effect by prolonging only one aspect of life and increasing dependency.

11-2:交际模式 Communication Pattern

The use of speech patterns depends upon many factors, of which context is crucial. This includes social background and status, geographical background, and ethnicity and identity.