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Demonstration and Promotion of New Energy Vehicle in Shenzhen
Shenzhen Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicle Demonstration Leading Group Office
截止2012年6月,深圳示范推广的各类新能源汽车总数已达 3147辆,其中公交车2050辆(混合动力公交大巴1771辆、纯 电动大巴253辆、纯电动中巴26辆)、纯电动出租车300辆, 燃料电池车62辆,公务车20辆,家用车超过715辆;建成各类 充电站62座,其中公交充电站57座,社会公共充电站5座,慢 速充电桩近2600个。
目录 /Contents 1 2 3
With the breakthrough from public buses, expand NEV promotion scale;
With the guiding role of standardization, establish a unified security system;
In according with the unification of charging facilities on interface, payment, supervision, and the requirements of standardized, intensive, networked construction of infrastructure, ‘Shenzhen technical specification of electric vehicle charging system’ was issued in June 2010, which laid a solid foundation for large-scale construction of the charging facilities in Shenzhen.
目前, 深 圳 机动车保有量240万辆,每公里道路的汽车数 量超过了300辆。其中公交车保有量为16000辆,出租车保 有量15000辆,尾气排放占全市机动车尾气排放总量的25% 以上,消耗燃油约占全市机动车消耗燃油总量的30%。
The number of vehicles is about 2.4 million in Shenzhen, which means over 300 cars per kilometer of road. The number of public buses and taxi are 16,000 and 15,000, which account for more than 25% of the city's total vehicle emissions and about 30% of the city's total vehicle fuel consumption.
According to the characteristics of moderate mileage and fix route, public buses were selected as a breakthrough to expand NEV promotion scale. Up to now, the number of applications of new energy bus has been up to 2,050, accounting for 12.8% of the population of the city bus in Shenzhen.
With the breakthrough from public buses, expand NEV promotion scale.
依据公交车行驶里程适中、线路固定等特点,深圳确定以 公交为突破口,逐步扩展到公务车、家用车等三大领域的 原则。截至目前,新能源公交车应用数量达2050辆,占全 市公交车保有量的12.8%。
July, 2012
深圳是全国首批13个节能与新能源汽车示范推广试点城市和 首批6个私人购买新能源汽车补贴试点城市之一。
Shenzhen is one of the first batch of 13 energy-saving and new energy vehicle demonstration and promotion pilot cities and 6 private purchase subsidy pilot cities in China.
With the development of demonstration, improve the long-term mechanism to encourage NEV application.
With the breakthrough from public buses, expand NEV promotion scale.
To ensure the safety of new energy buses operation, ‘New energy bus on board system standard’ and ‘Monitoring system for new energy vehicle of public transportation in Shenzhen’ were issued. New energy bus operation safety monitoring center was established. At present, the real-time monitoring rate of pure electric buses and hybrid buses have been up to 100% and 60%.
三年来,深圳新能源汽车累计实现安全行驶里程超过1.6亿公里, 其中公交车实现安全行驶里程1.45亿公里,出租车1500万公里以 上,纯电动出租车单车已接近22万公里。 2011年8月大运会期间,集中投放运营2011辆新能源汽车,实现安 全行驶里程累计超过400万公里,载客量突破604万人次,未发生 安全事故,圆满完成了大运会新能源汽车示范运行任务。
Till to June 2012, the total amount of NEV in Shenzhen had been up to 3,147, including 2,050 buses (1,771 hybrids, 253 pure EVs, 26 pure electric midibuses), 300 pure electric taxis, 62 fuel cell vehicles, 20 official cars, over 715 private cars. 2,600 charging poles and 62 charging stations (57 for public, 5 for private) had been built up.
经过三年多的应用与推广,借助2011年举办第26届世界大学 生夏季运动会契机,进一步加快深圳新能源汽车示范推广步 伐,使应用推广工作跃上新台阶。
After three-year endeavor, with the opportunity of organizing the 26th World University Summer Gaபைடு நூலகம்es in 2011, the demonstration and promotion of NEV in Shenzhen has been raised up to a new level.
With the driving force from innovation, explore sustainable commercial operation mode.
随着深圳新能源汽车示范运行规模的不断扩大,节能减排效 果日益显现。目前,已投入运营的混合动力公交大巴平均节 油率约15%,纯电动汽车的能源消耗成本约为传统燃油车的 30%。
With the expanding scale of NEV demonstration in Shenzhen, the effects of energy saving and emission reduction are increasingly apparent. Currently, the average fuel saving rate of hybrid public buses is about 15% and energy consumption cost of pure electric vehicle is about 30% of conventional vehicle.
With the guiding role of standardization, establish a unified security system.
为保障新能源公交车安全运行,制订《新能源公交汽车车载 系统标准》、《深圳市公共服务领域新能源汽车监控系统》, 建立了新能源公交车运营安全监控中心。目前,纯电动公交 车实时监控覆盖率达100%,混合动力公交车实时监控覆盖率 达60%。确保了新能源汽车的安全运行。
With the guiding role of standardization, establish a unified security system.
按照充电设施统一接口、统一支付、统一监管,标准化、集 约化、网络化建设的要求,积极组织南方电网等相关企业, 在广泛吸收国内最新标准成果基础上,2010年6月颁布了 《深圳市电动汽车充电系统技术规范》,率先在全国实施充 电设施地方性技术标准,为充电设施大规模建设奠定基础。
In the past 3 years, the cumulative security mileage of NEV in Shenzhen was over 160 million km, including 145 million km in public bus, over 15 million km in taxi. The mileage of single pure electric taxi is nearly 220,000 km. During the Universiade in Aug. 2011, 2,011 NEVs were put into the public transportation, the cumulative security mileage was more than 4 million km and passenger volume exceeded 6.04 million.
With the driving force from innovation, explore sustainable commercial operation mode;
With the leading effect of policies, create a good environment to support NEV promotion;