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Dear Admissions Committee,

As Diretor of the State Ke Laborator of Eletrial Insulation at ABC Universit in BLANK, China, it is m sinere and distint pleasure to remend Ms. Xiao for our graduate program in BLANK.

I have knon Ms. Xiao sine 20xx, hen she as one of eight students ho pleted their undergraduate thesis projets in m BLANK laborator. Ms. Juan s enthusiasm for and diligene in learning helped her bee one of the most outstanding students in the entire group, making a strong, positive impression upon me. Ms. Xiao is a ver driven oman and student ho kno hat she ants to aplish and does not falter in her hosen path. Her intelletual uriosit and desire to aquire ne aknoledge ontinuousl have led her to perform muh stud on her on outside the sope of her lasses and researh ork; oftentimes, I itnessed her onsulting sientifi books and journals to help her disover ho she ould improve her knoledge and her ork in the laborator. Countless times, Ms. Xiao remained in the laborator for more than telve hours in a ro to plete her ork and make sure there ere no errors. With suh devotion and fortitude, Ms. Xiao did not surprise me ith her superior performane on her thesis paper. In terms of her harater, Ms. Xiao is an amiable, ourteous, and helpful oung oman ho has man friends amongst our laborator personnel.

Ms. Xiao is read to move on to a more rigorous program of graduate stud. Her XXdemi performane, researh ork, and upstanding personal harater have on her m highest remendation, and I hope ou give her appliation strong onsideration. Thank ou.




State Ke Laborator of Eletrial Insulation,

ABC Universit


Dear sir or madam,

As the Vie Dean of Shool of International Business, Tianjin Foreign Studies Universit , I am riting ith pleasure to remend Wang Ye to our esteemed universit.

I got to kno her personall sine 201X as I as her lass advisor. And I taught her International Eonomis. In m ourse, she shoed her raving for knoledge. She often read relative eonomi books to enrih herself. And she also asked me to remend some text books and materials to stud. When she had onfusion, she alas tried her best to figure out the question.

Miss Wang is a self-motivated student. For all I kno, her average sore is over 85 and she on sholarships ever ear in the past three ears. Therefore, she as seleted into the experimental lass in the third XXdemi ear. This lass onsists of the best students of Department of International Eonomis and Trade, Department of Eonomis and Department of Finane. What s more, she pratied in a small pan to gain experiene during the inter and summer vXXtions.

I am onfident that she ill be qualified and perform as ell as she did in TFSU. Therefore, I remend her ith enthusiasm. I hope that ou ill onsider her appliation favorabl. Please don t hesitate to ontat me if ou need more information.

Yours Sinerel

Zhu Li
