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SIR 模型是传染病模型中最经典的模型,其中 S 表示易感者。模型中把传染病流行范围 内的人群分成三类:S 类,易感者(Susceptible),指未得病者,但缺乏免疫能力,与感病 者接触后容易受到感染;I 类,感病者(Infective),指染上传染病的人,它可以传播给 S 类 成员;R 类,移出者(Removal),指被隔离,或因病愈而具有免疫力的人。
s(t) + i(t) + r(t) = 1 不妨设初始时刻的易感染者,染病者,恢复者的比例分别为������0、������0、������0,即
At the very beginning, the proportion of each groups are ������0、������0、������0, so,
Group I (Infected people): The viruses have already infected them. They can spread virus to Group S.
Group R (Removal): people who are cured and died. 假设总人数 N 不变,易感者、感病者、移出者三者的比例分别为 s(t)、i(t)、r(t),并设 病人的日接触率(每个病人每天有效接触的平均人数)为常数������,日治愈率(每天被治愈的 病人占总病人数的比例)为常数������,则传染期接触数������ = ������/������,则有
但 s(t)、i(t)的求解十分困难,可利用相轨线分析讨论解 i(t)、s(t)的性质,其中箭头表示
了随着时间 t 的增加 s(t)和 i(t)的变化趋向 However, s(t) and i(t) are difficult to solve. We can use trajectory to analyze and obtain the
SIR model is the most classic model in epidemic models. This model classify people as three groups follows:
Group S (Susceptible): these healthy people have no immunity. They are easily infected when contacting with infected people.

di dt




dr dt

通常情况下,������(0) = ������0都很小,可近似看作������0 ≈ 0,������0 + ������0 ≈ 1,以上方程可化简为
In general,
are small, so it can be considered as ������0 ≈ 0,������0 + ������0 ≈ 1. Then, the
Now we assume that the total number of people (N) is fixed, thus the proportion of each
groups are s(t), i(t) and r(t). Every infected people contacts with λpeople every day, μpeople are cured. So
characters of i(t)、s(t). The arrows stand for the tendencies of i(t)、s(t) with time going by.
分析图像可以得到以下结论: Analyzing the figure, we come to the conclusions downside. 为保证传染病不蔓延,需要满足������0 < 1/������。为了达到这个目的,一方面,可以提高阈 值1/������,需降低������,即减小日接触率������,可通过提高卫生水平的方式;增大日治愈率������,可以 通过提高医疗水平的方式。另一方面,也可以通过群体免疫来提高������0,从而降低������0,使病 情不蔓延。 When������0 < 1/������, the contagion will not spread. To achieve this condition there are two ways. On one hand, by improving hygiene levels, we can lower ������ and lessen ������, namely raise the threshold value1/������. On the other hand, by promoting herd immunity, we can improve������0, thereby reduce������0. In these measures, the state of the illness will not rise. 模型优缺点: Advantage and disadvantage: 基于微分方程组求解的 SIR 模型可以根据已有数据比较准确地拟合曲线,并利用相轨 线分析得出使传染病不蔓延的措施,理论依据充分。 The solutions of SIR model based on differential equation can fit to the realistic curve approximately. Meanwhile, by analyzing with trajectory, we conclude ways to control the illness from spreading. The results show that the theoretical basis is practicable. 但是应注意到,模型对人群的分类不够细致,没有明确考虑隔离的因素。而现实中对 疑似病人的隔离是控制疫情传播的有效手段。 But we should realize that this model classifies people in a very simple way and considers nothing about isolation. However, in reality, isolation makes a great difference in controlling the illness. 模型没有引入反馈机制,在预测过程中,单纯依据已有数据预测未来较长一段时间的 数据,必然会使准确度降低。尤其是题目中药物的介入和卫生条件的改善在过去的数据中 是无法体现出来的,采用已有数据无法体现出这些因素对疫情控制的影响,这是模型致命
������(0) = ������0(������0 > 0) ������(0) = ������0(������0 > 0) ������(0) = ������0(������0 > 0)
SIR 基础模型用微分方程组表示如下:
Using differential equations, we describe Basal SIR model as follows:
equations can be simplified to
��Leabharlann Baidu���������
{ = ������������������ - ������������
������������ ������������
= - ������������������ ������������
������(0) = ������0 ������(0) = ������0