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[p] pot pig put

[b] bed bag book

[t] tooth teacher tea

[d] dog dig duck

[k] cake keep cat

[g] grandpa girl green [f] father fat foot

[v] five very vent

[s] small study bus

[z] jazz zoo zero

[θ] eighth forth tenth [δ] those these that

[∫] cash sh oe ship

[з] measure pleasure leisure [t∫]chair chicken lunch

[dз] jack job change

[tr] tree truck train

[dr] dress drink drain [ts] students coats cats [dz] beds odds codes [m] mum moon morning [n] moon nut needle [ŋ] ink link ring

[h] hello hurry hey

[l] look leg lake

[r] rain radio room

[w] window wake week [j] yellow yes you


[e] yes yellow bed

[ae] cat bad dad

[a:] are car far

[כ] pot got dog

[כ:] call tall or

[۸] cut nut but

[ə:]curtain further fur [ə]mother color cooler [i] ink big pig

[i:] jeep tea eat

[u] good book look [u:] cool zoo tool


[ei] age eight make

[ai] ice bike nice

[כi]toy oil boy

[əu] old joke gold

[au] cloud mouth cow

[εə] air fair chair

[iə] ear near year

[uə] cure dure pure


1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie

three tree green sheep meet beef see seek

eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please

he she me

piece receive ceiling

2) 发音字母[i] i y e

sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss

myth many twenty happy dictionary

defect decide delicious

3) [æ] 发音字母a

bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) [e] 字母组合ea e a

head bread pleasure

elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any

5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or

girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird

turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger

learn earn earth heard

term her nerd serve

work worm work world

6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e u

teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder

doctor actor mayor author tractor

delicious gracious pleasure

familiar collar dollar

together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listen

famulus Saturday

7) [a:] 字母组合ar a

car farm card arm garden

fast class last glass plant aunt calm

8) [ʌ] 发音字母u o ou oo


up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus

come mother dose brother l ove above

trouble rough flourish

blood flood

9) [ɔ:]字母组合al or au our ar
