第8讲 情态动词与虚拟语气﹙

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考点8 考点8.在“It is/was﹢形容词/某些动词的过去分词﹢主语从句”的结构中,从句的谓语动词需用 ﹙should﹚ do的形式. 如:It’s necessary that you should be present at the meeting. 你有必要参加会议. It was suggested that the medicine should be sent there by plane. 有人建议,那些药品应该空运到那儿. It’s important that the experiment results ﹙should﹚ be checked. 核对这些实验结果是重要的. It is natural that a child ﹙should﹚ love its mother. 孩子爱母亲,这是常情. 这些形容词主要有: 这些形容词主要有:decided ﹙决定的﹚,important﹙重要的﹚,ordered﹙命令的﹚,advisable﹙合理 的﹚,demanded﹙要求的﹚,desired﹙期望的﹚,desirable﹙合乎需要的﹚,essential﹙紧要的 ﹚,insistent﹙坚持的﹚,natural﹙自然的﹚,preferable﹙更可取的﹚,proposed﹙建议的 ﹚,recommended﹙推荐的﹚,required﹙要求的﹚,urgent﹙紧迫的﹚,vital﹙极其重要的 ﹚,appropriate﹙适当的﹚,arranged﹙安排好的﹚,better﹙较好的﹚,imperative﹙迫切的 ﹚,possible﹙可能的﹚,probable﹙可能的﹚,resolved﹙决心的﹚,strange﹙奇怪的 ﹚,suggested﹙建议的﹚等. 考点9 考点9.由as if/as though ﹙好像,仿佛,似乎﹚引导的表语从句或方式状语从句.从句中的虚拟语 气形式与wish-从句形式相同. 如: The foreign expert speaks Chinese as if he were a Chinese. 这位外国专家中文说得像个中国人似的. She told the story as though it had happened to her. 她讲故事讲得好像就发生在她身上似的. They are talking as if they had been old friends. 他们谈着话好像多年的老朋友. 注意:本句型有时用陈述语气表示较大的真实性. 注意:本句型有时用陈述语气表示较大的真实性. 如: It looks/seems as if it is going to rain. 看来天要下雨﹙真的要下雨﹚.
考点3. 考点 错综时间条件句—若从句与主句所表示的动作发生的时间不同,应分别表达. 如: If he had listened to me, he would not be in such trouble now. 如果他当时听了我的话,现在就不会遇到麻烦了. ﹙从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反﹚ If I were you, I would have gone to see the doctor. 我要是你,我早就去看病了. ﹙从句与现在事实相反,主句与过去事实相反﹚ 考点4. 介词短语﹙without…没有, but for…要不是, 考点 含蓄条件句—用介词短语 介词短语 under…circumstances在……情况下, in the past在过去﹚,副词 副词﹙otherwise否则﹚或连 副词 连 词﹙but that要不是, but但是﹚等代替条件从句,创设出虚拟的语言环境. 如:But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier. 要不是下暴雨,我们早到了. But for the English test, I would have gone home this week. 要不是英语测试,我这个星期就回家了. Without air, there would be no living things . 如果没有空气的话,就不会有生物了. 考点5.当动词wish后接宾语从句 宾语从句时,从句常表示出诸如愿望,后悔,惋惜之类的情绪,须用虚拟 考点 宾语从句 形式来表达, 即:现在—that﹢主语﹢did 过去—that﹢主语﹢had done 将来—that﹢主语﹢would/should do 如:I wish ﹙that﹚ I knew the answer.但愿我知道答案. I wish ﹙that﹚ I were as young as you.我希望自己像你一样年轻. I wish ﹙that﹚ the weather weren’t so cold.要是天气不那么冷就好了. 注意:It is wished that he had not made these mistakes. 注意 他要是没犯这些错误该多好啊!
考点10. 考点 .lest﹙以防,以免﹚/ ﹙just﹚ in case﹙万一,以防﹚/ for fear that﹙唯恐,免得﹚引 起的状语从句中,谓语从句要使用﹙should﹚﹢do虚拟形式. 如:I wrote down the date of his birthday lest I should forget it. 我把他的生日记了下来,免得忘掉. Take your coat with you ﹙just﹚ in case it rain. 带上外衣,以防万一. The old woman walked slowly for fear that she ﹙should﹚ slip. 老太太走得很慢,生怕滑倒. 考点11. 考点 .Whoever等引导的让步状语从句---由连接代词whoever ﹙无论谁﹚,whatever﹙ 无论什么﹚,whichever﹙无论哪个﹚和连接副词however﹙无论如何﹚,whenever﹙无 论何时﹚,wherever﹙无论哪里﹚及no matter﹢how/what/when/where/who﹙无论怎样 ,wherever no matter how/what/when/where/who /什么/何时/哪里/谁﹚等所构成的词组引导的让步状语从句,若表示说话人对现在或将来 的推测,谓语动词常用虚拟语气,形式为动词原形或may/might ﹢do. 如:Whichever be the case, my situation remained the same. 无论是哪种情况,我的处境都一样. Wherever he may be, he will be happy. 他无论在什么地方都快乐. 考点12. 考点 .在“It is time ﹙是……时候了﹚,It is about time ﹙差不多是……时候了﹚,It is high time that ﹙该……了﹚ ”句式中,that引导的定语从句需用过去式表示虚拟.表示早 该做而未做的事,含有建议的意味. 如:It is ﹙high﹚ time ﹙that﹚ we began to study. 我们该开始学习了. It is about time ﹙that﹚ I were going. 我该走了.
情态动词与虚拟语源自文库﹙ 第六讲 情态动词与虚拟语气﹙二﹚
语气是动词重要的应用形式,表明说话人对发生的动作或所处的状态持有的态度或看法.其 中陈述语气 陈述语气用来陈述事实﹙见于大多数句子中﹚,祈使语气 祈使语气用来提出请求,命令等﹙仅用于 陈述语气 祈使语气 祈使句中﹚,而虚拟语气 虚拟语气表示主观愿望,假想和建议等,它总是与假设条件句用在一起,或者在 虚拟语气 语境中自然创设了一种虚拟氛围,因而这种句子的表达形式就显得格外特别. 考点1.用非真实条件句表达虚拟语气 考点 条件从句 主句结构 现在 if﹢主语﹢did ﹙be用were﹚ 主语﹢would/should/might/could ﹢do 过去 if﹢主语﹢had done 主语﹢would/should/might/could ﹢have done 将来 if﹢主语﹢did/should do/were to do 主语﹢would/should﹢do 如:If they were here, they would help you. 如果他们在这儿,会帮助你的. 含义:They are not here, they can’t help you. If he had come yesterday, I should/would have told him about it. 如果他昨天来的话,我会把这件事告诉他的. 含义:He did not come yesterday, so I did not tell him about it. If I were you, I would accept his offer. 如果我是你,就会接受他的建议. If it should rain tomorrow, what would you do? 如果明天下雨,你怎么办? 考点2.如果虚拟的条件从句中含有助动词,情态动词,动词be或have, 则可把if省略,把上述动 考点 词提到主语之前,形成倒装 形成倒装. 形成倒装 如:Were he here now, he would certainly help me.他要是在这里,肯定会帮我的忙. Had it not been for your help, we would not have achieved so much. 要不是你的帮助,我们不会取得如此大的成绩.
考点6.would rather 和would sooner与if only后面如用宾语从句,常需用虚拟语气的条件句或感叹句,前者表示“宁 考点 愿,宁可”,后者表示“但愿……,要是……就好了”, 其结构类似于wish—从句. 如:I’d rather I hadn’t met you.我宁愿从来都没遇见过你. If only we had arrived in time, we wouldn’t have missed the train. 要是我们按时到,就不会误车. If only I were a bird! 我要是一只鸟就好了! 注意: 注意:if only有时也可引导陈述语气的真实条件句,相同于only if,意思为“只要……”. 如:Only if ﹙If only﹚ you study hard, you will pass the test. 只要你努力学习,就会通过考试. If only ﹙Only if﹚ it clears up, we’ll go. 只要天一放晴,我们就去. 考点7.suggest等动词后的宾语从句. 一些表示主观判断,推测,建议,命令和要求的动词通常引起虚拟的宾语从句,其 考点 结构为“﹙should﹚﹢ do ”. 如: Mike’s uncle have suggested that he not stay at home the whole day. 迈可的叔叔建议他别整天待在家里. The company demanded that the production ﹙should﹚ rise at the rate of percent five a year. 公司要求生产量每年增长百分之五. His mother insisted ﹙that﹚ Tom ﹙should﹚ be out playing instead of working indoors all day. 妈妈坚持认为汤姆应该到外边去活动活动,而不要整天待在屋子里工作. 该类动词主要有: 该类动词主要有:advise﹙劝告﹚,ask﹙要求﹚,decide﹙决定﹚,insist﹙坚持﹚,order﹙下令﹚,suggest﹙建议 ﹚,command﹙命令﹚,demand﹙要求﹚,desire﹙渴望﹚,propose﹙提议﹚,recommend﹙劝告﹚,require﹙要 求﹚,consent﹙同意﹚,deserve﹙值得提起﹚,maintain﹙主张﹚,move﹙提议﹚,urge﹙极力主张﹚,vote﹙提 议﹚等. 注意: ﹚ 注意:1﹚当这些动词不表示上述意义而又有其他含义时,仍用陈述语气. 如:The expression on his face suggests that he knows it. 他的表情表明他知道此事. The police suggested that the thief might be one of the family members. 警察暗示小偷可能是家里的人. 2﹚由这些动词的相同词根派生出的名词如suggestion,后面接表语从句或同位语从句时,也要用虚拟语气, ﹚ 其结构仍为“﹙should﹚﹢ do ”. 如:Their suggestion is that their output ﹙should﹚ be increase by 20%.他们的建议是让产量增加收入20%. What do you think of his suggestion that we ﹙should﹚ put on a play? 他建议我们演一出剧,你觉得怎样? 该类名词主要有: 该类名词主要有:advise ﹙忠告﹚,decision﹙决定﹚,demand﹙要求﹚,desire﹙渴望﹚,idea﹙想法﹚,motion﹙ 提议﹚,necessity﹙必要性﹚,order﹙命令﹚,plan﹙计划﹚,preference﹙偏爱﹚,proposal﹙建议 ﹚,recommendation﹙推荐﹚,requirement﹙要求﹚,suggestion﹙建议﹚等.