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How can we work towards a balanced lifestyle without mentioning work-life balance? A lot of you were waiting for this day since the beginning of the challenge. I am sure that quite a few of you procrastinated doing their homework because they were swamped at work. Then let’s get to it!


According to a 2010 study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management 根据一项社会人力资源管理在2010做的研究。

- Among the 89 percent of Americans who say work/life balance is a problem, 54 percent

called it a ―significant‖ problem.

- 89%的美国人说工作和生活达到平衡是一个难题,54%的人称它为―重要‖的问题。

- 38 percent of workers say their work/life balance has worsened because of the recession.

- 38%的职员说他们的工作和生活的平衡因经济衰退已经恶化了。

- 37 percent of those who do not have adequate balance say time with family is the first thing that suffers; personal time spent reading or relaxing followed at 22 percent.

- 37%的没有恰当的平衡的人说与家人在一起的时间是第一件需要忍受的事;自己的时间花在阅读或放松方面的占22%。

- 44 percent of men ages 34-54 say they do not have an adequate work/life balance.

- 44%的年龄在34-54的男性说他们不有差强人意的工作和生活的平衡。

Now, do these numbers really matter? Maybe yes, just to show you the big picture. But I guarantee that most of you won’t remember them in 10 minutes. What really matters is how balanced YOU feel right now. If you know that your work-life balance is out of order then you need to change that. There is no other way.


You can’t live your life hating what you do 30-40% of your time. You can’t feel balanced if you are completely dissatisfied with your occupation, your workload and your current lifestyle.

你不能把生命的30 - 40%的时间来厌恶你所做的事。你不能感觉到平衡如果你完全不满意你的职业、你的工作量和你现在的生活方式。

You need to get your work-life balance in order. It won’t happen overnight. It can take anywhere from a month to several years to get there. However, if you don’t start doing something right now then you will never feel completely balanced.


How do you know if your work/life balance is off-balance?


Some of the typical signs of work/life balance gone amuck include:


Feeling that you are merely trying to get through the day;


Barely making it to the end of the week and feeling completely exhausted by the time you get home;


Feeling that you are on the merry-go-round of life and just want to get off;


Feeling like you are falling behind and never catching up in the game of life.


If you feel that your work-life balance needs some work then get ready for your homework today.


10 Questions to improve your Work-Life Balance permanently


Are your occupation and ambitions compatible with a balanced lifestyle?


Not every job can be part of balanced living. Just to name a few: stockbrokers, emergency medical personnel, high level managers, on-call specialists (and hundreds of others.) If you make a decision to pursue a career in these fields then you have to make certain sacrifices. The same is true about your career goals.


Think about your occupation honestly and decide whether it gives you room for life balance. Are you okay with that?


Where is your job on your priority scale?

