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As you may know,coral(珊瑚) Is not a plant,but an animal. However,coral reefs(珊

瑚礁)around the world are in 1 . Here is a piece of bad news. Thailand will close one of its beaches to protect its coral 2 business activities for tourists. The beach is so famous that 3 of tourists put it on their wish lists. More than 5,000 visitors visit it a day. They arrive by boat. This does 4 harm

to the coral reefs. Most of the coral has died. The beach will be closed between June and September to let the coral come 5 to life.

Experts(专家)say that 80% of Thailand's coral reefs have been 6 .Too many tourists 7 a lot of pollution to these beaches. An expert said the biggest problems were hotels by the beaches, boats, and plastic waste in the sea. He believed

the 8 choice was toclose the beaches forever. He said, "I hope the 9 can take steps to protect the coral reefs. At the same time, I also hope all of us should 10 our best to protect the environment around us.”


1danger 2. from 3. millions 4. much 5. back

6. killed

7. cause

8. best

9. government 10. try




I have two friends in our class,Rick and Scott.Rick has a good lifestyle.He sleeps eight or nine 1________ (hour)

a day.So he can get up early in the morning.

He exercises every day before

having breakfast.He runs three times every week and

plays soccer2___(one) a week.He also has good eating habits.He


(try)to eat all kinds of fruits.He thinks apples are the_____4___(delicious)

of all fruits.He believes"Having ____5___ apple every day keeps the


away."He drinks milk every day and often eats vegetables.He likes hamburgers 7___________he

doesn't eat too much.He looks after his health well.

Good eating habits and doing exercises every day are good for him. Scott is different 8___ _____Rick.He is kind of 9__________(health).

He doesn't like doing exercise

and sleeps too late.He likes eating junk food,too.

He is fat now,and he10___(ask)to lose weight by his doctor.

答案:hours 、once、tries 、most delicious、an 、illness 、but 、from 、unhealthy 、is asked




Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.

Chinese paper cutting, or jianzhi, is a kind of folk art. It's a way to 1 people's hope and feelings. It has a 2 of more than l,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult. Red paper is usually used as red is 3 with happiness in Chinese culture. The most 4 pictures are flowers, animals,

xi(喜) and fu(福). They are put on windows, doors, and walls 5 symbols

of wishes for good luck.

Chinese clay art is well known and popular all over the country. Now many kids learn to make it in schools or even shopping 6 . To make Chinese clay art,

the clay is shaped by hand into things, such as cute children or 7 characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story. 8 the things get dry in the air, they are fired at a very high heat and then

polished and painted.It takes several weeks to 9 everything. Although they
