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the health level of Gaoqiao (CHI=80.5) mangrove area is good health (CHI≥80 ); the health level of Taiping (CHI=72.4), Dongzhaigang (CHI=71.1), Futian (CHI=65.1), Huguang (CHI=62.7) and Qi’ao (CHI=60.4) mangrove area is health (80>CHI≥60 ); the health level of Techeng (CHI=53.9), Qinglangang (CHI=52.5), Beilunhekou (CHI=50.9), Shankou (CHI=50.6), He’an (CHI=49.2), Zhangjiangkou (CHI=43.5), Maoweihai (CHI=36.2) and Jiulongjiankou (CHI=35.9) mangrove area is sub-health (60>CHI≥35); the health level of Quanzhouwan (CHI=30.2) and Huidong (CHI=27.3) mangrove area is morbidity (35>CHI). Finally, the assessing system is visualized based on Microsoft Visual Basic (VB). Nationally, most mangrove conservations are sub- health, the mangrove ecosystems (CHI=52.7) are generally sub-health. The average health level of the mangrove of Guangdong and Hainan is health, the average health level of the mangrove of Guangxi and Fujian is sub- health, the difference is is apparent. According to the analyzing results, of all the factors that might affect the mangrove health conditions in different areas climate differentiation is the most important one, economical development, on the other hand, would have both negative and positive effects on the mangrove ecosystems. The health conditions of different mangrove conservations are related to the level of the mangrove reserve. Therefore, the key technical problem of protecting the mangrove ecosystems is to release the negative influence of climates, and government should balance the relationship between economical development and the mangrove protection, which could, in turn, further the co-development of local economy and the mangrove ecosystems. Meanwhile, the mangrove reserve should learn the practice and advanced management of foreign conservations to strengthen and perfect their operating abilities.
In this paper, the Pressure-State- Response model is introduced into the health assessing system of mangrove ecosystems for the first time. We assess the health of the mangrove ecosystems of China by the health assessing system for the first time. We develop the index system and the software of the mangrove health assessing. We establish a health assessing system for mangrove ecosystems based on linking the PSR model with analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Calculate the comprehensive health index (CHI) value by the assessing model. The mangrove wetland is divided into four health levels: good health, health, sub-health and morbidity, which is based on the CHI value. Combined with the result of the field investigation, we assess the health of the mangrove ecosystems of Guangdong Province. As a result, the health level of Gaoqiao (CHI=84.5) mangrove area is good health (CHI≥80 ); the health level of Taiping (CHI=75.0), Huguang (CHI=66.5) and Qi’ao (CHI=61.3) mangrove area is health (80>CHI≥60); the health level of Techeng (CHI=54.7) and He’an (CHI=48.8) mangrove areais sub-health (60>CHI≥35); the health level of Huidong (CHI=24.2) mangrove area is morbidity (35>CHI). The results are consistent with the investigation. The assessing system properly simplified according to the practice of assessing health of mangrove ecosystems. The results of the simplified assessing system and the assessing system are the same by companion, and all the relative deviations of the CHI value are within ±5%. Based on the available history data and documents we further assess the health of the mangrove ecosystems of China by the simplified assessing system. As a result,
May 2010
本文首次将压力(Pressure)—状态(State)—响应( Response)模型( PSR) 引入 到红树林生态系统健康评价体系中,建立红树林生态系统健康评价指标体系,并 利用该评价模型首次对全国范围内的红树林生态系统进行了全面系统的健康评 价。开发出基于 VB 平台的红树林生态系统健康评价数据库。 基于 PSR 模型结合层次分析法(analytical hierarchy process, AHP)建立红 树 林 生 态 系 统 健 康 评 价 体 系 , 并 通 过 健 康 评 价 模 型 计 算 出 综 合 健康 指 数 (comprehensive health index,CHI) ,并依此将各红树林生态系统健康状况划分 为很健康、健康、亚健康和不健康 4 个等级;结合 2008 年广东省红树林实地调 查结果, 对广东省红树林健康状况进行评价。 评价结果为: 高桥红树林 (CHI=84.5) 为很健康 (CHI≥80) ; 太平 (CHI=75.0) 、 湖光 (CHI=66.5) 以及淇澳岛 (CHI=61.3) 红树林为健康(80>CHI≥60 ) ;特呈岛(CHI=54.7)与和安红树林(CHI=48.8) 为亚健康(60>CHI≥35) ;惠州红树林(CHI=24.2)为不健康(35>CHI) ,评价结 果与现场实际调查情况完全一致。 考虑到全国红树林调查资料和数据的来源等实 际情况,对上述红树林生态系统健康评价体系进行简化,并且通过对比发现简化 的评价体系与原评价体系评价结果完全相同,评价指数的偏差也在 5%以内。 根据红树林生态系统健康评价体系的简化版, 利用已有资料与数据对全国红 树林健 康状 况进 行评 价, 评价 结果 为: 高桥 ( CHI=80.5 ) 红树 林为 很健康 (CHI≥80) ;太平(CHI=72.4 ) 、东寨港(CHI=71.1) 、福田(CHI=65.1) 、湖光 ( CHI=62.7 ) 、 淇 澳 岛 ( CHI=60.4 ) 红 树 林 为 健 康 ( 80>CHI≥60 ) ;特呈岛 (CHI=53.9) 、清澜港(CHI=52.5) 、北仑河口(CHI=50.9) 、山口(CHI=50.6) 、 和安( CHI=49.2 ) 、漳江口( CHI=43.5 ) 、茅尾海( CHI=36.2 )以及九龙江口 (CHI=35.9) 红树林为亚健康 (60>CHI≥35) ; 泉州湾 (CHI=30.2) 、 惠州 (CHI=27.3) 红树林为不健康(35>CHI) 。建立了基于 VB 平台的红树林生态系统健康评价数 据库。 从全国范围来看,大部分的红树林保护区处于亚健康状态,而且全国红树林
分类号 UDC
密级 编号
中国科学院南海海洋研究所 申请学位级别 硕士 学科专业名称 海洋生物学
论文提交日期 2010 年 5 月 论文答辩日期 2010 年 5 月 培养单位 学位授予单位 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 中国科学院研究生院
答辩委员会主席 黄良民 研究员
Research on the Health Assessing System of Chinese Mangrove Ecosystems
Wang Yu-Tu
Supervisor: Prof. Wang You-Shao
A thesis submitted for the Degree of Master at the Graduate School of the Academy of Sciences
生态系统的总体健康状况为亚健康(CHI=52.7) 。广东与海南两省的红树林平均 健康状况为健康,福建与广西两省(区)的红树林平均健康状况为亚健康,我国 红树林健康状况的区域性差别较大。通过红树林健康因果链分析发现,气候条件 的差异是影响各地红树林健康状况的重要因素; 同时经济发展一方面会对红树林 生态系统带来压力,而另一方面也会为红树林生态系统带来有益的响应;各保护 区红树林的健康状况与所在保护区的级别与管理水平等有很大关系。 由此可见解决气候条件对红树林健康的影响是目前红树林保护与发展的关 键性技术问题。各地政府要正确的处理好经济发展与红树林保护之间的关系,促 进当地经济与红树林协调发展。 同时各红树林保护区应该借鉴国外自然保护区的 先进管理运作经验加强自身的管理与建设。
关键词: 压力—状态—响应模型,红树林生态系统,健康评价,健康评价指标 体系,层次分析法,VB 平台,数据库。
Research on the Health Assessing System of Chinese Mangrove Ecosystems
By Wang Yu-Tu Directed by Prof. Wang You-Shao Abstract