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I. Fill in the following blanks. (20%)

1.Three tribes from Northern Europe: the Angles,

Saxons and _____ invaded Britain around the 5th century.

2.The national epic of the English people is “_____”, a

long poem of over 3,000 lines.

3.The intellectual movement known as the _____ first

sprang in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe.

4.The highest glory of the English Renaissance was

unquestionably its ____.

5.The Authorized Version of _____ is a monument of

English language and English literature.

6.William Shakespeare was born in the year of ____ in


7.The sonnet is a poem in _____ lines with one or the

other rhyme scheme.

8.The _____Revolution in 1688 was so called because

it was bloodless and there was no revival of the revolutionary demands.

9._____ is regarded as “Father of the English novel”

for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.

10.Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey were regarded

as “_____” since they lived in the Lake District.


II. Choose the best answer for each statement. (20%)

1.The most significant intellectual movement of

the Renaissance was ______.

A. the Reformation

B. humanism

C. the Italian revival

D. geographical


2.The sentence “Shall I co mpare thee to a

summer’s day?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s _____.

A. comedies

B. tragedies

C. histories



3.Which of the following plays by Shakespeare is

NOT a comedy?

A. As You Like It

B. A Midsummer

Night’s Dream

C. Romeo and Juliet

D.The Twelfth


4.The _____ was a progressive intellectual

movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.

A. Romanticism

B. Classicism

C. Enlightenment

D. Sentimentalism

5.“Lyrical Ballads”, published in _____, marked

the beginning of the Romantic Age in England.

A. 1798

B. 1832

C. 1782



6.Which of following is NOT a romantic poet?

A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

B. George Elliot

C. George G. Byron

D. Percy B.


7.“If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? ” is

an epigrammatic line by _.

A. Robert Burns

B. John Keats

C. William Blake

D. Percy B.


8.In the 19th century English literature, a new

literary trend _____ appeard. And it flourished in the forties and in the early fifties.

A. romanticism

B. naturalism


realism D. critical realsim

9.The title of the novel “Vanity Fair” was taken

form John Bunyan’s masterpiece “_____”.

A. Child Harold’s Pilgrimage

B. The
