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Specification for Masonry Works of QRD-2000(VI) Clean Coke Oven


Prepared by:


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Checked by:


Approved by:

December, 2007


Ⅰ. General principles

1. 本规程只适用QRD-2000(VI)清洁型焦炉的砌筑。

This specification is only applicable to masonry works of QRD-2000(VI)clean coke oven.

2. 焦炉各区域采用的耐火材料应符合设计标准的要求。Fire resisting materials used in all areas within the coke oven shall conform to requirements of design standard.

3. 焦炉施工过程中发生材料代用、技术质量问题处理、变更设计等事宜时,要预先取得设计部门同意,并签发设计通知单后方可施工。Material substitution, technical and quality problems handling, design variation and other affairs during construction of coke oven shall be authorized by design unit and the construction shall not be performed until design change notice is signed and delivered.

4. 整座焦炉耐火材料应采用同一个耐火材料厂生产,并质量指标相同的耐火材料。Fire resisting materials used for one coke oven shall be from one manufacturer and of same quality indexes.

5. 砌筑硅砖焦炉应在工作棚内进行,工作棚净空尺寸除应满足炉体施工外还应满足作业平台、集气管、除尘风管和护炉[wiki]设备[/wiki]的安装工作。Masonry works of silica brick coke oven shall be within work shed and the clearance of the work shed shall not only meet requirements of construction of oven shell but also installation of work platform, header, dedusting wind pipe and protective devices.

6. 焦炉砌体在烘炉前应防潮防冻,并保持5℃以上[wiki]环境[/wiki]。Masonry works shall be protected from moisture and frost and the ambient temperature shall be above 5℃.

7. 具备下列条件时,允许开始砌筑焦炉:Masonry works shall not be started unless the following conditions are ready:

(1) 焦炉基础、抵抗墙等土建构筑物已施工完毕并验收合格。

Construction of coke oven structures such as foundation and resistance wall have been finished, inspected and accepted.

(2) 筑炉大棚及相应的取暖、照明、防火装置和设备均已安装完毕,运送耐火砖及灰浆到现场。

Construction shed and related heating, lighting, fire protection device and equipment have been installed and firebricks and mortar have been transported into the construction site.

(3) 检查砌砖质量及标定中心线用的测量标桩已经建完,测量仪器准备完毕,校验合格。Survey pegs for checking brickwork quality and demarcating centerlines have been finished and surveying instruments have been prepared and well checked.

(4) 焦炉砌筑验收安全技术、劳动保护必须执行国家现行有关规定。

Inspection and acceptance of safety works and labor security for coke oven masonry shall be in accordance with related existing state specifications.


Ⅱ. Preparation works for masonry

1. 筑炉所用硅砖、隔热砖、纤维制品和耐火泥等均应存放在仓库内,避免风吹雨淋,浸湿或污染材料。硅砖间应留有0.5~0.6m的间隙,砖堆高度一般不超过3m。

Silica bricks, insulation bricks, fibre products and refractory mortar shall be put in storehouse to protect them from being drenched, soaked or polluted. 0.5~0.6m gap shall be left between silica bricks and the piling height of bricks is usually not more than 3m.

2. 焦炉用异型硅砖、粘土砖的外型应逐块检查和验收,运至施工现场的耐火材料和制品,应附有出厂合格证及规定的化验单。

As for special shaped silica bricks and clay bricks used for coke oven, their appearance shall be checked one by one. Fire resisting materials and products transported to the construction site shall be attached with ex-factory quality certificate and specified laboratory sheet.

3. 仓库到炉前的道路要平坦、畅通。应按搭配方案的规定数量往炉上运砖,严禁混乱使用。

Road from storehouse to front of coke oven shall be even and unhindered. Bricks shall be conveyed for bricklaying as per prescribed combination and quantity and misuses of bricks are strictly forbidden.

4. 砌筑前应根据预砌的情况与耐火砖公差分布情况,编制搭配使用上砖方案,并进行相应的加工。

Brick combination schemes shall be prepared before bricklaying as per pre-laying of bricks and tolerance distribution of refractory bricks and bricks shall be manufactured accordingly.


Ⅲ. Mortar

1. 砌筑焦炉应采用合格成品火泥。

Qualified finished fire clay shall be used.

2. 硅火泥和粘土火泥浆都需用洁净的水混练成中等稠度、工作性能良好而稳定的泥浆。泥浆在使用过程中,不能任意加水或其他添加剂。

Clear water shall be used to mix both silica fireclay and clay fireclay into stable mortars with medium consistency and well service behaviors. No water or other additives shall be randomly added into mortar during construction.

3. 耐火泥应在使用前临时调制,加有水玻璃及水泥的泥浆应使用前一小时内调制,泥浆结块后不能使用。

Refractory mortar shall be temporarily prepared before being used while mortar added with soluble glass and cement shall be prepared within one hour before being used, moreover, mortar
