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1. What does the woman mean?

A. The man can correct his mistake later.

B. The man can’t change his answer now.

C. The man didn’t begin the test on time.

2. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. On a plane.

B. On a bus.

C. In a bookshop.

3. What will the woman probably do?

A. She will drink some coffee.

B. She will get some tea for the man.

C. She will drink what she has with her.

4. When will the library be open on Saturday?

A. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

B. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

C. Closed.

5. What were the two speakers going to do?

A. Go sailing.

B. Playing tennis.

C. go bicycle-riding.



6. Where are the speakers?

A. At a Lost and Found.

B. At a bus stop.

C. In a shop.

7. Which of the following is the woman’s coat?


8. When was the butter bought?

A. The day before yesterday.

B. Yesterday.

C. One month ago.

9. What is the woman going to do with the butter?

A. Ask the supermarket to change it.

B. Eat it up.

C. Throw it away.

10. What else will the man want besides butter?

A. A package of sugar.

B. Fresh fish.

C. Nothing.


11. What happened to the man?

A. He was given a prize.

B. He lost his job.

C. His boss gave him sick leave.

12. How did the man feel about his boss’s decision?

A. He understood it perfectly well.

B. It was completely wrong.

C. He didn’t understand it.

13. What was the man not able to do?

A. Use a type writer.

B. Go to work late.

C. Use a computer.


14. What kind of colour TV will the man want to buy?

A. A cheaper one.

B. A smaller one.

C. A bigger one.

15. Why does the woman suggest that the man buy a smaller TV?

A. Because his sitting-room isn’t very big.

B. Because it’s bad for his eyes.

C. Because the man can’t afford an expensive TV.

16. What may the relationship be between the two speakers?

A. They are classmates.

B. They are husband and wife.

C. They are shop assistant and customer.


17. What’s th e girl’s trouble?

A. She can’t find a suitable job.

B. She can’t decide whether to go to university or get a job.

C. She wants to go to college but her parents don’t agree.

18. What does her parents want her to do?

A. To start working at once.

B. To wait until a proper time.

C. To study economics at a university.

19. What might the girl do in the end?

A. Go to university.

B. Look for a job.

C. Study at home and depend on her parents.
