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换句话说,机床的计算机取代穿孔带读入和执行程序,这就是 当今正在制造的计算机数字控制(CNC)机床。
The primary focus of this text is the MDI programming of computer numerical control (CNC) machinery.
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Machines may be programmed manually or with the aid of a computer. Manual programming is called manual part programming; programming done by a computer is called computer aided programming (CAP).
简单地说,数控机床是一种通过代码指令自动地沿着预编 程轨迹定位的机床,这里的关键词是“预编程”和“ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu码化 ”。
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Someone has to determine what operations the machine is to perform and put that information into a coded form that the NC control unit understands before the machine can do anything. In other words, someone has to program the machine.
数控专业英语 ppt 课件
书名:数控专业英语 ISBN: 978-7-111-38759-6 作者:王兆奇 出版社:机械工业出版社 本书配有电子课件
数控专业英语 ppt 课件
Unit 1 History of NC (NC的历史)
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Welcome to the world of numerical control. Numerical control (NC) has become popular in shops and factories because it helps solve the problem of making manufacturing systems more flexible.
还有大家熟知的手动数据输入方式(MDI),它是通过其 自带键盘,将程序输入到机床的控制器。本课将重点讲述手 工编程。
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Advances in microelectronics and microcomputers have allowed the computer to be used as the control unit on modern numerical control machinery. This computer takes the place of the tape reader found on earlier NC machines.
在机床能够运行之前,操作者必须确定这台机床 完成什么工作,并且将此信息译成数字控制装置可 以识别的代码形式,也就是说,操作者必须对机床 进行编程。
主句中Someone做主语,指代Operator;由and连 接的determine和put是两个并列谓语,其中what…… 引导determine的宾语从句,that……引导form的定语 从句;时间状语从句由before引导。
本文的着重点是计算机数字控制(CNC)机床的手动数据输入 方式(MDI)编程。
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In 1947, John Parsons of the Parsons Corporation, began experimenting with the idea of using three-axis curvature data to control machine tool motion for the production of aircraft components. In 1949, Parsons was awarded a U.S. Air Force contract to build what was to become the first numerical control machine.
欢迎来到数控世界。因为数字控制(NC)使制造系统柔 性更强,所以它已广泛应用于工厂车间。
In simple terms, a numerical control machine is a machine positioned automatically along a preprogrammed path by means of coded instructions. The key words here are “preprogrammed” and “coded”.
机床可以手工编程或在计算机的帮助下编程。手工编程是 由人工完成的,而计算机辅助编程(CAP)是通过计算机完 成的.
Sometimes a manual program is entered into the machine’s controller via its own keypad. This is known as manual data input (MDI). This text will focus on manual part programming.
微电子学和微型电脑的发展已经使计算机应用于现代数控机床 的控制装置,并取代了早期用于NC机床的读带机。
In other words, instead of reading and executing the program directly from punched tape, the program is loaded into and executed from the machine’s computer. These machines, known as computer numerical control (CNC) machines, are the NC machines being manufactured today.