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II. Quiz 3
1. to __n_o_d_ consent 点头表示同意 2. to __ho_l_d_ one’s head high 昂首挺胸(表示趾高气扬)
Fill out the blanks with the proper word.
3. to _s_h_a_ke_ one’s fist 挥动拳头(表示威胁)
Read the following sayings and translate them.
• 隔墙有耳。 • 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 • 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。 • 不可以貌取人。 • 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 • 不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。 • 昨日不会重现。 • 既来之,则安之。 • 旁观者清。 • 事出有因。
family ____ although he is adventuresome.
a. in the risk b. at the risk
c. in risk
d. at பைடு நூலகம்isk
2. You ___ him so closely; you should have kept your distance. a. shouldn’t follow b. mustn’t follow c. couldn’t have been following d. shouldn’t have been following
a. fired
b. being fired
c. they fired
d. having fired
8. Having no money but _____ to know, Tom
simply said he would go without dinner.
a. not to want anyone b. not wanting anyone
important that the only thing that matters is to
a. from being beaten b. being beaten
c. beating
d. to be beaten
II. Quiz 2
6. He resented ____ to wait. He expected the minister ____ him at once.
II. Quiz 2
3. When we reached the pier, the ferry had not arrived, so we ___. a a. needn’t have hurried
b. needed not worry c. didn’t need to hurry d. need not to have worried
10. Helen apologized for _____ the party. a. her not being able to attend
b. her being not able to attend
c. her being able not to attend
d. not her being able to attend
II. Quiz 2
4. —Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. —______. a. I don't b. I won't c. I can't d. I haven't
5. In international matches, prestige is so
a. to be asked, to see
b. being asked, to see
c. to be asked, seeing
d. being asked, seeing
II. Quiz 2
7. This missile is designed so that once_____
nothing can be done to retrieve it.
c. wanted no one
d. to want no one
II. Quiz 2
9. Mrs. Brown is supposed _____ for Italy last week.
a. to have left
b. to be leaving
c. to have been left d. to leave
Unit 4 Midnight Visitor
Robert Arthur
• Fields have eyes, and woods have ears. • Nothing brave, nothing have. • Judge not from appearances. • Never judge from appearances. • Justice has long arms. • No cross, no crown. • No one can call back yesterday. • Take things as they come. • The outsider sees the most of the game. • Where there is smoke, there is fire.
Quiz 1
stand around
stand for stand aside stand by stand against stand out stand up
往旁边站 没事站着 显示明显 代表 站在身边;袖手旁观 反对,抵制
II. Quiz 2
1. He is a responsible man. He never puts his
4. to _s_h_ru_g_ one’s shoulders 耸耸肩膀(表示冷淡或怀疑)
5. thumbs __do_w_n__ 用大拇指,表示反对或拒绝
6. thumbs ___u_p__ 用大拇指,表示赞成或夸奖
III. Writing
If I Were a Detective You must have read about some detective stories, or watched