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What is Marxism?

We are reproducing a slightly edited version of 'What is Mar xism?'by Rob Sewell and Alan Woods, last published in 1983 to celebrate thecentenary of the death of Karl Marx. The thre e articles on thefundamental aspects of Marxism, Marxist Ec onomics, DialecticalMaterialism and Historical Materialism were originally publishedseparately in the 1970s. These articl es are a good, briefintroduction to the basic methods of Marx ism and can serve as a firstapproach to the ideas developed b y Marx and Engels.

An Introduction to Dialectical Materialism Introduction to Hi storical Materialism Introduction to Marxist Economics1983 Introduction

Marxism, or Scientific Socialism, is the name given to the body ofideas first worked out by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels(1820-1895). In their totality, these ideas provide a fullyworked-out theoretical basis for the struggle o f the working class toattain a higher form of human society--socialism.

While the conceptions of Marxism have been subsequen tly developedand enriched by the historical experience of the working classitself, the fundamental ideas remain unshaken, providing a firmfoundation for the Labour Movement today. Neither before, nor sincethe lifetime of Marx and Engels hav e any superior, more truthful orscientific theories been advan ced to explain the movement of societyand the role of the wo rking class in that movement. A knowledge ofMarxism theref ore equips the proletariat theoretically for the greathistoric ta sk of the Socialist transformation of Society.

It is this fact which explains the constant and bitter attac ks onall aspects of Marxism which have been delivered by ev ery conceivabledefender of the existing social order--from th e Tory to the Fabian,from the Jesuit priest to the University p rofessor. From the veryspleen of these attacks, to the fact that they have to be kept upcontinuously despite the fact that eve ry single one of the pundits inturn claims to have "finally dis posed" of Marxism, the thinkingmember of the Labour Move ment can deduce two facts. First, that thedefenders of capitali sm recognise in Marxism the most dangerouschallenge to the ir system, and thereby also instantly confess thetruth in it, de spite all their attempts to "disprove" it. Second,that far from disappearing under the heap of abuse, quack"exposures", and flagrant distortions, the theories of Marx andEngels are stea dily gaining ground, particularly within the activelayers of th










