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Fat ,piggy eyes, gross jowled face,obese body...
Pale cheek with two high points,gray green eyes
A ttempt to square his shoulders but failed
a passive spectator
had no idea how to deal with it
The Duke said coldly," I see." The Duke cautioned,"better let him finish, old girl." "I suppose that doesn't matter now."
• The abruptness took him by surprise. • the house detective’s bulbous countenance Reddened. • At length ogilvie spoke. “this cigar botherin’ you, Duchess?” As she nodded , He put it out.
strong decisive
weak passive
Thank you !
Submissive (顺从的)and obedient
"it's no go, old girl. I'm
afraid. It was a good "I am the one to try."
"what you accuse us of is true. I am to blame. I was driving the car and killed the little girl."
The Duchess went to the door herself . Her own tension was not lessened by the knowledge that both might return at any moment. (para.2)
• The fat man rubbed his hands together , look down at his hypocritical thick, fleshy fingers. (虚伪的)and greedy
• “all I come for was to help you…but I got to live too.” Hypocritical and deceptive
Decisive Imperious
Appearance • A wave of cigar Accompanied.. • Piggy eyes surveyed sardonically (look :gross jowled face) personality unscrupulous (肆无忌惮的)and greedy
From this paragraph, we can see that she was so angry. But even in this situation, her words are not coarse(粗鄙的).
"But from what you say," the Duchess pointed out, her poise for the moment recovered, "it would do no good. The car would be discovered in any case.“(para.59)
Arrogant Clever
Well educated Arrogant
The Duchess of Croydon – three centuries and a half of inbred arrogance behind her – did not yield easily…Her tone would have withered anyone who knew her well. “You unspeakable blackguard(恶棍) ! How dare you!”(para.19)
When she calms down, she is still a decisive and smart woman. She tried to get more information from Ogilvie.
She declared decisively, "We will not pay you ten thousand dollars. But we will pay you twenty-five thousand dollars. " The house detective's eyes bulged. "In return for that," she continued evenly, "You will drive our car north.”(para.100-103)
The Duchess looked pointedly at the half-burned cigar in the fat man’s mouth. ”my husband and I find strong smoke offensive. Would you kindly put that out.”(para.3) She was at a disadvantage. So she try to change the situation.
• He missed, and the butt fell upon the Carpet where he ignored it. • His incongruous falsetto voice.
rude, vulgar and coarse
• “who else is in this place?” • Moving with surprising speed , walked around The suite…apparently satisfied. cagey(有戒心的) and experienced
探 长
Rude,sardonic,self-assured, trickish, greedy
夫 人
Strong and dominant,arrogant,decisive,vigilant ,very quick in response
公 爵
Dull,ready to compromise,passive,despairing