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historical origin历史起源

African black was first introduced the United States is in order to solve the problem of labor shortage,But due to the low level of education, to survive, they must rely on employment of white life, so the social status are low, and the rights can not be guaranted. This is the cause of the civil rights movement.


The struggle for equal suffrage 争取平等普选权

For the sake of the American civil war victory,In 1863 Lincoln issued the famous emancipation declaration of the black slaves, the black becoming a free agent in the law. Under pressure, the United States congress successively in 1865, 1868 and 1870, 13, 14, and 15 amendments to the constitution gives liberty, citizenship and the right to vote to black,This period is a milestone in the history of American black suffrage.


Political power boost 参政力量提升

From 1911 to the end of the second world war,Black economic status are beginning to improve,meanwhile,Blacks began to actively participate in political life, their political rights have improved a lot during this period. In Franklin Roosevelt's presidency period,Black people were first Roosevelt referred to as "our black citizens",then,As President Truman,Blacks in the election, education and other issues to further expand the rights and interests.


I Have a Dream 我有一个梦想

In the early 1960 s, with the American civil rights leader Martin Luther King's famous speech "I have a dream" to sign, the movement reached its climax.1964 of the Civil Rights Act and the voting rights act of 1965 represented by a series of laws and regulations enacted in fact apartheid was abolished, blacks the right to vote.上世纪60年代初,以美国民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金发表著名的演说《我有一个梦想》为标志,该运动达到了高潮。1964年的《民权法》和1965年的《选举权法》为代表的一系列法令和法规的颁布使得事实上的种族隔离制被废除,黑人的选举权进一步扩大。

Seeking the real equality 寻求真正的平等


Since the 1970 s, the American black political participation has entered a new era of enhanced black political consciousness, political base to expand, significant achievements. According to incomplete statistics, since the 1970 s, became the black increased 6 times of government officials in the United States, 9000 people.

