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Good morning/evening, everyone. It is my great honor and pleasur e to be here

sharing my lesson with you.

My number is _______, the content of this lesson is _________ _. I have been ready to finish this lesson in 7parts. (我准备从以下7个方面来完成这次说课容)

Part 1 analysis of the teaching material(第1部分分析教材)The content of this lesson is part A of unit 3 in PEP prim ary English book 5. This unit is talk about birthday. It includes several parts. They mainly deal with some key words, phrases and p atterns, such as .

This lesson is in the important position of this unit. If th e Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the

rest of this unit.

Part 2 analysis of the Ss (第2部分分析学情)

Our Ss are in grade 5.

They are active,curious and interested in new things. After learning English morn than 2 years, they have some basic English b ackground knowledge, so I should attach the inportance to the communi cation with Ss, and providing them the chances of using language.

Part 3 teaching aims (第3部分教学目标)


1 Aims on the knowledge

By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to read, rec oginze and use these words and phrases, such as …and Ss will als o be able to read, recognize and use these patterns, such as …

2 Aims on the abilities

By the end of the lesson. The Ss can understand the dialogue /passage , and get useful information from the listening and reading.

Ss will be able to talk about their daily routines. So the Ss’listening and speaking abilities will be developed. 3 Aims on t he emotion

In this lesson, the emotional aims is to arouse Ss’interest of english learning, to foster Ss’consciousness of good-cooperation and proper competition.

To help Ss to recognize and identify the differences between Ch inese and English cultures on .

Part 4 the important and difficult points (第4部分重点和难点)The important points is how to help Ss ask and answer the following questions: when do you do morning exercise. And how to h elp Ss be able to listen,speak read and write the new words: usuall y, evening,get up.

Difficult poins are how to help Ss use the important words a nd patterns correctly and skillfully.and to help Ss master the pronun ciation of some hard words: exercise.

Part 5 teaching methods (第5部分教学方法)

As we all know, the main teaching aims of learning English i n primary school is to cultivate pupil’s basic abilities of listenin g, speaking and their good sense of their english language.

So in this lesson, I will mainly use “Task-based teaching meth od, communicative language teaching method, and TPR teaching method”

Besides, I will also arrange 4 kinds of activites: they are si nging, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition.

Part 6 the teaching procedure (第6部分教学过程)


Now , I will mainly talk about my teaching procedures. I will f ollow five steps.

Step 1 waring up and revision

It is important to set up a better english learing situation for the pupils. So I will design two acitvities.

Activity 1 sing a song with Ss.

Activity 2 TPR (total physical response) to ask pupils to fol low my instructions: get up, have breakfast, watch TV…

Then ask and answer: what do you do on the weekend?
