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一般疑问句:Did he use to run? Used he to run?
反意疑问句:He used to run,didn’t he?
He used to run,usedn’t he?
be used to doing 习惯做某事
我习惯早起。 I am used to getting up early.
Personality(性格) outgoing/quiet/ shy funny/ serious
heavy/strong/thin/ hard-working/lazy of medium build
1b Listen. What did Bob’s friends use
give up doing=stop doing
He gave up smoking. 他戒烟了。
18.waste money/time 浪费金钱/时间 v.
waste paper 废纸
adj. 废弃的
September 2nd 在9月2号
an essay on science 关于科学的文章
seapk on the phone 讲电话
learn English on the radio/TV
Appearance (外貌)
tall/short / of medium height straight hair/ curly hair beautiful/ugly
Everyone was _s_u_r_p_r_is_e_d_ at the
_s_u_r_p_r_is_i_n_g_ news.
13.even though =even if 即使;尽管 (不能与but连用) Even though you don’t like English, you must learn it well.
14.no longer=not…any longer (状态不再持续,多用于现在时) no more=not…any more (动作不再重复)
He no longer live there. = He doesn’t live there any longer.
He no more cried when he saw his mother. = He didn’t cry any more when he saw his mother.
1.used to be 过去是;曾经是 used to do 过去常常做某事 there used to be 曾经有
She used to be a teacher.
He used to run.
否定句: He didn’t use to run. He usedn’t to run.
他过去常常骑自行车上学,但现在习惯 走路上学。 He used to ride to school, but now he is used to walking to school.
There used to be a factory here.
I used to take a walk after dinner.
15. take pride in = be proud of
He takes pride in his son. =
He is proud of his son.
16. pay attention to sth/sb 注意/留心…
17.give up sth give it/them up
10.in the end=at last=finally 最后/终于 at the end of… 在什么的结尾/尽头
11.make a decision to do = decide to do 决定做某事
12.to one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的是 To our surprise,he failed the exam.
a candy store 糖果店 a box of candy 一盒糖
2.chew the food 咀嚼食物 3. a piece of gum 一块口香糖
4.chat with sb about sth 与某人闲聊什么
5.daily life 日常生活 China Daily 中国日报
6. death n. 死亡 die v.死 dead adj. 死的
She is lying in bed with her eyes open. 她睁着眼睛躺在床上。
3. with+名词+介词短语
eg. Tom came into the classroom with his schoolbag on his back. 汤姆背着书包走进教室。
1.candy 不可数名词, 当指种类时是可数(candies)
Kate used to be late for school,but now
she is used to going to school on time.
2.terrify v.使害怕;使恐惧 terrifying adj.(修饰物)令人恐惧的 terrified adj.(修饰人)感到恐惧的 be terrified of 对什么感到恐惧
wk.baidu.com 练习坊
They had a party last night, d_i_d_n_’_t_t_h_e_y? He used to walk to work, _d_i_d_n_’t__h_e? Those are apples, _a_r_e_n_’_t_t_h_e_y_? Let’s go home, _s_h_a_ll_w__e? He’s been to Beijing,__h_a_sn__’t_h_e__? There is little water in the box,__i_s_t_h_e_re___? Everything is ok,___i_sn__’t_i_t____?
8.himself (反身代词 )他自己 他本身
enjoy oneself 玩的开心
help oneself to+食物 随便吃些/喝些
by oneself 自己独自,靠自己 teach myself English = learn English by myself 自学英语
9. patient adj.有耐心的 n. 病人 be patient with sb/sth 对…有耐心
He didn’t use to eat fish.
They used to sing songs, didn’t they?
Lily used to be a worker.
eg.Snakes are terrifying,and many people are terrified of snakes.
3.go to sleep fall asleep
wake up 醒来
be asleep 睡着的 be awake 醒着的
go to bed 上床睡觉 get up 起床
dying adj. 垂死的
eg. We were very sad when we heard Deng Xiaoping’ __d_e_a_th__.
7.cause v. 造成;使发生 cause sb/sth to do 致使某人/某物做
cause (sb) trouble/promblems (给某人)造成麻烦
1.with +名词/名词短语 eg. I want to buy a house with a garden.
China is a country with a long history. 中国是有着悠久历史的国家。
2. with+名词+adj
eg. I go to sleep with the light on. 我开着灯睡觉。
to look like?
1. Mario used to be _s_h_o_r_t_. He used to wear __g_la_s_s_e_s .
2. Amy used to be__t_a_ll__ .
used to have _____s_h_o_r_t _h.air 3. Tina used to have _r_e_d_ and _c_u_r_ly_hair.
4.on adj. 开着的;接通的;工作着的
(反义词 :off 关着的)
eg. The light is on. 灯是开着的。
be on 开着的 be off 关着的 (状态) turn on 打开 turn off 关闭 (动作)
on the table 在桌子上
Monday 在星期一