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3、PartI ---PartIV 为客观题,请把答案填在机读卡上,PartV 为作


题号PartI PartII PartIII PartIV PartV 总分



Part I Listening C omprehension (共15小题。每小题1分,共15分)

Understanding Short Conversations

Directions:Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow each

conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four

possible choices.Each conversation will be spoken once.(每个小对话只读一遍).Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.

1.A.His girlfriend can not be believed. B.his girlfriend is always late.C.His girlfriend is afraid of him. D.His girlfriend is not on time.

2.A.Because she doesn’t care about music.

B.Because she thinks it doesn’t express the reality of love.

C.Because it’s sung by Elvis.

D.Because it’s too sad.

3.A.He began to learn that Indians were romantic.B.He found it more and more romantic.C.He became bored after a period of time.D.He grew more excited about it.

4.A.Feelings of great sadness. B.Feelings of wanting to kill oneself.C.Feelings of being bettered. D.Feelings of wanting to be in love.

5.A.Because he has found love for the first time in years.B.Because he discovered that his sister is in love.C.Because he met a guy that loved his sister.








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D.Because he met a guy who helped him find love.6.A.Because he has forgotten her.

B.Because he has forgotten her name and address.

C.Because he doesn’t think the matter is important.

D.Because he can’t provided any more information.7.A.He makes her feel good. B.He has changed everything..C.He looks great.

D.He is very bright.

8.A.He thinks she is being friendly. B.He thinks friends can be in love.C.He thinks she loves him. D.He thinks he loves her.9.A.50percent. B.30percent.C.0percent


10.A.Father and daughter. B.Husband and wife.C.Teacher and parents

D.Son and mother.

Understanding a Long Coversation

Directions:Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions.Listen

carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.The

conversation will be spoken twice.(对话念两遍).Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil from 11to 15.(答案请图在答题卡11题到15题的对应位置.)

11.A.Because it’s private for her.

B.Because it’s unusual and she’s interested.

C.Because it’s from a girlfriend.

D.Because it’s a pink envelope.12.A.Whether the man has a girlfriend.

B.Whether all the letters are in pink envelopes.

C.Whether the letter is private.

D.Whether the man has been getting letters.13.A.The meaning of love.

B.The way to communicate by mails.

C.The appearance of his girlfriend.

D.The sender of the letters.14.A.Understanding . B.Love letters.C.Spiritual contact. D.Visual contact 15.A.Father and daughter. B.Mother and son.C.Wife and husband. D.Boyfriend and girlfriend.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure Structure((共40小题。每小题0.5分,共20分)


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