高考英语 专题二 代词

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一、either,both,neither,all,none,any的常见用法: either→肯定含义→作主语时谓语动词常用单数
两者both→肯定含义→作主语时谓语动词用复数 neither→否定含义→作主语时谓语动词常用单数
all→肯定含义→作主语时谓语动词的人称 和数应与all所指代的人或事物保持一致 三者或三none→否定含义→作主语时谓语动词单复 者以上 数均可,常与of短语连用 any→肯定含义→作主语时谓语动词单复 数均可,常与of短语连用
—When shall we meet again? ——我们什么时候再见面? —Any time you like. ——任何时间都可以。 None of these three words are (is) correct. 这三个词一个都不对。
选用上述不定代词填空,体会其含义 (1)Look! Either of his hands is covered with muddy.What a naughty boy! (2) Look! Both of his hands are covered with muddy.What a naughty boy! (3) Neither of his parents is from Hawaii.They both come from San Francisco. (4) All of the answers are not right.Some of them are apparently wrong. (5)—Would you like coffee or tea? — Either will do.
(6)John has tried many ways to solve the physics problems, but none works. 解析 根据语境可知,此题应填代词none指代not any way。 句意:约翰已经尝试了许多解决这些物理难题的方法,但是没 有一种方法有效。
三、another, other, the other, others, the others的用法
2.当形容词修饰复合不定代词时,应放在其后,作后置定 语。
——什么也没干。 —Who is in the room? Nobody 指人,可回答 ——谁在屋里? (no one) who的提问 —No one/Nobody. ——没人。
1.no one无任何人;nothing无任何物;none 可指代人或物 2.none作主语时,如果侧重所有人的情况,动词多用复数;如 果侧重每个人的情况,动词用单数。 None of us are perfect.我们都不是完人。 None of us has got a bike.我们谁都没有自行车。 【温馨提示】 none与no one都作“没有人”解,但略有区别。 none往往有固定范围,而no one没有这种限制。试比较:
other的复数形式,泛指 Some are carrying water, and
others 别的人或物(但不是全部),others are watering the trees.有
常与one连用,构成: the one...the other...。表示 other “全部、其余的一个或
None of the men answered. No one knows what will happen next. No matter what I did, no one paid any attention. [辨析] ——我不在家时有人找我吗? ——没有。 —Did anyone ask for me when I was out? —None.(×) —Did anyone ask for me when I was out? —No one.(√)
我想再吃点奶酪,但是一点也没剩。 much的提问;
As we were asleep,none of us heard the 可与of连用
—What are you doing now? 指物,可回答 ——你现在在干什么? nothing what的提问 —Nothing.
选用上述不定代词填空,体会其含义 (7)Some people think playing computer games benefits children a lot while others hold the opposite view. (8)—Can I help you? —This radio doesn‘t work.Please show me another .
四、one/ones, it/them,that/ those/the ones的用法 1.one代替与前面事物同属一类但非同一个的可数名词,表 示泛指意义,复数为ones。the one用来替代前面特指的单数名 词,有时可用that替代,相当于the+单数名词。 例如:
—Do you have a camera? ——你有相机吗? —No, but my faБайду номын сангаасher has one. ——没有,但是我父亲有一架。
选用上述不定代词填空,体会其含义 (7)Some people think playing computer games benefits children a lot while others hold the opposite view. (8)—Can I help you? —This radio doesn‘t work.Please show me another .
(9)I am just familiar with one of the two visitors to our school. The other is strange to me. (10)Helping other people in danger is a good virtue. (11)—Have you finished delivering the 108 letters of invitation? —Not yet.I have just delivered 60 of them and I am to deliver the others this afternoon.
五、复合不定代词:somebody, anybody, nobody, someone, anyone, no one, something, anything, nothing, everybody, everyone, everything
1.作主语时,谓语动词一律用单数。 Everything is ready for the meeting. Is anybody absent? 注意:其反意疑问句,指物时,一律用单数 Everything is ready, isn't it? 指人时: Somebody was here yesterday, wasn't he? Nobody came here yesterday, did they? (看不出单复数时,表泛指)
3.it 是用来代替前文出现的同一事物,即指同类同物,代 替可数或不可数名词。复数是they(主格),them(宾格)。
例如: There is a tall tree in front of the house and it is about 500 years old. 房前有一棵大树,它已经有500年的历史了。
(15)Some of these problems, similar to those of living in outer space, are pressure, lack of oxygen and weightlessness. 解析 考查代词。空格后有of短语作定语,而且指代的是复数名 词problems,所以用those。
用one, it或that填空 (12)A desk made of wood lasts longer than one made of plastics. (13) This news is less exciting than that . (14)There is only one dictionary left in the bookstore.Please go to buy it .
例如: Both of us are fond of music.我们两个都喜欢音乐。 If you keep still, you can sit on either end of the boat. 如果你不动的话,坐在船的哪边都可以。 Neither of these two words is correct. 这两个词都不对。 All (the) girls are out. 所有的女孩都出去了。
(16)The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than that in the newspaper. 解析 句意:网上的信息比报纸上的信息传播得要快得多。根 据句意,前后比较的都是“information”,但指代不同的内容, information是不可数名词,因此填that。
He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他 有两个女儿,一个是护士,另 一个是工人。
Of the six, one went home,and
the 特指其余的人或物
the others went to the cinema. 六个人中,一个人回家了,其 余(五个人)去看电影了。
I don't like this coat. Show
me another, please. 我不喜
或不可数名词连用;但如 We study Chinese, maths, 果前面有the, this, that, English and other lessons.我 some, any, each, every, no, 们学习语文、数学、英语和 one及my, your, his 等时, 其他课程。 则可与单数名词连用
My coats are too small.I need some big ones. 我的外套太小了,我需要一些大的(外套)。 The film is not as good as the one/that I saw yesterday. 这部影片不如我昨天看的那部好。
2.that 用来代替前面出现的特指的单数可数名词或特指的 不可数名词,可以指同一类;它的复数形式是those,用来替代 前面特指的复数名词,相当于the ones。
二、none,nothing,nobody(no one)的用法
—How much money do you have?——你
有多少钱? 指人或物,相
—None.——一点也没有。 当于no+名词
I want some more cheese,but there's ;可回答how
none left. many,how
例如: The weather in Beijing is colder than that of Fujian in winter. 北京的冬天要比福建的冬天冷。 The books on the desk are better than those/the ones under the desk. 桌子上的书要比桌子下面的书好。