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第一:Traffic lights





邀请一名幼儿蒙上眼睛,其他幼儿围成一个圈站好。蒙上眼睛的幼儿站在圆圈中间并发出指令“green light”,教师和其余幼儿可以在活动室内轻轻走动,边走边说句子 I like …;当蒙着眼睛的幼儿发出指令“red light”时,大家必须马上原地蹲下,不能发出声音,蒙着眼睛的幼儿走出去摸到一个幼儿的时候,用英文提问,如“What do you like?”等正在学习的句子,被摸到的幼儿回答出来之后,其他幼儿跟读三遍。这个幼儿被蒙上眼睛,其他人开始围着他站好,游戏继续进行。





First: Traffic lights

Type of game: Small group game

Resources needed: Flash cards, two pieces of paper (one has a picture of a red light; the other has a picture of a green light drawn on it), blindfold,

Rules of the game:

First the teacher will tell all the kids to stand up and make a circle, inviting a kid to come to the centre of the circle with a blindfold on.

When the kid in the centre says, “green light”, all the other kids will walk around

the circle, at the same time repeating the target language sentence, such as, “I like ice cream” or “I like bread”. The content of the target language will be based on the flash card that the teacher holds up for the students to see.

But when the kid says, “red light”, all the kids must stop and squat down quietly. The kid in the centre will try to tag somebody. When he/she touches somebody, all the other kids should ask, “What do you like?” The one who was tagged will answer according to the card. All the kids repeat the same sentence three times.

Change the kid in the circle. Continue the game.

Things to consider:

This game is only suitable for the kids of level 2 and level 3. Monitor the game well to make sure the student who tags others does it gently and avoids hitting others in the face. Demonstrate how you want the students to tag others.

To make the activity more fun you can ask the students to hop around the circle, fly around, swim around… Keep in mind safety and classroom furniture or other hazards when letting the students be more active.

第二: Turn and shout









Second: Turn and shout

Type of game:Group game or pair work

Resources needed: Flash cards

Rules of the game:

For level 1, first, the teacher should invite two kids to come to the front and give each of them a flash card to hold in front of their bodies.Then ask them to stand back to back. When teacher says ‘1, 2, 3, go’, the two kids need to start slowly walking forward. After the teacher and all the other kids finish saying the question three times, the two kids should turn all around and shout out the sentence according to their partner’s card. For level 2, the teacher should invite two groups of kids to the front. And give a card to one of the kids in each group. Then follow the same rules as No 1 above.

For level 3, the kids should put the cards on their own back as the teacher and the other kids say the question sentence three time, the kids with cards on their backs should turn around and around. When the teacher and other students stop talking, the two kids should shout out the sentence according to their partner’s card.

第三: Name four

